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OT: Revenge of the Sith

Jack M

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I liked it. I liked how it tied in most of the lose ends. It would've been nice to tie in Chewie into where Han comes into play (not necessary, but still would've been cool). I thought the special effects were very fast past, exciting, however I thought some of it was a little over the top. The original 3 had some 20-50 max fighters on either side, this one had some 1000 on either side, I thought it was just too much in my opinion. I thought a little bit of the story got lost in the visual effects if that's even possible??? I'll still see it again and by the 3 DVD set when it comes out though.

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On my way to the screener of "Longest Yard" last night I wandered into E3 instead. I thought it was great, but I'm not really that into Star Wars to begin with.What I thought was funny was the banter in the men's room line when it was over. Piss I must, I kept thinking, but these geeks are SO annoying. After seeing scott's post, I found http://www.jedimaster.net/ and the fat kid video.Now THAT is some funny ****e.:D

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When Star Wars came out, it was rated PG, for "parental guidance suggested". So my parents went and saw it first, before they would let me see it. Granted, I was 4, but that's what I'd call old fashioned.

Sith is PG-13, just like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, where they pull people's hearts out of their chests by hand.

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Originally posted by Jack Michaud

When Star Wars came out, it was rated PG, for "parental guidance suggested". So my parents went and saw it first, before they would let me see it. Granted, I was 4, but that's what I'd call old fashioned.

That's what I prefer to do. But sometimes it's hard to get to a movie before the kids want to go, especially if it's a birthday party activity or something like that. In that case, I use www.screenit.com. It's a fundamentalist Christian movie review website. Not that I'm a fundie myself, but due to their target audience screenit publishes an extremely detailed list of anything that might be remotely objectionable in the movie. It's often noted that movie villains project a bad attitude, for example. In addition to the expected noting of swear words, nudity and violence they also catalogue stuff like emotionally difficult subject matter. Very useful for the fuddy-duddy parent.

In the case of my son, he'd already seen 5 of the movies, all of which are fine for a 10 year old in my book. It was going to be a pretty tough job denying him the last one, and as some of the reviews I'd read painted it as a mild PG-13 I decided to allow it. I expect many parents of younger children will be put in the same position.

I may be harsh, but at least I didn't take my 10 year old to Sin City just because it was a comic book movie.

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Thanks for the tip on screenit.com - that will come in handy!

I think Lucas may have felt stuck between a rock and a hard place. The rock being that he'd set the stage with 5 PG movies before this one, so I agree it would be hard to deny a child to see the last installment. Although if I had a 10 year old and I saw the movie first, we'd have to have a talk before I'd let him see it (I was moderately disturbed by the images at the end). The hard place being that the kid-friendliness of episodes 1 & 2 (& 6) was among the biggest complaints by the core SW fanbase.

Or I suppose he may not have been kowtowing to the fanbase, and truly felt he needed to show Anakin in extreme agony. I can't really imagine how we could be expected to believe he becomes the pure evil man-bot otherwise.

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I finally saw Episdoe 3 this past weekend. I thought the story was on par with episodes 4 - 6 but it had the same bad acting as 1 and 2. I can only think of one plot twist that surpised me in the least (but it made perfect sense and am ashamed that I didn't predict it).

As far as the acting goes I have a tough time blaming the actors - I've thoroughly enjoyed many of Samuel L Jackson's characters in the past and thought Mace Windu was just as bland as the rest of the Ep 1 - 3 characters. Gotta be the director! Whoever made the point about "lack of quotable lines" I completely agree.

I definitley consider myself a "fan but not a fanatic" of Star Wars - Ep 4 and 5 are among my all-time favorite movies, Ep 3 and 6 are in my "pretty damn good" category and I doubt I'll ever watch Ep 1 and 2 again. They are just too damned long to sit through for the few important plot developments in them.

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