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Tinkler 203cm Snowboard Gallery

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Mike hand delivered it today. Awesome workmanship. The second set of torsion rods are carbon (stiffer). The ones on the board are fiberglass (softer)

Trick will be to get some ride time before condtions get to dicey.

The long wait is over. Thanks Mike , it is a beauty.

Tinkler 203cm Snowboard Gallery

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That looks awesome. Did you have a chance to ride Doug's at SES? I was amazed with the craftsmanship when I saw that thing in person. You sure are lucky to be able to get a hold of one of those. That seems to be a fairly small sidecut considering a 203cm lenght. Looks like a very interesting ride.

If you're looking for some good snow this late in the season to try that thing out, head on back to Mammoth! You saw that picture in the CA snowpack thread right? :) We have plenty left and will be open until July!


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-Neil- I was there on Doug's maiden voyage on his. Well, for about half the run and then he was "GONE". It was not ideal conditions (soft). I have ridden with Doug since at Mt Bachelor and he totally rips on it. It is an understatement to say he is happy with it. I know he has had several Tinkler plates made for some of his other alpine boards. He also has a very nice collection of some of Mike's earlier work on other boards. I have not asked Doug to ride it. I am guessing the only other person to have had the honor is Mike himself. Now that I have my own version , I am thinking Doug might want to experience it. Keep in mind that Mike built these boards specifically with our individual riding styles/ weight / input. So, they are quite different.

Yes, the side cut is tighter then most long boards of this length. It is the radius that I favor. The width is also narrower then typical. The length is just a bit longer just by the way it all worked out. We did not set out to make it exactly a 203cm. It was a result of the overall construction process. Yes, the quality is incredible. The work/ time / materials Mike puts into these is pretty intense.

Jim- I just got it today, I have not had a chance to take it for it's first run yet. I have a bit of tuning to do yet and finish dialing in the bindings etc. I look forward to riding it ASAP. Maybe Mon or Tuesday if the weather holds. I don't believe Mike is actively marketing the "Snow Stix" , however I know he holds a number of associated patents and he had to run a new "Batch" to build my board. I still have one I bought from Mike many years ago . NOS in the box. I need to get it out and photograph it for the site. I have a couple boards that have the stix on them. I would be happy to ask for you if you don't see him first. We had quite a "Posse" on Tuesday. It is not very often that the group has to split up and take more than one chair!! Great day , Eric was riding well. How are you doing?? All healed up?

D-Sub. Exactly, dramatic vibration reduction/ dampening , that is the key. Mike was the mind behind several of the designs you see today on skis / snowboards etc. I have asked him if he won't share some of his past projects with me so I can feature them (and some of his history) on the site. He has led a fascinating life.

He is a good example of the brilliant Kiwis I met in New Zealand. A savvy inventor that thinks outside the box. I was often impressed how the Kiwis will take something we may have started and discarded and create something very important from it. I had no idea how many of the things the world uses are designed by these clever Kiwis. The Jet boat pump is another example. They certainly put them to good use too!

I do feel lucky and look forward to giving my report on the board soon.

Thanks, Bryan

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sierra- yes, it is due to the way I took the photo from the tail. Tip and tail are actually equal. No taper, no flare. Center of center.

skategoat-Mike is building one board at a time working with each rider individually , (I know that this can be said of many of the excellent custom board builders we are fortunate to have focusing on the Alpine snowboard.) The difference is the very low production number and Mike's methods. Everything is from scratch each time. Very, very labor intensive.

Mike would build your board to your specs with his recommendations. So, it could be nearly any length. Yes, very sharp to spot this, the "Plate" and the "Snow-Stix" orientation on the board is asym. The board is made for my steep stance angles. (I am sure than someone else could ride it goofy. It was just not designed around that)

Sales are possible, just very limited. This is #2 of his complete "Concept" board design. Keeping in mind Mike has built several boards of various configurations for some of the top racers.

outsider-correct, there has never been anything quite like these. This is the cumanation of many of the things Mike has been working on for years. See below. Thanks again for the comments.

Here is the link to the #1 Proto-Type of this design, owned and riden often by Doug Dryer in Bend , OR

NOTE: I have a small collection of some of the "Plate" boards that have been developed over the years. At some point I would like to share the photos in a gallery on the site. (one of the reasons I bought the Con-Shox) If you have good photos of examples of this I would welcome them. Dates and model number (specs) are helpful too. Please send photos to me . Thanks, BryanTinkler 201cm Proto #1

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Hi Jack, you know I wouldn't leave you in the dark any longer than what was absolutely necessary!! Check the first post , follow the link , the DEETS are in the Gallery. I can tell you are in a hurry though so here is another link. Tinkler 203cm DEETS and Photo Gallery

Need to beat "Lime-Light" to this one. (formerly know as "D-Sub"

"Sounds pretty TURNY for a big board"

Veja Du DUDE!!! ;)

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(big grin and hearty chuckle) You are still realin from my most innocent comments aren't you buddy. It must have really hurt when Jack then replied with the same exact comment. Funny how things "Carve Around".

Glad you got your "Magic" board back. Play nice with it now.

I'm sorry, what is the radius again? FIFTEEN did you say??

PS. A good, close friend once said ,after the same thing happened a couple times in a row. "Do you notice a PATTERN forming here?"

DYNAMIC!! There I said it. You are an excellent rider with plenty of style. Look forward to maybe one more trip to Bend this year. Hope to ride with you then. Expect a polite "Wake Up" call as usual! Bryan

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Originally posted by www.oldsnowboards.com

(big grin and hearty chuckle) You are still realin from my most innocent comments aren't you buddy. It must have really hurt when Jack then replied with the same exact comment. Funny how things "Carve Around".

Glad you got your "Magic" board back. Play nice with it now.

I'm sorry, what is the radius again? FIFTEEN did you say??

PS. A good, close friend once said ,after the same thing happened a couple times in a row. "Do you notice a PATTERN forming here?"

DYNAMIC!! There I said it. You are an excellent rider with plenty of style. Look forward to maybe one more trip to Bend this year. Hope to ride with you then. Expect a polite "Wake Up" call as usual! Bryan

funny thing is Im considering going to an even tighter sidecut...13 or so

the Prior is 14 I believe, altho I havent done the math yet. getting ready to clean it up,get a topsheet replacement an' all that

Im not reeling...you guys can have your testosterone, 100mph stuff...I just like CRUISIN


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Dave, Your 185cm? It is 15M SCR. Did I not send you the specs way back?? Try to hang on to in now ? Ok? It is a good thing Jack is focused on the soft boots right now. Good timing. That is a sweet ride and I think it fits you well. Of course , that is what I told you on day one (when I was trying to practically give the thng away!!!) 4" new overnight?? That should help a little. Sounds right on the verge of being warm?

PS-The original conversation started when you were considering sub 13 SCR on your new Coiler longboard. Which would be fine too. :rolleyes:

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It appears the black butterfly topsheet is carbon fiber, and that it is laminated onto the board like a Madd - yes? What is the silvery main topsheet material?

Not to rain on your parade, but... I always thought snow-sticks were like band-aids for clapped-out boards. I've never ridden them, so I don't know, but it would seem they would cause spikes in the flex pattern.

And 15m? That's the same as many 185 GS boards (and the F2 177). Now I'm actually wondering if 185cm is overkill for 15m. The Madd 180 has a bigger radius than 15, and it holds just fine. I've ridden Todd Brown's 205 with an 18.5m radius and it's a scream.

So I'll be interested in a ride report! Sure looks purty!

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Jack, Not laminated , the plate is separate. Mike has addressed the vibrations questions for years. I will let the scientists debate the pros and cons. I will know by the results. I would have liked to answered your questions about the ride today. However it is raining on mount hood (but not my parade) It will not take but a few turns before I know if it is what I hoped it would be. I will let you all know what my impression is then. Did you see photo #11 in the Tinkler 203cm gallery? The plate is rather thick , held in place by the binding inserts. I should have gone to Bend. They are colder today. Update you when I get a chance to give it a go. . Thanks for the interest.

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