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ISO your non-groomer alpine footage for homemade movie


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i'm making a little home made movie and I'd like to include video footage of solid riding from hardbooters in the following terrain types:

trees, bumps, steeps, chutes, getting airs - basically anything along those lines. all you need to do is send me your raw footage (or send me a link if you know of one) and i will try to include you if the clip adheres to the following guidelines:

1. non .mov (quicktime) preferred

2. riding / technique does not have to be perfect, but should be smooth

3. camera work should be relatively smooth, decent resolution, etc.

4. rider name and email

you can email me off of BOL or post the clip on the web.

that's about it for now. If I use your footage you will be credited at the end of the film.


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spectacular crash footage (folding nose) etc encouraged!!!!

Neuffy, statistically speaking (purely numbers, that is), injury rates for skiing vs. snowboarding are about the same. I believe the term "snowboarding" encompasses all disciplines. I think consensus is that generally speaking (so hardbooters might not be included in this statement) , skiiers go faster than snowboarders- or at least have teh ability to and still be in control. Interesting that you find what we do so much more dangerous than skiing- is there a specific reason other than speed and putting all your eggs in one basket (edge)?

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Although on the side topic of skiing, with new skis, I did sorta like it last season. Not as good, but ... safer. Much, much safer. And easier.

I'm curious about that thinking too, Neuffy. I don't think it applies to me: I can pretty much guarantee that I'm 1,000 times safer on a board than on skis, both for myself and the people around me. (Pause here for mental image of Dan careening through a knot of Ski School students at 30 mph, poles flailing wildly, barely maintaining balance on one ski. As long as you're imagining, assume I've got my face painted like my avatar too - it would be rather appropriate.)

Do detachable bindings make things all that much safer?

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hey Nekdut Neil,

what's up man? ironically, i volunteered my services earlier this week. he has been slammed, has not had a chance to work on em. i can likely get teh mini dv's encoded, but i don't have a physical dvd burner, so the files would be viewable on web or a data cd. not sure at this point what he's going to do.


ps i got at least 1 pic of you -on lift chair

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I wish I knew. I bought that Fish for a trip to Mammoth that go cancelled at the last minute. Then I dragged it with me twice out west in anticipation of some powder and got zero snowfall. Maybe next year.


I have a tentative deal on that board with a friend of mine. He's going to try it out first thing this winter. If he doesn't like it, I'll give you first shot at it.


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