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OT: Lance and his chances


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Whadya think?

Will Lance make it 7 in a row this summer?

Has the drive to do it gone out?

Will the Discovery channel get their money's worth out of the deal?

What about Tyler Hamilton and his boneheaded continued use of doping following his Olympic "gift"? He's probably number 2 in terms of recognition in the sport. Will his suspension hurt cycling?


58 days 'til the Tour....

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Well, if his performance in the Tour of Georgia race is any indicator, he's way off-pace from last year. On the other hand, he's LANCE! :)

If he wins 7, the French will riot and try to murder him. (That would be the ultimate insult to the French.) Or maybe not---maybe they'd finally accept him as the great athlete he is?

He's got my vote---I don't think any of us mere mortals can even begin to relate to the kind of torture those riders go through in the Tour de France. Unbelievable.


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Maybe it's just me, but once I decide I DON'T want to do something.......

Let alone go thru hell....

I think the statement he made last year about sitting a year off is telling....

I don't think his heart's into it anymore. I certainly wouldn't want to be contracturally bound to an event-1 of two years participation and then think "well, I'll take a year off to chill out" then try to prepare/psych myself out to ride in hell. Not that France doesn't look nice....

Plus, there's a lot to be said about the inspiration of a challenge. Lance just has himself to compete with now

Of course, the pop press is all into the "fate" of American cycling....

I pretended I was Greg LeMond once, pretending I'm Lance now, the future??? I'm sure somebody will emerge

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every year (at least for the past 6/7) folks watch him in the spring races and try and judge his "fitness" and every year no matter what he looked like in the spring races he won. every year there is the rumor that they changed the course to make it harder on him or to favor another rider. how many times does he have to do it before people don't doubt him?

i hope they put on a good race, i will be there watching some of the early stages.

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and every year the same suspicious rumors of doping around him and most of the best tour de france athletes...

I'm personnaly suspicious, not because he made it 6-7 times, but because he was never clear of what he took etc...

I also remember the times when Griffith Joiner won the olympics ( 1988 ) and no one in the US press/ sport field ever accused her of doping... (she still holds the o and WR records...)... She actually officially never died because of her past doping, and Marion Jones never took anything either...

Hmm i like the smell of a flame war in the morning!



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Originally posted by bobdea

of changing changing the route of the tour to make it so someone else wins a couple years ago

Did they ever do that?

They do it every year for the last 3-every year he surprises them. The first change-more hills....Ha

The second change-flats first, then hills....Last year, see how well that worked....

This year, they are threatening the same thing....

The French hate Lance, they are convinced he dopes

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I don't think there's any doubt that the guy is a superhuman athlete, love him or hate him. Anyone whose heart can beat at 200 all day is just a freak.

It's just a shame that the doping thing taints all the sports it touches. If anyone does anything out of the ordinary they're accused straight up of being a juice head. I assume that everyone on that Tour is, and all that happens if Lance is taking it, is that it just levels the playing field. I assume the same with nearly all Olympic and pro sports. But look at how that doping scandals have tainted Bonds and McGwire - amazing athletes too, but innocent or guilty, history will never look at them the same way again.

When I was bodybuilding, drug testing was just a joke. I remember each January they'd tell you what they were looking for, and all the juice heads would just switch to something else. Pro sport is no different ... if they're testing for X, take Y, and that's the name of the game - ask Balco.

Personally, I think they should all save their money and effort, and say ... if you want to take it, knock yourself out. Get yourself a good chemist and go for it. It's a free world. Just don't try to fool people with the whole "we are drug free" thing ... everyone knows it's crap.

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