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OT: How to post a video

dr. sandman

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You need to have a hosting web site of your own to upload your movie to, and then you can point at it with the url tag:

e.g. My movie is [ url=www.myhost.com/mymovie.wmv] here [ /url].

I think there are a few free hosts around - these days I have seen a lot at www.putfile.com. I have no idea how they stay in business, as the bandwidth they serve must be pretty ridiculous...

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You need to have a hosting web site of your own to upload your movie to, and then you can point at it with the url tag:

e.g. My movie is [ url=www.myhost.com/mymovie.wmv] here [ /url].

I think there are a few free hosts around - these days I have seen a lot at www.putfile.com. I have no idea how they stay in business, as the bandwidth they serve must be pretty ridiculous...

Thanks! Much like www.tinypic.com - I will give it a go.


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I was going to offer to host the video if it isn't too large a file but I checked out www.putfile.com like you suggested.

I tried an upload to the site. Nothing to do with boarding but it's pretty incredible nonetheless. The intro takes up half the file but it's worth watching anyway.

Click here to watch unicycle62

I just watched the video I posted and found the site can be slow loading and buffering problems exist. The price is right though.

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I've never clenched my gut & sphincter so hard to watch a vid before.... that was amazing....do you wear ear plugs?.......you know, to block out the clanging of those huge cahones on that seat?....I hope it has shocks. Thanks, now I know what a pussy I am.

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PeterC - Kris Holm was the subject of a film called "WhiteTrax" that won the Jury Award at the Banff Film Festival in 2003 and every scene was shot on snow. The dude rode his unicycle in bumps, the glades, and even the half pipe. I'll try to find it and post it as well. Last summer I watched a show on OLN about him riding his "muni" (mountain unicycle) through Bhutan. And no, munis don't have shocks - the thick tires take all the shock. Check out his website


He also manufactures gear. I bought one of his saddles after I did my first 12 mile ride. The stock seat left my thighs bleeding. :angryfire

No way I'd try the insane stuff he does. After 2000 unscathed parachute jumps I had my first ever fracture a year ago as a result of a UPD (UnPlanned Dismount). The result was three pins in my right hand a few days before the child bride and I left for two weeks in Hawaii. I promised her I wouldn't ride it again until after our trip to Montana and Idaho later this month.

Bode Miller trains on a unicyle. Do we need a better reason?

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