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Bangkok Expression Session


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Photo below of what I am sure was the first ever meeting of alpine snowboarders in Bangkok. That's me on the left and Kip on the right, enjoying a cold Singha during the BES banquet. Unfortunately, local snow conditions forced the cancellation of the rest of the programme.

See you next year Kip!

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Awesome to catch up with another carver, Skategoat.

Yep, we did some "extreme beer drinking" that night; I used the cross over hand technique to pick up the glasses and also Henry did the "pull up to the mouth, pull off the foam" extreme beer drinking technique.

There was some guy in the bar called Boardy who was claiming that the extreme beer drinking was old hat, and that he had been drinking beer like that for about 10 years already, but preferred the face the glass technique and a whole host of other ways in which he felt an experienced beer drinker should be able to drink. He said that anyone can pretty much do the pull up to the mouth and pull off the foam method, provided they have moderate beer drinking skills.

The wierd thing was that sadly no one took any photos of Boardy doing extreme beer drinking, so I am not sure whether you will believe or not that he could drink beer like that!!

For those of you who want a spot in the sun, it is quite warm here, and the snowpack is a little on the light side; next year we have a full on BES planned, provided the weather cooperates.


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D-sub, I'm Korean.

We were pretty relaxed. I think Kip was still in his Thailand businessman sartorial mode.

Kip, you have a beautiful country there. I highly recommend it for a holiday. Great golf, great food, super-friendly people. And talk about low cost of living. Those beers cost $2.00 and that was in a hotel. Go outside and it's less than a buck a beer.

We didn't do the windsurfing in Pattaya but we did see a Muay Thai fight. A whole bunch of them actually. Started out with 10 year old boys, a couple of women and then the big boys came out and kicked the crap out of each other.

Note to self: Never pick a fight with a Thai.

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I tell ya, it is nice to live here, but I do miss the snow.

Pretty much you can buy any legal drug over the counter without prescription, including (if you so wanted) valium, viagra and so on. Since I am a bit of a drinker, that is not really relevant to me, but not bad when sick to not have to go to a doctor.

I actually used to play Muay Thai boxing (badly), quite a helpful sport in a spot of trouble, did you like the dance before the fight?! The grace of the "wai kruu"is then matched with brutal elbows to the face and other fun stuff.

Confucious say, Fleaman with hand in his pockets, feel himself today. Fleaman with hands in someone else's pockets not feel himself that day.

In my defense, after not wearing anything other than boarding gears for a month in USA, I then had to wear a shirt and tie; I will loosen up right about the time that Dsub buys me some free boards, and does his bit to fix the USA/Thailand trade deficit by sending it to me.

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and yes, that's a Daks tie, you think I would miss the chance to show off a bling bling tie?!!!!

I might even start wearing it when I race against Bordy in that East Coast Challenge that they were talking about on the other board with CMC et al. :-)

Photos of drunk racers is always good :-).... bring it on Phil!

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Good job you guys! Some of us live so close to one another it's crazy sometimes to think we don't make the effort to hook-up and here you guys go half way 'round the world to do it! Kudos to you both gentlemen....now if I can just get D-Sub to come down to Redding this summer......:D

Have fun,


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I'll see if I can get a trip set up and we'll "carve" on the water! Actually I wanna try surfing behind the boat, my buddy down at the local board shop got some sweet Hyperlite boards in just for this purpose......off season training? 15 minutes away from the lake and all the beer you can drink! Bring all the Oregon/Washington guys, we'll make a party out of it!


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What is that?! Some sort of Chiang Mai dish I guess, it looks like some sort of Dtom Yum clear soup with something in it?!

Anyway, for wakeboarding, come to Thailand. We have a cable ski lake; like a detachable T Bar with handles hanging from the cable; ity goes around in a square and you can catch big air, slide around etc etc.

I am not a huge wakeboarding fan, but it gets you fit for snowboarding, and you get to have bodybuilder shoulders :-)

Only $5 for the first hour, and $2.50 each hour after that. How much does it cost you to run the boat?!

D-Sub: I'll fly you to Thailand if you just bow down to the superior skills of the east coast massive on that other web board.... go on, you know they are gods.

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Originally posted by skategoat

If anyone makes it to exotic Toronto this summer, give me ring. I'll buy you an Ex and a Montreal smoked meat sandwich.

Good call for the Smoked Meat!:D At least, put some real beer with that, like Unibroue.;)

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Guest Todd Stewart

by real beer i hope you mean sleeman red, tell me derf how come you can only buy it in Quebec even though it's brewed down the street from my house here in Ontario. Not fair....

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Originally posted by Todd Stewart

by real beer i hope you mean sleeman red, tell me derf how come you can only buy it in Quebec even though it's brewed down the street from my house here in Ontario. Not fair....

I would guess it is a market thing. It's like Molson Canadian, there is none in the province of Québec unless it is a special order. On a side note, I think it is easier for you now to get Unibroue since Sleeman bought Unibroue a short while ago.

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