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any boot recomendations


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It's tough to give you a good answer without knowing something about you, your ability level, riding style, etc.

Have you seen this page: http://www.bomberonline.com/store/boots/boot_aplction.cfm which compares the various boots sold at Bomber and describes their use.

I've ridden in several different boots and have yet to find one that I am in love with. I've spent most of my time in Raichle x25's which is essentially a stiffer version of the LeMans. The stiffness is just about right for me, but I decided to try some Suzukas this season because I think I might really like the asymetric flex in light of some biomechanical issues I have.

How much do you weight, what type of riding do you do, and how stiff do you like your boots?

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thanks, i was seriously cincidering getting them, how are the Indy's

Bobdea is correct that the Lemans canting mechanism sucks and it doesn't have springs. However, I found the Suzukas to be uncomfortably stiff for me at 150 lbs (Indy is stiffer). I think Dane A. is like 180 lbs and he didn't like the stiffness either. Maybe if you are 200 lbs or higher... I'm currently riding 324s, which are the exact same mold as the Lemans I'm told. It's not a top of the line race boot (no walking mode) like the Indy, but I think it is definitely a decent boot and worth rideable despite its obvious flaws.

Update: 100 lbs??? at 100 lbs there is no way I would recommend the Indy for you, but that's just me.

Update2: Indy is the *stiffest* boot in the lineup. Are you sure you aren't confusing it with another model? I would say that it's stiffness and the lack of a walk-mode make it less attractive to people who are lighter, don't race/bomb slopes, and don't want to limp around in like skiiers.

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what kind of flaws does the indy have besides the heel and toe. I know it is soft like the SB413 but what ease is there that i really need to know about

You mean LeMans, right? That's the one that is one step up from the SB413; the Indy is the top-end super-stiff race boot.

The cant mechanisms breaking is my only complaint that is specific to the LeMans / SB series boots. The toe and heel pads on the Suzuka and Indy, as well as the zip-tie like closures, are also problems on the Suzuka/Indy/AF series boots.

At 100 pounds, I would recommend the LeMans, perhaps order an extra set of cant mechanisms, (http://www.bomberonline.com/store/boots/parts_sb_cuff_cant.cfm - each boot has one small and one large) and if you find they are too soft, add a Booster strap or hunt for a used race tongue on the classifieds.

Lonerider, you will not be surpised to hear that I plan on riding my Suzukas in powder mode at all times ;)

Man, I'm itching to ride. You can tell because I spend all my time here being a post whore. "Trench Digger" here I come!

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Do you know any other good boots to recomend?

At 100 pounds - I honestly think the LeMans is your boot. The other option, if you can find them, might be a Head Stratos (not the Stratos Pro or LTD - just plain Stratos). However those might be too soft, perhaps Baka Dasai could comment...

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Do you know any other good boots to recomend?

Sadly, there simply isn't much choice out there. Burton stopped making boots (although there are used ones for sale), leaving Deeluxe/Raichle and Head the only two boot makers readily available in the US... if you or you parents have a lot of money, I hear the UPZ boots are pretty good. Aside from that... I think the Lemans or the Head Stratos (if you have wide feet) are you only options.

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How wide are your feet? I have 324s (same mold as the Lemans, as mentioned earlier) and they're too narrow for my feet, which are D width. I got some UPZs last year that seem to fit quite a bit better, but I haven't ridden them yet, so can't be 100% sure.

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