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carvers ripping off other carvers (or carving prospects) via ebay


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I've seen this happen quite a bit and while some may disgagree, I feel pretty strongly about this.

Alpine equipment, esp. from Burton, is hard enough to find. Why are some carvers selling these LOW END universal cant pieces for as much as $39 USD with the Buy It Now option. I think this is outrageous, a lot of money in the grand scheme of things? certianly not, but for a new carver or someone just looking to try it out w/o going all out, you are doing a disservice. I GOT 2 CANTS FOR FREE FROM BURTON and I would be MORE THAN HAPPY to tell people how to go about doing it.

Now, as the season draws to a close, these pieces are definitely easier to find. Yes, you certainly have a right to sell these at whatever price you want, that's the free market, but I just think it's sorta price gouging and I personally would rather we have a larger community than having a few extra bux in my pocket.




ps I might also add, esp. if you're a newb thinking of buying burton off of ebay, some carvers are listing older Burtons as retailing for a few hundred. This is not the case with the primes or alps, not anymore at least. Maybe back in teh day. Just do your homework first.

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Originally posted by Barry


I've seen this happen quite a bit and while some may disgagree, I feel pretty strongly about this.

Alpine equipment, esp. from Burton, is hard enough to find. Why are some carvers selling these LOW END universal cant pieces for as much as $39 USD with the Buy It Now option. I think this is outrageous, a lot of money in the grand scheme of things? certianly not, but for a new carver or someone just looking to try it out w/o going all out, you are doing a disservice. I GOT 2 CANTS FOR FREE FROM BURTON and I would be MORE THAN HAPPY to tell people how to go about doing it.

Now, as the season draws to a close, these pieces are definitely easier to find. Yes, you certainly have a right to sell these at whatever price you want, that's the free market, but I just think it's sorta price gouging and I personally would rather we have a larger community than having a few extra bux in my pocket.




At least for the link you posted that person is obviously not just some carver selling off used equipment... it looks like a small business ebay reseller (look at all the gear that person is selling, likely bought it clearance from somewhere).

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That seller has been discussed on BOL before, just take a look at his feedback.

I sell gear on eBay all the time. I always start my auctions low, usually under $10 no matter what the item is. Sometimes the buyer gets a good deal, sometimes the item sells for more than it is worth. It's up to the bidders to decide the value.

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1st Id have to say that the seller can do whatever the heck he wants, and it is up to the buyer to decided yay or nay

2nd Id say, sadly, most of the people on here are really quite cheap about things and offer ridiculously low prices for gear. $50 for a pair of boots, $75 for a pair of bindings and on and on, so...the extreme that you are unhappy with via ebay (perceived high asking prices) has a diametrically opposed evil twin here at bomber!


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Bomber is a forum to promote carving as a sport/lifestyle/goodtime.......La Costa Nostra........

E-bay is a way to make money.......

I have bought off of both forums....I always feel better about Bomber , because i never feel like I'm going to be ripped off.....

But in the end i'm just glad to be able to get the gear.

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So how do we get the cants from Burton. (I don't even need free - I'd pay for it!) I tried Burton and Chris Klug, but with no luck. I have a cant w/ a 3-hole insert that I used to use on my Alp, but now ride a 4-hole board. I can't find a 4-hole metal insert for the plastic cant to save my life. I bought a uni-cant from someone here on BOL, and its currently holding up, but I've been warned by multiple folks that it will eventually crack and break (it is quite brittle), so if I could go to my simple/strong unadjustable cant, that'd be nice!

What's the secret?!?!?

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As most of you know I sell alpine gear on ebay. I can remember back when I first started riding hardboots how frustrated I was because I couldn't find anything equipment wise, anywhere....except on ebay. This was partly due to my not knowing about sites like Bomber or Reliable, but even then (and now) I still would make some of my best buys on ebay. I love this site and the community that populates it, but I also feel as though I offer a service to people who are looking for alpine gear at a good price and do it for the love of the sport, not just to put cash in my pocket. I've sold to several members here, and hope to do so in the future, not because I'm salivating over their wallets, but because I want to share what it is I'm able to aquire and to help keep this sport alive. I won't deny I make money doing it, but do you want to guess where that money ends up? Right back in the community. I'm not defending this U12 guy, believe me I've more than once wanted to e-mail him and tell him to lighten up, but as you stated, it's a free market and as in any market situation like ebay, it's "buyer beware". Something else you pointed out and I believe in wholly is that "education is the key" Most members here know if they're getting a good deal or not, and the newbies should be patient, use the resources here to educate themselves and then make a purchase. That's how I got started. The more resources we have for the purchase of alpine gear and equipment, the stronger the chances are for this sport to grow and survive. As someone in this community recently told me, this whole site started because of a "lack" of something, I'm glad that person filled the void. I wouldn't think he took advantage of anybody, but I'll bet a dollar or two has been made along the way. If I'm delusional for thinking that in some small way I contribute to the propegation of this sport, than call me crazy,



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Over the past couple of seasons I've bought quite a bit of snowboard equipment from BOL and EBay.

I'd have to say that you can get lower prices on Ebay.

My theory is that on Ebay, you have some dealers that are willing to let their gear go at a lower price because they've got volume or non-carvers who don't know the value of what they've got.

On BOL, it's most likely a private party who usually doesn't want to let their gear go dirt cheap.

With BOL though, you've got a bunch of people that will keep the seller honest. If somebody posts in the classifieds that a so and so board is 2003 but in reality it's 1999, somebody will probably know the difference and say so.

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I see this thread has generated some interesting responses, good.

First, D-Sub, I clearly mentioned free market in the original post. I know the person can try to get whatever price he wants.

Second, mirror70, I assumed a few people might email me privately and ask how to go out about getting them. It's 1314 EST now and I'm just checking my email for the first time today but I haven't come across any such inquiries yet. Regardless,

I contacted a very nice woman at Burton named Molly. I have mentioned and recommended her before on BOL for Klugriding.com related inquiries. She has been very helpful, although this was not an overnight thing (but I'm not complaining). If you want the specifics, email me off BOL, I don't really wanna publisize her info all over the place. I would ASSUME she can help you, but there are no guarantees, and please do not get angry if you do not have good luck.



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simply put if you contact the right person there you will get pretty much whatever you want in particular with stuff that they don't make anymore

a good example are the parts for the reactor side cant, I called because I bent two of them a week later I had about 20 of them

be nice but irritated works like a charm

as for ebay I talk up my auctions quite a bit

I feel bad at times because I have had auctions go way higher than what I wanted or paid for some stuff in particular when I realize that the buyer posts here

I had some Burton boards that I bought were not production boards(had the specs written with a marker) that I fetched way too much for, a heck of allot more than I paid

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bobdea, you said:

" feel bad at times because I have had auctions go way higher than what I wanted or paid for some stuff in particular when I realize that the buyer posts here

I had some Burton boards that I bought were not production boards(had the specs written with a marker) that I fetched way too much for, a heck of allot more than I paid"

I don't really have a problem with this unless your reserve is way too high. the particular auction i saw had the "buy it now" feature selling the cant piece for $39. I'm not so strongheaded as to say it's not worth that much in terms of supply and demand, but in terms of quality, does anyone think the burton cant piece is worth that much?

I believe everyone has a right to make a buck, and if the seller is not a member of the community, then strike this entire thread (or at least my original post), but if the seller is a hardbooter who doesn't make his/her livelihood off of ebay, I say "shame on you." This is just my personal opinion, though.



ps I guess I'm just too idealogical?

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