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Anyone put plates on a skateboard yet?


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If so, got any pics? How'd it turn out? Is this an application that favors a soft hard binding, or can you get away with a Bomber or Catek?

Not actually thinking about doing this myself, just curious. I noticed that I tend to stand with my feet at pretty steep angles on my longboard, but of course there's limited control like that 'cause you can't pressure the "edges". Being clamped on would help...that and a narrower deck, I guess.

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If so, got any pics? How'd it turn out? Is this an application that favors a soft hard binding, or can you get away with a Bomber or Catek?

Not actually thinking about doing this myself, just curious. I noticed that I tend to stand with my feet at pretty steep angles on my longboard, but of course there's limited control like that 'cause you can't pressure the "edges". Being clamped on would help...that and a narrower deck, I guess.

LOL... in my eccentric opinion, that would not be an effective solution for a variety of standard reasons that I'm sure you have thought of as well. There HAVE been people that have put strap bindings onto a mountainboard... but it would suck hard for pavement skateboarding. I've seen another guy put mountainboard bindings onto his carvestik so he jump out of park bowls like one would with a snowboard (since a snowboard "olllie" is much much easier than a skateboard ollie).

I too stand with steepeish (45/45) angles on my longboard. I've gone even steeper (60/55) on my turny slalom board because you don't need to pressure the edges as hard (if you ever watch John Gilmour, CMC, or PSR ride, they ride their alpine boards just like their slalom skateboards). So trucks softer bushings/springs helps a lot as well as a narrow deck as you mentioned. You should also check out S2 Skyhooks. You can get noticeably more leverage with them - although I think they are overkill for longboards (I was riding a Freebord). If you were ever to leverage a board edge that much you would cause the urethane wheels to slide out in nearly all cases.

After a while I got used to not being attached to the board. I try to think of it as a way to hone my technique - strengthening your ankles, getting more power out of your body naturally... instead of torqueing everything with artificial mechanical advantage. It's like at race camp where they have everyone ride with their boots walk-mode so you don't use the stiffness of the hardboot as a crutch. I mean heck... when you see a 12-year old girl carve like mad on a longboard *bare-footed*...

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Would look great but would be terrible if you were to wipeout. Would need

to wear one of those sumo suits to minimize the upper body damage from

not being able to release your feet from the board. Been riding skateboards

far longer then snowboards and its always been nice to be able get rid of my

skateboard in sketchy situation. Wore out a few sets off pads and hardly any

scarring to show for it.

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:D :eek:

I was going to say pretty much exactly what jkallinen said.

It looks like it would be really, really fun... but think it would hurt bad enough to not be worth it. Snowboards are only tolerable because you usually hit snow when you fall.

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there's a company that sells skateboard bindings... lox skateshoe and binding. not sure if there's any benefit of a shoe/binding.

mounting plates to a skateboard might be interesting for shallow hills.

just imagine an eight-wheeled skateboard...

with a skateboard brake system...

with your plate bindings and some old boots.

i would think it would be closer to simulating carving on rails -- you have two axis to carve on instead of one.

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