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OT: So where did YOUR screen name come from?


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Guest Ghostrider

Long time ago in a land far away...actually it was 5 years ago in Blue Sky Basin at Vail, my buddy and I were doing stupid things like jumping cat trails. We had some motorola talk abouts to let eachother know if it was clear on the other side. During the boredom of a lift ride (we're from the midwest where lift rides dont exceed 1 minute) we decided we needed call names. He was about to attend the Naval Academy in hopes of becoming a fighter pilot at the time so it was only natural that the name Maverick be his. His dad then decided to claim the name Goose and his mother...Mama Goose.

I was at a loss until sheer brilliance hit me. I was standing at the top of a run and sent him down to go check out the landing of my "great idea"..Me being whitty at the time and given the current Top Gun theme requested a fly by. Maverick also being whitty replied back to tell me there were people in my landing but he did it with a "negative ghostrider, the pattern is full." From then on...it stuck. As soon as we hit the slopes, he was Mav and I was Ghostrider...eventually it caught on and I became known as ghostrider on the slopes. Some people think its because i usually wear all black and you can never see my face because of my full faced helmet and mirrored lenses that never come off...but nope...it was movie brilliance. :lurk:

ps: he did graduate and is awaiting his assignment to fly f-18's now.

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Knew a guy with a last name of Kildo. Friends knew him as Killdog. He called me Tilledog. ( last name is Tille ) I love dogs too....

Mellow Johny,

I would have figured you for a pink outfit.


I'm not suprised you have an alter ego. It would suprise me more if you didn't have 5 or so.


Loved the book. The movie was hella lame but I've seen it a few times anyway 'cause I loved the book.

Utah Carver...

Well, what can I say... That small town, Utah liquer store up north is really gettin' to ya, eh? Your posts never cease to amaze me...


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I can testify to the sufferfest riding with the Yellow Blur AKA MellowJohnny! I didnt know any better when I did my profile and just put in my first name. I would have done firemanart cause thats what one of my wife's family called me whan I was trying to get hired. I used firemanart on another forum but couldnt figure out why I couldnt log on-then I realized I typed in friemanart. Im sure people have called me other names but I usually dont stop to figure it out.

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I was looking for a name/logo actually for my little ebay business of buying and selling Alpine gear, when one night I stumbled across the "ar(" idea. I threw the angel on the end and...boom, ar(angel was born. I liked the idea of a "(" running through the name like the trenches we leave when we ride. My license plate even says "arcangel" on my car. People at the lodge seem to get a kick out of it...? I went previously on this site years ago as "woodman", but prefer the ar(angel name :ices_ange

Have fun,


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Years ago (I think when we had Prodigy for an online connection) you could enter a name with spaces so mine was k (for my name, Kathy) in pa (Pennsylvania) but no longer in Pennsylvania.... Pretty boring name, but it got squished together and it stuck. I use kinpa a lot on just about everything I can online. It was also my email until January 1st of this year when Yahoo somehow messed up my account (imagine that?). So, after many years of having the same email address I had to pick something new. Being angry at yahoo and not feeling creative, I just used my name. (Not that "kinpa" was too creative either, but at least I could usually get it!)

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OK, so here's my small "brush with fame"... as a kid and young teen, our family would spend the summer at our cottage. Our summer-time neighbors were Neil Peart's parents. "Mr. Peart" taught me how to paddle a canoe properly. I wonder now how he felt about me playing 2112 over and over and over again. He never once mentioned it was his son playing drums nor did he complain about hearing it too often.

Great story!

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:rolleyes: My last name being Woodard the nickname "woodman" or better yet my high school nickname "woodie" ( :eek: ) has always raised an eyebrow or two. The ar(angel thing gets funny responses too because some people think that it has a religious meaning. Guess "Woodies" may have been a better name for my ebay store..... :D

Have fun,


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Guest johann

One night while playing wingman for my roommate while he tried to seduce his first freshman girl, I was stuck chatting with some barkers that didn't even have an interesting personality to allow one to use the phrase "she has a good personality at least"

anyways, when they had forgot my name from before and asked a second time, being fed up, I called myself johann, it was the first thing off the end of my tongue that I could think of as a bit non-generic.

Of course they didn't believe me, that was part of the little game i felt like playing at the time, and of course the adage "one would lie and the other would swear to it" was applied by the rest of my friends in the group.

somehow, it moved from those two girls to the rest of the college campus; where people I didn't even know would say "hi johann" etc etc .

sides, it has a few less sylibals than jonathan and rolls off the lip a little easier.


at least on http://barbecuebible.com/board/ the post count has little graphics for the higher you get on it.

currently i'm rare; least its better than raw!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep....must be August! My real name is Michael but since my wife is from Puerto Rico, I dig Hispanic culture and am always practicing my spanish it just seemed natural for everyone to refer to me as "Miguel".

When I was involved in the Skydiving world many years ago I was called "Skyclops". What else would you call a skydiver with only one eye! You see...I got in a fight with a hand grenade in Nam and lost.


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  • 2 weeks later...

first bomber browse in months......

when i was about 19 or so... in a very short six month span

1) lost my apartment due to lack of funds and loss of roomie

2) lost my job due to inability to put the bong down

3) lost my truck and liscense for 10months due to not paying insurance due to nos. 1and 2

4) had to stop delivering pizzas due to #3

5) moved back home with the folks

6) lost my girlfriend (of 5 1/2 yrs) due to her inability to put the bong down, and be faithful.

my buddy said to me one day "you're the ultimate underdog!"

only nickname that stuck with me that i sort of took a liking to.

guess i just needed a pet (or a horse) to die and i coulda been a country star! later-chris

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I want'ed #2 but the forum wouldn't allow that name. It comes from Austin Powers.

For my ski pass here I got dressed up like Roger Moores Character complete with eye patch for the photo. And then proceded to have heated arguments with the admin staff for the field.


"Is that your REAL name?"

"Yes of course it is... First name symbol #, second name 2.... yes the number not the word!"

"Occupation? ...Henchman"

"Ski or Board? ...Biathlon" :AR15firin

They saw the humour in it in the end esp the liftys. :D

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