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QuikSilver buys Rossignol.


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Originally posted by tex1230

yep - it was announced on Mar.22 but details were just put out on Apr 13th. I wonder if they'll merge Rossi and Lib Tech/Gnu into one company?

That's the one Im really dreading on. HOWEVER, Rossi has experiences in alpine board factoring, so Im hoping to pull strings with Lib Tech/GNU/Mervin MFG to see if reproduction of alpine board is possible or not. I'd very much like to EXACTLY the same board as the Innercourse (go look in www.oldsnowboards.com), but with different specs.

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I could see the concern if they were killing a line of alpine boards due to the merger, but hasn't Rossi been out of the alpine scene for awhile now? The Undertaker is the only thing that comes to mind for me unless I'm missing something (and I usually am) Along that line, what does a company do with the equipment they use to manufacture a line like the World Cups, Accelorator, Throttle, etc. when they discontinue the line?



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I still have a couple of Inner-Courses in storage - damn those were great boards...the last asym I rode. If the guys who built those are still around at Mervyn I'd love to see them put something together that had the performance of the inner- course with the durability of the rossi boards.

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I'm unsure of what happens to the tooling to manufacture snowboards. Probably sits idle until the company gets sold.

Also, I don't know for sure that other companies do this but, I know that Rossignol allows outside buyers to come in at the end of season and buy up what stock they didn't sell (I think it's called G-stock). That equipment usually shows up later at ski swaps, ebay, and maybe a storefront or two.

What's left over after that gets a trip to the bandsaw room where nothing ever returns in one piece.

I was able to save 2 or 3 alpine boards from that horrible fate a few years back.


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I'm waiting for my buddy to give me the 'inside' interview about this. He's only a warehouse manager but, he hears a lot from the front offices. Rossignol has been a good company for him to work for and for many years. It was sad to see Alpine go from their lineup. But, it was the CEO who made that decision AFTER dedicating the Rossi firm to snowboarding. Hmmmph, what the hell was Alpine?


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We had a company here go under a few years back "Yaqui" I believe was how you spelled it. Never could find out what happened to their equipment. I would think that all the tools and machinery involved to make a snowboard would be expensive and you'd want to try to get some kind of return out of them? I've recently been able to pick-up boards from manufacturers or through shops that were several seasons old and sell them through my ebay shop, but haven't had much success contacting companies like Rossi or Sims about buying up their old stock. I can't imagine taking a bandsaw to a perfectly good board :confused: It's a crying shame....


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Sims is now owned by Hasco, but trying to get ahold of someone there to get you in touch with anyone even remotely knowledgable about their alpine line is impossible. I even went so far as to contact a shop in Japan when I was trying to track down a new 167cm Burner. I ended up getting what I wanted, but through a guy in Germany who wouldn't reveal his sources. I know that the Burner model was still being produced as recently as 2002-04, but can't find anybody willing to tell me if or where their "G" stock as Utahcarver put it, may be hiding. You'd think these companies would want to sell their goods instead of destroy them? Go figure,


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Originally posted by tex1230

I still have a couple of Inner-Courses in storage - damn those were great boards...the last asym I rode. If the guys who built those are still around at Mervyn I'd love to see them put something together that had the performance of the inner- course with the durability of the rossi boards.

you thinking of sellin' 'em ?

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can you post a link Tex ? I used to go to the Quiksilver factory outlet in Newport, CA back when they were just getting big in So Cal.Now they've got Robbie Naish and Tony Hawk on the team.My first board with plates was a Rossi 173 ironing board with Emery Surfs.Sounds like a great merger.

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Probably won't work - subscription service, but I'll try:


if that doesn't work I'd be happy to cut & paste in an e-mail

I loved those old Rossi carving boards. When I lived in Tahoe back in the early '90s some of my friends were getting product from them & that was when I learned that hardboots were good for something besides the freestyle boards I had been using them on (I was a SERIOUS Damian Sanders wannabe)

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This is not how the merger is viewed from here, on the french side of it.. 30% jobs cutoff at the main factories, and good chances most french factories are delocalized in eastern europe ( before the now predictable like for every major brand move to china)...

The bigger the companies, the less they are likely to listen to the small groups of different practices, and the more they are likely to be driven by marketing and stock holders that want results at all costs.... So no its not good news to me...

Rossi USED to be a company caring for all type of ridings, then marketing decided that only 16 year old existed, and thus stopped all alpine stuff. Burton followed the same path, Atomic too, and I bet we can count the days when the hot blast will be history! (hopefully it has a great numbers of fans in europe still buying the model..)

This is why i care more for small companies than for big ones anymore....


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Tex, If you could copy/paste that article to willy.whit@gmail.com it would be muchoo appreciatoo. Bought my first "real" carving board from Garton's in Vail end o' season. Throttle 166.There was a posse of us at Beaver Creek -all on Throttles. Same year I traded Cateks for Bombers and still have the TD1s.Nils, I'd buy a Swoard/Virus before I bought a Rossi again,no question....and I did buy some Quiksilver Volleyball shorts at the factory back in the day.You can't wear Op cord shorts everyday. They were competition for Side Out.Go figger,marketing works I guess.

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