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Pain in outer side of foot


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Question to more experienced guys:


I have recently changed from UPZ 2014 to the latest model with new tongue. I have kept my FOAM liners and have fitted the boot with custom made superfeet insoles.

I have adjusted all the buckles exactly the same as in the old UPZs. 

While riding (especially when going uphill on the T-bar) I have an pain issue on the outer side of the foot.

Any advice how to fix this? Tried to loosen up the buckles on microadjustment but it didnt help.


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I assume you set up the bindings the same way you always have, but perhaps the footbed is changing the cant of your foot slightly. Try adjusting the bindings a bit.

Also, I have wide feet, and while the UPZ fit well for me, it is also possible that you need to have the shell punched out a bit in that painful area. Might try heat molding the liners again as well.

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If the new Superfoots are all cork, and they were molded with your feet bagged and hanging in space, like a pack of pre-sliced cheese at the deli, then it's likely you have excessive arch fill, and that's rolling the foot outward. In addition, if the liners are HP foam, then the contour probably doesn't match the 'new' posture of your foot.

Any arch cramping?

Maybe take a run with one of your old footbeds on the front foot and report back.

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Today I tried again but I let the buckles a little more loose and the pain went away. 

My super feet insoles ale the one with plastics under heel and arch.

I used to ride with sidas custom footbeds and I can't remember having such a pain ever.

My liners are foam injected ones so maybe I should get a new pair.

Will make a trial on the stock footbed and see 

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The insoles you describe aren't really custom, but that's beside the point.

If you find you have too much liner foam to the lateral side of the foot, you can use a hypodermic needle and some acetone to carefully dissolve the excess in the affected area. 

Another possibility is that the cuff on the new front boot is not aligned the same as it was on the old shell?

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Hi Erik

I didn't explain myself clearly :

1. sidas beds that I used to have were custom made, heated and then you stand on them on a special machine to retain shape.

2.superfeets were made in vacuum with my legs hanging in space exactly as you described them.


I have loosened the buckles on the lower 3 by 1 tooth and loosened up a bit on a cuff too. 

If the pain won't go away I will go back to the shop that has made those beds for me.

Thanks for advice it really fells like my foot is being pushed outwards when I pull the boot really tight.


Worst come to worst I will take look at Palau, zip fit or intuition liners to replace my foam liners.


Cheers Gents !

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What you describe can probably be resolved with a belt sander. Which is to say, reduce the arch fill and narrow the footbed from the medial side along the arch.

Here's a link detailing footbed construction. Follow the prompts at the bottom of each page. You might find some insight in there somewhere.


If you like the way the Conform'able liner rides, you might be disappointed with the Palau, etc.


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