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A Moment of Appreciation


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I'm in the Netherlands where my only nearby option for sliding down a hill is an indoor track. I go on ski/snowboard holidays once a year, for a week. Yet here I am, browsing and reading through each and every topic at work, at home, in restaurants....

I completely agree that there's competent people on this forum. And yeah, on top of that they're also really nice and are genuinely trying to help out anyone with any questions they have, no matter what skill level they're on.

Thanks to this forum and the people on it I'm looking forward to my next holiday even more than I usually did. Because I am trying to absorb everything I read here like a sponge, and can't wait to experiment with the things I read and learn on here.

I will happily share this moment of appreciation and respect with you @Eboot and @1xsculler!!!


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