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Did You Know Sigi Grabner Has His Own Snowboard Company

Guest nic

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Ya the nose on those boards look crazy. My coach Thedo remmelink got a few to test for our hood training camp on the 11 to the 17th. Im going to test them my self to see how good they run. I know sigi and if im right im shure these boards will be awsome

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Those spec numbers look a lot like Burton designs (except for the long noses and big taper on the 185). I believe Sigi was a longtime Burton rider, I wonder if these boards are being made by Burton. Wouldn't that be interesting.

Those noses are something else though. They're 9cm longer than anything Burton used since the days of the Safari and M series. Their standard formula for the FPs and such was a 15cm nose and 5cm tail. I guess they're supposed to be good in the powder?

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Jack the idea is, while the board is on edge the leading profile of the nose is high enough to get the board out of the rut and smoothly through the beach ball size holes that can be formed during the finals of a duel event, it also alows some materal in front of the leading edge to help absorb and dampen it is very smart thinking...ugly but smart. Although I have not riden the product yet the word on the street from those who have is that it is very race course spacific in ride and proformance, hence the taper much like the Kesslers I ride. I rode the Oldenberg Sigi designed before the SG line and it was only on par with Burton stock product but it was also shaped like a FP we have some of Sigi's old race stock burton gear and these new shapes and flexs as well as new nose profile are a big step from the burton product of the past

photos here

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Thanks for the info Bordy. The sidecut radii are conspicuously random numbers. I would presume these were generated by using Burton's technique of designing around edge length and sidecut <i>depth</i> rather than radius. Also, the 13.31m radius on the 178 is a radius Burton used for several years in the FP line.

So one could surmise that SG is either using experience from his Burton days, or is having the boards made by Burton.

I wish him luck!

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I cant wait to try these boards this week. I will let you guys know what i think. on the other issue about burton. you cant forget that sigi was riding and help design boards for tomahawk. Im thinking that maby he took ideas from both burton and tomahawk and came up with a super sick idea. For racers these boards could be a breakthrough. Finally a board made specificly for PGS and PSL

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well i just got back from a nice trip to hood and yes i tested the new sigi boards.

My first thought was they really look weird, more so then the web site pics. These boards are made in Austria at the burton factory, I thought that was very intresting.

We had the 185 and the 162 and only had time to test the 162 but there not much different.

These boards are so soft you would think there your freestyle board. On the hill they feel very light and quick, but on the ice they are weak with no dampness at all. The board dident hold very well on edge, and you could feel everything under you. I was not impressed. As the day went on the snow was a lot softer, and the board got better. But still was not impressed. This board did not do anything for me. The old Burton primes were a better ride.

The taper in the tail would be cool if the board was not so soft. For me it felt that you had to be so aggressive to get across the hill. As for the long nose that follow's Kessler's idea of a smother riding when starting your turn it worked ok. You will see in the up comming season a few companies with the same idea. Its a great idea and will probley become the standard.

So all and all i would rate this board 5 out of 10. If you are aggressive on your board, this board is not for you. If you like to ride powder on plates this board would Probley be really fun.

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