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Is this fixable?

Erik J

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I think I already know the answer but I have to ask.

I know pictures aren't the best to truly judge but I'll ask anyway.

Hopefully this link will work. Brand new Madd 170, full PTC tune, 13 days old when hit from behind by an out of control skier. We were the only two people on the widest trail at my mountain and the guy managed to hit me. http://tinypic.com/1qgwt3

I have a one board quiver - I'm desperate. I saved money from my second job this past summer to buy my dream board and a seasons pass for my wife and I. I'm just trying to figure out how to get my beautiful board back. Anybody ever have any luck getting broken equipment fixed by the guilty party?

Any thoughts are appreciated.

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Guest Randy S.

Doubtful it could be fixed.

Ask him to pay for it. Maybe he has decent insurance that will pay you (like I do). Its worth a try. Try being nice about it at first, then threaten to be nasty if he is a pain in the a$$.

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Sorry about your luck. I hope the guys was apologetic if not, send him a summons :mad:

If you are handy with clamps, vices and epoxy, you might be able to fix it. I might hold up for a few years or a few runs, no guarantees. is the base intact? If so, you might be able to cut the edge away and glue the sidewall back then replace the edge and glue and clamp everything back in.

Here is a great link on base and edge repair


Not sure if this is the case with your board,but it might give you some ideas.

Then send him the bill for your time at 100$/hr + tax:D

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Thanks for the link fleaman, though I doubt that I could fix it myself. The edge is actually punched in about a half inch. The top sheet is ripped about an inch into the board, also. The picture doesn't reveal all of the damage. I'm not sure about the core either, it flexes unevenly compared to the opposite side.

I did get the guy's info (he even stated on the ski patrol report that he hit me - I checked). I am trying to approach this as nicely as possible with the guy.

Sorry for the sob story. It's just a real kick in the a$$ to have waited and saved for as long as I did and then have it be destoyed by a completely out of control skier from Brooklyn - on rentals - with only the two of us on the widest trail at the mountain - while I was 3/4's down the hill already making short radius, very consistent turns - on my last run of the day - on a non holiday Monday, early afternoon- even after I checked uphill - and having picked up the board less than two weeks earlier.

I am grateful that it was the board (kind of) and not my leg to take the brunt of it. Sorry for the rant. I haven't ridden in a week now from bruising and soreness and it's affecting my brain.

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he owes you a new board. period.

Im gonna sell mine for what I paid for it. $530 plus shipping. no reason I should be out any $$ at all since I didnt ride it

doesnt have the PTC tune tho...and the epoxy on the CF wing is pretty fckin sloppy but "it rides great!" is all I keep hearing.

glad you didnt get hurt. email if you need a replacement

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What a heartbreak! I agree with everyone else: that person IS responsible. Along with the diplomatic, "nice" approach to get this resolved, I would be prompt as well - don't let it go stale! After time, this guy may want to avoid you, etc. You sacrificed, waited, saved, etc. for this ride - you need it replaced! After owning one of these dream rides for just a short while, I would have a VERY hard time having it taken away from me. Good luck Erik - keep us posted!

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Before you totally give up on the board contact Curt at Starting Gate in Bondsville Vermont (At Stratton) - If anyone can fix it he can -

(802) 297 - 1213

He is also a great choice for tuning or more minor repairs

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So sorry to hear about this. You were so amped to get your new board. Stay positive about it. Maybe it can be repaired. Let an expert builder check it out first.

What happened to your Donek? Is that gone already?

I have a 157 Alp you can use for the rest of the season. I never ride it anymore and its perfect as I just use the Incline now. Only problem is your TD2's won't bolt to it.

Creek carving conditions were good today. But it was crazy, nuts crowded.


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Sorry dude. I don't think that damage is fixable. I had an Oxygen board with similar damage. Apoxy held it for about five runs then it just blew out again. I'm assuming this happened at Mountain Creek. You have to ALWAYS look uphill. No matter if you think you are totally alone, look up hill on each turn. The world is full of as*holes. Its to bad alot of them ride and ski at Mountain Creek. Maybe the one who hit you was half way cool but the fact of the matter is he hit you when it could have been avoided. Good luck dude.

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So you dont have a board? What happened to your donek? If you sold it that blows.

I have a couple of oxygen 170's that you can use until you can get a replacement (repair). I have seen some guys do some amazing edge repairs but looking at the photos I think you are looking for a miracle worker.

I hate to keep bad mouthing Mtn creek. But it has seemed better since they opened up the rest of the mtn.

Let me know


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