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Rotator Cuff?


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Has anyone had any good or bad experiences with shoulder protection for carving? I should probably look into that myself... took a hard fall onto my leading shoulder a few seasons ago and it took months to recover. Of course, I didn't see a doctor, on account of not having any insurance at the time...

Anyway, I can see the wisdom of preventative shoulder protection - any recommendations.

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I met with the therapist on Thursday and he checked my range of motion. He said that I'm doing fantastic. I'm to keep doing my exercises for another two weeks, and at that time he'll add more things to do. Right now, I'm having to let all the connective tissue heal so that it can be rehabilitated. As my doctor told me several weeks ago, the shoulder muscles don't get a lot of blood flow compared to other areas of the body. That's the reason why it takes longer to heal up.

I've started taking the sling off when I'm sitting stationary watching TV and reading. I've also slept without it a few times with a pillow to support my arm. The pain medication (percocet) is helpful to get through the PT each day. But, I really don't care to take it unless I really have to.

BTW, I got the hospital bill today and the surgery alone is $6400 dollars. My primary insurance will cover 80% of that amount. My accident rider should cover a small percentage plus they'll compensate me for a percentage amount of my time off from work.


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Yeah I actually tore the crap out of mine, but it was a gradual process of stretching to deal with tendonitis that I had in my shoulder. 8 years later, it's coming back on line. I just broke the torsion spring on my parents garage door as I was ducking under, then standing up into it. Hit in just the right spot though, and now it looks like it's finally healing. Crazy...

I'm only about 130 pounds, and I broke that bigass spring... Just right;

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Hi all,

I’m having surgery on the 1st of July. I’ll keep you posted but my experience won’t be that different from Marks. Have are you doing these days by the way?


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My experience has been a good one overall. I'm actually 'ahead of the curve' so to speak as far as recovery, discomfort, and mobility. I changed out my car battery yesterday with one arm. Yes, it looked very funny to see me trying to use handtools and to keep from dropping them under the car.

The weather has started to get a little warmer here in the mountain west these last few days and my sling, which is big black contraption, is turning into a wet sponge by late afternoon. I'll be making a new one out of an old t-shirt, towel, a bit of duct tape. At least I can make a few of 'em and just pitch them when they get too dirty and sweaty. With only 3 more weeks in a sling it won't be that bad anyway.

Stick with the physical therapy afterwards. Don't slouch on doing your therapy at home. I've made a lot of progress by staying up on the exercises. I found that ice therapy afterwards has been a great pain manager. In fact, I've been keeping a couple of beers cold in the Iceman-thingy I got from the hospital. Afternoon TV movies sure are better with cold beer(s).


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  • 3 weeks later...

Tomorrow I see the doctor for the final post-op interview which should include instructions to not wear a sling any longer. The physical therapist is to add several new exercises to my regimen. Plus, it's my first (half) day back at work.

So, I've been out six weeks today and the shoulder is limited in motion but, I'm feeling pretty good about the repair. My hope is that I'm back to 100% motion by the first of November. The therapist says that I'll need all that time to get to full motion in the shoulder.

Still haven't decided on a brace to protect the shoulder this coming season. I've found some good ones, I just haven't made up my mind.

How's your repair coming, Rich?


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  • 5 months later...

It's been over six month since my shoulder surgery and I finally got to make some turns today. I fell (softly) several times on the shoulder and it felt fine. My experience has been good overall. My fear is that I'll tear the shoulder again and might have to give up snowboarding. I don't know if I'd want to test the shoulder after another surgery.

BTW, I rode the TD2 suspension kit (with new Raichle 413's) and noticed a dampened ride under foot. The day was cold and icy and I felt very comfortable setting an edge.


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No knee brace(s) needed at this point. I went back for seconds today and got to ride on some new runs that were cut over the summer. Nice rollers, steep to flat sections, and a huge off-camber section that deposits out at the lift that services that area.

Because of the low snow totals I've been reluctant to ride. This morning we got 3-4 inches new and the Maverick performed well. I even tried out the shoulder a bit on some toeside turns and it held. I took some preventative measures to pain as soon as I got home. Ice, beer, and football seems to have alleviated any trauma the shoulder may have incurred.


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Like any other surgury on joints, shoulder surgery is tough to recover from. Find a good Physical Therapist, who will help you get back in shape. That means being able to push your therapy to the limit of the repaired joint without damaging it, but also pushing you hard enough to workout the shoulder until your exhausted (shoulder wise).

Then get swimming, some back stroke especially. Get that flexibilty and rotation going, along with strenghtening.

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Guest john goodwin
How would I know if I had torn my rotator cuff? Are there any obvious symptoms/pain that I would be experiencing? I searched the forum but couldn't find an explanation of what might be some of the symptoms of this injury.



Hi Mark: I have had two RC surgeries. If it is torn very much you should have trouble lifting your arm above your shoulder, or pain if you hold it out and move it in a circle, I had to shave and brush my teeth with two hands before i got it fixed. Good luck!! John Goodwin

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Should be careful with the swimming -- a lot of swimmers actually suffer from rotator cuff overuse -- especially with butterfly. Your physio should have some thoughts on this? My cuffs are not in the best of shape, but I've avoided surgery thus far. Glad your surgery went well!

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