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Boot Neuropathy


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I didn't do my research and bought boots that are the same size as my soft boots, hiking boots, and every other kind of boot.  Turns out they seem just a bit big now that i have them.  To try to compensate I bought some "orthotic" (just regular walking) inserts and then crank the boots to ensure a proper "foot tourniquet".  After all....hard boots are supposed to hurt right? :nono:   Well, here I am a few days after Friday's ride and I have a section of BOTH FEET that is numb.  It wasn't cold at all and this had nothing to do with temp.  I was a bit freaked out and then looked online and think I have found something that would seem to explain this.  This link tells about something called ski boot neuropathy, and I think it is what my problem is.  http://pn.bmj.com/content/5/3/178.full.pdf+html


This is a pic of the affected area of my foot. 



It was a pain getting these boots but I know I am going to have to get some that don't require the tourniquet to keep me in them.  What a pain....and what a pain to have this neverending numb spot on each foot.


Anyone else ever get this?

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I have a similar area of reduced sensation on the top of my left foot that came on during SES 2012. The sensation has still not recovered to normal. The nerves (branches of the superficial and deep peroneal nerves) that supply that area run just under the skin on the top of the foot and have been squeezed, and in my case apparently permanently damaged.

I no longer crank the two buckles over the foot on my Head Stratos Pros up tight, merely enough to hold the buckle shut, and my right foot has had no problems, and the left has not got any worse.

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The precise reason I stopped wearing Burton Ions. It happened once with a pair of 2007s and sent the outer part of my left foot numb (about the same size area as yours). Sensation fully returned after about six months of no Ion wearing. Then, thinking it was primarily a size issue, but mostly because I'm an idiot, I got a pair of 2010 Ions, moving from 12s to 13s. It wasn't a size issue, it was an Ion issue. Same foot, same nerve damaged, about eight months recovery time. Now I ride DCs and Nikes with my bindings cranked and no relapse. I won't touch Burton's again. So I'm not a COMPLETE idiot.

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I have this with my front boot exactly as depicted in your picture. I'm not completely numb just reduced sensation on the bottom and tip of toes. It sometimes bothers me like putting on socks or hitting the break pedal.

I have Deeluxe 700's. I rode with stock liners for a year or two and my foot would occasionally slide forward pressing toes against the shell. Lost big toe nail. I also have a bunion on big toe that makes for tight fit. I bought Intuition liners which helped. At some point I noticed numbness in my toes. I'm not sure if it was before or after switching liners. It's been like this for about 2 years.

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That area will typically numb out when the orthotic/footbed, or contour of the bootboard does not allow the fat pad under the ball of the foot room to expand while weighted.

Residual numbness will usually dissipate over a few day's time once the contour conflict is resolved.


Good to know.  Still full on right now...but it has only been a few days.  I'll keep you posted.

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  • 7 months later...

I see I never gave the "rest of the story" with this.  Sooooo....for anyone that has this, surfed into this thread while researching, and has a worrisome hope of healing......it did finally go away.  Took about 4-6 months, but it finally did.  The area of numbness just kept shrinking more and more in a slow process.  Most was gone after 2 months but some lingered.  Eventually both feet just had some numbness between the two, first toes.  Just this month I finally proclaimed it 100% resolved, but it was only 5-10% that hung on the last 3 months or so. Since that small amount seemed it wasn't leaving I decided that it must be permanent but wasn't too worried as that small amount wasn't bothersome at all....but even it went away with time.


The silver lining to this is that I used the ailment as a springboard for new boots without too much protest from Mrs Duke. (hey Doctors orders right?)  I went ahead a sprung for some new UPZ boots that would fit better (my original mistake was buying boots that were my normal shoe size).  They fit perfectly and harass no foot tissue that I know of....even if they are nearly impossible to remove :)  

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