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Elastomer ring on TD2. Which one to pick?


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I'm pretty much ready to order my TD2 but one last detail needs to be decided before. The elastomer ring.

I was looking for some input on which one you use, your weight, where you ride (icy vs soft snow) and any other comments you might have to help me do the best possible choice.

Thanks a lot


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Own a set of yellow and purple, and have ridden with the red as well. The differences are, IMO, minimal. I have yet to try the "new" yellow e-rings.

Hey Mike T, are you talking about the uber-soft yellow (kinda opaque looking) ones? If so, I remember seeing them when Fin was in Utah this past spring (WTC). Some folks demoed 'em and liked 'em!. Didn't see them at the Bomber store though :confused: .

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Oh, forgot - I'm about 5'8" and 155-157 lbs. Rode these bindings mounted on stuff from 164 freeride/bx to 197 sims burner and several in between. Hard snow, good groom, chop, taters, pow - they work! Don't hesitate - just get 'em! Initially I ordered the purple and later got the yellow - can't say I see any real difference between 'em while riding. Handling them, sure! Just not while riding. Still want to try the real-soft yellow ones though.

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Weight: somewhere in the neighborhood of 175

Condidions: Everything in Utah - which would be considered soft to most people!

I have ridden the purple "medium" e-rings, and the new "super-soft" opaque yellow rings.

I personally prefer the new soft rings - I can definitely tell the difference between them and the purple rings.

I've ridden the purple rings on a little bit of everything. From a Liquid Race 169 to Madd 170's and 180's to Viruses.

I have only ridden the yellow rings on a Madd BX, Rad-Air Lamm LSD freeride board, and on the Liquid Race, and as I mentioned, I prefer the yellows.

Anyone want to buy a slightly used pair of purple rings? :rolleyes:

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Guest Randy S.

I'm 200lbs, 5'10" and ride in all sorts of conditions in Tahoe (we don't have what you'd call ice, but we do have hard-pack). I bought the original yellow and purple ones. I ride the yellow (the older yellow ones, not the new super-soft ones - I need a pair of those) all the time. They are awesome.

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If you purchase the yellow e-rings at the BOL Store, the new super-squishy yellow 'thane is what will come to your door.

I've ridden the purple and super-squishy yellow on TD2's and I love the super-squishy yellow rings. There is a difference in performance but maybe not enough to rush out and buy new e-rings. If I had the purple e-rings I'd be very happy until I had some extra cash to buy up. I bought the super-squishee yellows over the summer and I can't wait to ride them on my new Tanker 200cm thanks to hardbooter.com and Commander Dave.

The reason I bought the super-squishee yellos is because I rode a Donek Axis 162 or 163, whatever it took, at WTC '05 at Snowbasin with the aforementioned setup of TD2's and super-squishees, and Raichle 413's and loved the ride. Perhaps the biggest upgrade was the Donek plank but I can't disregard the sugary pineapple suppleness beneath my tugboats. That and, gasp!, TD2 Step-ins which provided Increased response and comfort.

Many happy gouges,


long live radioioambient.com! Forest, you Rock!

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