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How long to heal a collarbone?


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Hey Carvers,

I snapped my clavicle a week ago. How long would you say I should wait before carving again? Already have my arm out of the sling for range of motion work three times a day. Oh yeah, I'm 52 and in good shape.

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It probably has to do with how badly you broke it. I broke mine in two places and was out for most of the season. I think I broke it the second time out. Most bones typically take about six weeks. I had quite a bit of lingering pain and range of motion issues but eventually it all went away. It also leaves a really cool knob on your collarbone. Mine was big enough to hang your clothes on...a great conversation starter in the hot tub. You seem to making good progress so maybe it's not too bad. Good luck!

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it depends on so many factors (age ;) , fracture point/degree, circulation and perfusion around the fractured area, etc).

But as your doctor might have already told you, clavicle fractures are one of the most benign ones and they usually heal a lot faster with a far better end results than other fractures. Wish you speedy recovery and hopefully I'll see you back on the slopes before the season ends.

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Guest Randy S.

Faster than my f'ing achilles, that's for sure. January 2 tear, Jan 6 repair. Still on crutches.

Jim, I say strap that sucker down and go skiing. I can ski and almost guarantee I won't fall. Hard to say that about snowboarding though.

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Thanks for all of advice. Yeah, broke it in two with one end slightly above the other. Have gotten used to the two pieces rubbing and clicking together when I take off the braces. haha

Just wondering if I could get away with taking a shot on a failed carve after a 6 week healing. This season has been too good to bail on...unless the consequences are too great.

Dang Randy, I thought you would be back out by now. Hope you turn the corner real soon. Hey, when is Joel coming back for a TC crashers dinner?

Anyone for Mammoth in May?

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Don't rush it.. I did this to mine a couple years back and took the season off...I'm 44 now and the bones take a LOT longer to heal up than they used to. Take calcium supplements, especially if you're taking a lot of advil (and you will be for a long time), since it lots of advil changes your blood PH and your body uses calcium to try to keep it balanced (something I read when I had a lot of time on my hands) . Better not to risk a non-union and have to do the surgery, pins etc... especially with the stats on success.

Keep the figure 8 on nice and snug and get those bone-ends joining...


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Don't rush it.

Thanks Bob...that is what I was fishing for. My break looks exactly like yours. I've read that it takes three to four months for the bones to be 100%. So tempting to hit it after nine weeks recovery in an epic season.

I am taking glucosamine and condroitin along with calcium. Preparing to switch from vicodin to ibuprofin tomorrow.

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I'll say it again 'cause nobody else is... take the rest of the season off. For me, the collarbone was surprisingly the most troublesome of any injury I've had (and it's a pretty good list) ... long recovery when the bone ends look like that and you're not 20- something. Watch for back or neck stuff starting (from everything being out of whack) just about the time the bone-ends stop bugging you.

Anyone gonna be at Loon tomorrow? (Friday) Under the slow chair early....

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It was three months before my doctor said I was OK enough to ride again. By that time I was thinking about wakeboards, not snowboards.

Funny thing: It took me a month before I could get out of bed without debilitating pain. That's not the funny part - this is the funny part: I later met a guy who broke his collarbone and couldn't lie down without hurting bad, but he was OK when upright.

It's great that you're able to move to keep the muscles from binding up. I was able to walk around after about a month, but it took another month for my arm's range of motion to get back to normal.

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Hey Buddy,

You better rest those typing hands...I've never seen you post so much in one week :eek:

My birthday is next Tues., so carving at the Wood on Sun/Mon with the Rickster. Last year was a blast too, wish you could attend this year :(


p.s. No Indo Surf Pro for you either, Dr.'s orders ;)

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Thanks Hugh...This one-finger typing is a drag. And only 5 more weeks to mend, then the strengthening part. Well, there is Maui in June. I am hoping for a strong south swell summer.

BTW think I bought a 198 Undertaker for next season.

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