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OT: Just switched to a Palm Treo 600---sweet!


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For those of you who are electronic gimcrack users...for the past two years I've been toting around both a cellphone (little LG thing) and a Palm device (Tungsten T3). They both worked fine, but I hated dealing with two pieces of gear.

So when my Verizon "New Every Two" date rolled around a couple weeks ago (when they give you $100 toward a new phone...after two years...and if you commit to two more years) I decided to go with a combo phone/PDA.

I looked at the Blackberry and the Treo. I liked the ergonomics of the Blackberry better...but when the guy at the Verizon shop told me (truth or not) that I'd incur higher data charges using the Blackberry (as it's a "push" device, instead of "pulling" data when you need it), I went with the Treo 600.

I'm loving it! It seems silly to say, but it's really been a liberating feeling having both phone and Palm in one device! :) I thought the thumb keyboard would be a hassle, but it's turned out to be surprisingly easy to use (even tho' those keys are tiny). Even better, I downloaded/installed an app called "Graffiti Anywhere" which lets you use Graffiti on the Treo touchscreen...and (for the final custom tweak) installed the Graffiti 1 library (which is much better than Graffiti 2). Now it's really sweet, since I can just hold down a button and write with the stylus like I always have. (Or use the keyboard.)

I've used Snapper Mail to grab email, and it works great. The Treo has a camera too, though image quality is obviously lame (probably good for those few moments when you've just got to get a photo of something). So far, battery life has spanked anything else out there---I went for about 2-3 days before needing a charge again (with normal usage).

One additional tweak was installing "Ringo," a custom ringer app...and now I have my own MP3s as ringtones (e.g. "King of Pain" for when my ex-wife calls.)

So for what it's worth, the Treo gets two thumbs up from me!


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Yeah, I totally cracked up when I read an article on "Blackberry Thumb" (tendonitis in overused thumbs). It seems no body part is immune from repetitive stress injuries these days.

I'm not worried, because I use Graffiti and the stylus whenever I need to write anything more than a brief note. It's very easy on the hands and fingers!


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Just went down the other day and checked out the 600, but I'm gonna wait to see the 650. I'll probably still go with the 600, but I figure I can wait a bit. I like the idea of the Palm & Cell together, I almost picked up the Kyocera myself when I got my slider. The prices on the 600 are really good right now, and I'm due for an upgrade anyhow. I liked the keyboard too and found that one handed use was easier than expected. I got to play with the floor model for about 20 minutes while waiting my turn to get helped...:mad: I gotta admit I love these gadgets and use them probably more than I should, but hey, boys and their toys right? :)

Have fun,


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Guest jeremiah

Scott-is the Treo 600 a tri-mode phone? I've been lusting after one for quite some time, and I think I may have to treat myself, but I don't want to degrade my existing phone service. I found that my tri-mode gets much better reception in VT than my wife's digital only phone, and I'm not sure if she would want to take my old phone just to ensure that we have connectivity in the boondocks.


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Hi Jeremiah...

Nope, the Treo 600 is only dual-mode. Funny, I didn't even ask about that when I got it---so I guess that's never been a problem for me. (My old LG phone was tri-mode.) Rumor is the Treo 650 may be tri-mode (but not confirmed). Otherwise, only difference I can tell between the 600 and the 650 is Bluetooth (on the 650).

Now all I've got to get is a wireless headset, then I'll be stylin'! :) (Alas, those are frickin' expensive!)


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Originally posted by jeremiah

Scott-is the Treo 600 a tri-mode phone? I've been lusting after one for quite some time, and I think I may have to treat myself, but I don't want to degrade my existing phone service. I found that my tri-mode gets much better reception in VT than my wife's digital only phone, and I'm not sure if she would want to take my old phone just to ensure that we have connectivity in the boondocks.


You have to insist on tri-mode these days. I recently went from my old Star-Tek phone(never pretended to be a techie) to a Samsung. The salesperson was already to show me the latest-then I said-"It's gotta be a tri-mode. I drive in rural New Mexico often enough to want that security"

I got a really basic phone but it worked great in Capulin NM!!!

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  • 4 months later...

I finally bit the bullet and got my Treo 650! I think I will be very happy with this device. Some hurdles to get over still, but overall this is an awsome piece of technology.

The main problem at present is getting the contacts, memos and tasks to migrate from my old device and/or MS Outlook in the same categories as I had them in my Palm m505. (see this for further discussion so far: http://discussion.treocentral.com/showthread.php?t=95803 )

Any one with any ideas??

Also what are you finding as the best source for ring tones (specifically for the Treo 650)?

Thanks for any info!

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<HR style="COLOR: #3399ff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Looking into getting a Treo 650 to replace my current cheap p.o.s. cell phone and my awesome Palm M505. Was browsing reviews on cnet.com and saw one by "william.whit". Was that you dude? If so what all do you know 'bout this?? Any one else with any vibes, good or bad on the Treo 650?


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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->The Treo 650 is awesome. Go for it. Especially if you are already a Palm person. I have the Kyocera Palm phone. I'm hoping to talk Verizon into upgrading me cheap to the Treo 650. Get yourself a bluetooth headset to go with it.

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The Treo 650 is awesome. Go for it. Especially if you are already a Palm person. I have the Kyocera Palm phone. I'm hoping to talk Verizon into upgrading me cheap to the Treo 650. Get yourself a bluetooth headset to go with it.


Dude! Once again you have the answer! Great minds, eh?? When are we going to get a chance to meet eachother in person?? Thanks for the info.

p.s. Randy, check my surf post on TC if you have any info :)

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<HR style="COLOR: #3399ff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->It wasn't me Doc but I do run a Toshiba Pocket PC e740 handheld. That Treo 650 does look like a badass unit tho.Gots me a Sanyo 4900 celly but I'm lookin' for a fresh Sprint phone http://www.younevercall.com/sprint/Treo_650.htm

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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->Dont bother with Treo 650 if you dont want to deal with lots of "issues" with this particular phone. more on www.pdaphonehome.com

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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->Willy: so many imposters, only one original:) & thanks for the link but I'm happy w/ VZW.

Lee: thanks for the link - that's a great forum!


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actually got that phone since a month now..

it has a "built in flaw" that can be easily solved: the PIN card is moving in its slot, causing loss of connection, and phone switching to the off position.

Solution is about 20 seconds and almost free: cut a small card size piece of thick paper, and fill it inside along with the PIN card. The thickness of the paper will push the card to the connectors 24/24. I haven't had any issue after this!

Ergonomy of use is very nice, and efficient!

great pro tool!


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Been thinking about the Treo 650. Does anyone know how well it works in rural areas (such as in nowhere Colorado?) I've got cingular service

I don't know as far as your area and Cingulair, however with Verizon in northernmost Calif., I am getting as good or better reception than I was with my p.o.s. tri-mode Motrola. If a lot of your calls end up being in analog, the Treo won't be a great choice. My wife has an older Kyocera 6035 which doesn't have all the bells & wistles of the newer phones (monochrome screen, no photos, etc.) but it is tri-mode and has awesome reception when others don't. As far as I know, the only current smartphones with tri-mode are the Kyocera 7135 (Palm OS) and the Nokia 9300. It runs on a Symbian O/S platform instead of Palm or Pocket PC - I have no idea how that functions??

You can find a use Kyocera 6035 for $50, or a used Kyocera 7135 for $150 on eBay.

But if analog isn't needed, GET THE TREO!!:biggthump

Is it snowing yet????:lurk:

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If a lot of your calls end up being in analog, the Treo won't be a great choice.

How do I know if my calls are in analog? I guess I don't even know what that means......

Is it snowing yet????

It did here last week, but only on the peaks and in Leadville. Gone now, we have AMAZING fall weather!

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actually got that phone since a month now..

it has a "built in flaw" that can be easily solved: the PIN card is moving in its slot, causing loss of connection, and phone switching to the off position.

Solution is about 20 seconds and almost free: cut a small card size piece of thick paper, and fill it inside along with the PIN card. The thickness of the paper will push the card to the connectors 24/24. I haven't had any issue after this!

Ergonomy of use is very nice, and efficient!

great pro tool!


Hmm. Im a die-hard Samsung I-500 fan as opposed to those Treo products. Im not too particular comfortable with their size as opposed to i-500 sprint clam. Of course, Treo's got upper hand on terms of havin' Palm OS 5.0 version while i-500's stuck with 4.* Palm OS version. -shrugs-

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Been thinking about the Treo 650. Does anyone know how well it works in rural areas (such as in nowhere Colorado?) I've got cingular service

Hey Michelle. :) I planned to stop by the store but didn't have time. had to haul ass up to Leadville which is where I am. As far as I can see out in the panaroma view, no snow yet. just bunch of aspen trees turning yellow. what a beaut! 60s degree F.

Cingular... Im not too sure how much of a coverage they have as opposed to Sprint. I do know that I have zero problems with Sprint as opposed to my lady's (you met her, the dog-fan gal) Tmobile phone. Tmobile's got sparse coverage and works just ok-ok i n where we live -- Silverthorne. I supposed its not a problem with Cingular too, but I would suggest you to find coverage map with Cingular's website to see how well their coverage is in terms of Summit County. I would say its good. Got bunch of buddies in Summit/Eagle who go by Cingular.

Analog. Ah, its similiar to comparision to computer, dial up or cable modem. Analog airwave used to be common as opposed to digital airwave. Analog airwave are common out in the rural area. I used to have a tri-mode phone which would work with analog if there's no digital airwave for the ph one to work properly. I admit I love analog because I get to hear crystal clear as opposed to severe statics on digital airwave with my hearing aids. but analog's going by the ways of the rotary telephone, unless if anyone beg to differ ? btw, it should indicate if its in analog mode or digital mode, only if you have the available technology to switch between the modes on said cell phone.

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So here's the dissenting view. I've got a BlackBerry 7100 and love it. It does everything well, particularly the adaptive spell checker that helps the 2 up keys work in the qwerty keyboard.

I got really tired of the stylus and script in my old Palm, and the BB really answered all my needs. I forget whether it is tri band or quad, but the reception is great, it even works in my basement where no cell phone has ever worked before!

I'm leaving for Stockholm, Copenhagen and Berlin tomorrow, so I'll see how it works there. Great way to stay connected to the office (yeah, I know, but it's how I get holidays).

The only real drawback with the Treo as I understand it is that it can only get email that is forwarded from a desk top PC, rather than polling a server to be constantly on. With the BB I get email sent from the servers and it usually arrives at the BB before the desktop.



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How do I know if my calls are in analog? I guess I don't even know what that means......

Somewhere on your screen, during a call there should be an "A" (signifying analog) or "D" (signifying digital) - it's usually near the reception/signal strength display. If neither shows, it's most likely all digital. I don't really know what it means other than something to do with how the signal is 'packaged' for transmission/reception. Usually analog tends to be more broken/static/chopped, but you get reception when the digital would just drop the call.

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