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To Fin about Bomber's product reviews


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I was just checking if there is any new review from SES. and I have found that there is an idiot giving 0 to coilers and giving 10 for F2s. I can tell it's BS because there isn't much of a description of the problems that he had. I think we need some security on that area too.

I think it's important since a many of new hardbooters come here for information. Am I pushing too much?

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Are these guys even members using real names? It's a historical first that any Coiler got such a rating. I would bet that either these are people either are mad because they can't get a board for 2 years or they don't want anyone else on the waiting list.

Personally I would petition to remove those reviews because I believe they are fakes and then can we make members only write views and have their membership name show on the review? If this is to start happening it will be ashame to the review section if it becomes unreliable.

Thanks, Joel

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Yes, I noticed this when I got back in town this week and have just not had time to get to it.

You guys are correct, we cannot have this happen on the reviews section and it is obvious to me these posts are bogus (ie. 15+ reviews on the same day with no e-mails). Unfortunately, the Reviews section has been based on the "Honor System" but apparently there are some with no honor. Those posts have now been removed.

We are putting into effect a new policy for the Reviews. You MUST include a valid e-mail address and we reserve the right to contact you and confirm that your Review is actually from you.

- No e-mail address, review removed

- Bogus e-mail address, review removed

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Guest Randy S.

re: email addys in the reviews.

Fin, can you somehow mask the emails in the reviews? That way they don't get picked up by google and other bots that scour for addresses to spam. Thanks.

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Don't need to mask them if you want them available. Just output them with a little inline javascript like so (substitute the square braces for angled ones in your code):

[script language=javascript]


var contact = "Neil"

var email = "gendzwil"

var emailHost = "sedsystems.ca"

document.write("[a href= + "mail" + "to:" + email + "@" + emailHost+ ]" + contact + "[/a]")



Makes it harder for the bots to pick up.

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Yep, I hear you on that issue with the e-mail and I can totally understand if someone does not want to put thiers in for just that reason. I am going to talk to our guy who made the code for that program and see if we can "mask" the e-mail address (just like this forum does).

However, probably will not be until the Summer when this happens.

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Originally posted by fin

Yes, I noticed this when I got back in town this week and have just not had time to get to it.

You guys are correct, we cannot have this happen on the reviews section and it is obvious to me these posts are bogus (ie. 15+ reviews on the same day with no e-mails). Unfortunately, the Reviews section has been based on the "Honor System" but apparently there are some with no honor. Those posts have now been removed.

We are putting into effect a new policy for the Reviews. You MUST include a valid e-mail address and we reserve the right to contact you and confirm that your Review is actually from you.

- No e-mail address, review removed

- Bogus e-mail address, review removed

Uhmmm! Fin playing the judge and the jury, after being prodded by the puppet masters. This is a slippery slope. Granted that COILERS are GREAT SNOWBOARDS, it is possible that someone had a very bad experience on it. You cannot discount that. You have no way of knowing if the lightweight was riding an heavy weight board. You have no way of knowing if he picked up a used Coiler that had been internally damaged.

If the reviews are honest as you guys feel, then they should be left on the post. The law of statistics will prevail. All you Coiler lovers, post your reviews and the fluke review will become an outlier in statistical terms.

In my opinion, this is a wrong sensorship message being sent here. The hidden messages are: (i) if you don't conform you don't belong; and (ii) we the elite carving few knows the best equipment and you cannot question our authority.

I hope I have not hit any raw nerves here. Just trying to keep you guys honest. Seriously, if the review system has worked all this years why the change in policy because of a few nonconforming reviews on Coiler decks?

I hope Fin will reconsider this change in policy. It is not necessary.

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You're giving these deleted posts way too much credit. They stunk of an angry drunk tearing up the 'net with keyboard rage at 4:20 in the morning. There was absolutely no substance to them--scores of 0 and ludicrous bathroom stall one-liners like "They Suck!"

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I'm afraid I'll have to side with Rugger on this one. Could it have been just an angry, drunk, early morning revenge type post? Sure, but censorship still isn't a good thing.

If I see ten raving reviews from different people from different parts of the world (i.e. not 10 somewhat identical posts from the same local group) and one "0" rating - now, honestly, would that in any way discredit the other posts? And to be quite honest, every time I look at reviews and they all, without exception, are very positive, I tend to think that someone is screening them. No matter how great a product is, there will always be someone who hates it, whether his gripe is justified or not.

And on the 100lbs... anyone thought that that should maybe read 100kg? I haven't read every gear-review post, but I if I remember correctly, there are reviews out there where the author obviously misread/misunderstood the question, like this one: height: 574" (?)

Again, I'm not trying to tell anyone just how they should run this site - I am very glad it exists in its current format and visit it (almost) daily. I just have some issues with censorship...;)

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Yeah Rugger, unless you had seen them, you would not understand - they were so stupid and so many. The one about the hundred pounder was the same person that did the rest, but he put a false identity on all of them. Even then, there was no substance - just a false personality with "it broke" being the only thing in the review. Trust those who read these reviews, they were bogus and should have been removed. I am a huge F2 fan, so there is no bias here - this guys gave 10's for all of the F2's (again, with no substance).

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Originally posted by Phil

Five feet tall and 100kg is one fat chick!!!!

Again, unless you saw them, you can't understand.

As far as the censorship, we will just have to agree to disagree.

WTF! You being sexist now! Listen up, I guess you are the only one whose opinion counts. I'll tell you what, 100kg, 1.53m, that is one ripped lady that would out carve you any day, any time. Just don't fall in her trench mofo.

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I'll start by saying I don't own a Coiler or F2

post your reviews and the fluke review will become an outlier in statistical terms.

Running with that logic, I'll say that when drawing conclusions about something after running a statistical analysis (whatever model you want), the "outliers" are usually thrown out because they are NOT representative. I guess my thought here is that if a review provides no information about the product ("they suck" and the like is NOT information), then it provides no value to the end user here, the carving community - why keep these? I thought the reviews section was to allow us to see what fellow riders feel about equipment and why. I've seen a couple these recent ones and there was NO info. there. You can go on here and find plenty of reviews for various product both good and bad and the authors were usually able to articulate the information as to how and why they came to those conclustions.

I think it's important since a many of new hardbooters come here for information.

I think Linus was right on here!

My 0.02

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Guest Todd Stewart
I'll tell you what, 100kg, 1.53m, that is one ripped lady that would out carve you any day, any time.

um, 100 kg is over 220 pounds, no girl that weights 220 and is only 5 feet tall is ripped. My gf who is a personal trainer is 5'2 and only weighs 110.

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Originally posted by Barry

ps fill out your profile so we know who you are

He's a salesman for AllBoardSports!


Originally posted by rugger

WTF! You being sexist now! Listen up, I guess you are the only one whose opinion counts. I'll tell you what, 100kg, 1.53m, that is one ripped lady that would out carve you any day, any time. Just don't fall in her trench mofo.

oh wow..that was just...wow.

sexist? sheesh

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Originally posted by Barry

"um, 100 kg is over 220 pounds, no girl that weights 220 and is only 5 feet tall is ripped"

hahahha. do you remember Chyna (aka Joanie Laurer) from WWE? That's a big, ripped chick, prolly over 5 feet though.



I remember reading about Cheryl Haworth (sp?) during the Olympics. She's 5'9" 300 lbs, can bench 500 lbs, clean 300 lbs, run 40 yards in 5.0s, has a vertical leap of 30", and do a split.

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Yep, I was wondering when censorship would come up again :rolleyes:

Just for clarification, we (moderators) believe there are two reasons for deleting a post:

1) the post is so offensive, illegitimate, and blatantly disregards the Policies we have set on this forum

2) we (those who run the forum) just don't like the opinion stated on a post.

Now, one of these is called censorship and one is called "being a moderator/administrator". Guess which one is which?

For example, if someone posts a series of threads that are just a string of profanity and then html links to various "kiddy porn" sights and then we delete it, is that censorship or being a moderator?

Now given, that line is pretty clear, but as moderators it is our job to keep things civil and legitimate, but not police those opinions that might not exactly be ours. Trust me, if that was the case you would see a LOT more post deleted :D

Now, as far as the current posts being deleted on the Reviews sections here are a few facts you might want to know about:

- All those post came from the same IP address and where done in about a 20 minute span. And we are talking multiple reviews for the same product review.

- The poster either did not have an e-mail address or all the ones on there where fake. I e-mailed each one to make sure and they all bounced back.

As Moderators it is our job to spot these, investigate them, and decide if they are legitimate or not. This is what we do to make sure this forum stays civil, legitimate, and informative. This is sometime an aspect that is taken for granted by the users here.

And asking for a legitimate e-mail is not censorship, this discussion forum does it (to register) and so do about every other forum site on the net. Standard practice.

Bottom line, we spend a huge amount of time monitoring this site and maintaining it. For most of you, you probably only see 10% of what really pops up that we have to delete. Some of it is so offensive it would make a sailor blush. During the summer when we had to ban a member, it got so bad one night I set my clock to wake me every hour so I could monitor the "attacks" this ex-member was launching at the site. Once again, you don't see this because we are doing our job.

If we did not act as responsible moderators you would get a site that was out of control, not informative, offensive, and just a plain embarrassment to our sport. If you have ever been to a forum like this, you know what I am talking about.

Moxie: Madd boards has now been added to the Reviews. Sorry for the delay on that.

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