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Sun Valley 14-15


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Saturday 3/21, Day 115:  I went to Warm Springs from 2:30 and did a couple of runs but it was too soft with hard uneven stuff underneath.  I saw one softbooter guy doing his best to carve (better than me), but I wasn't feelin' it.  Too bad there aren't more low angle cruise runs here that one can just do an easy suft on when its mushy.

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Monday 3/23, Day 117:  Something like 1" of new fell in the early morning.  It is just around freezing at the base, maybe 26F on top at open.  Everything from mid-mountain on up is socked in.  I did LRR laps again on good snow that varied from nice 'n firm to pretty darn soft.  Light snow continued to fall until I left at 10, and now there are sunbreaks.  More snow tonight?  Yesterday I saw a Hooger Booger and it was raaaaadical!

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Tuesday 3/24, Day 118:  3" of nice, dry new snow this morning at open.  The world is once again white.  Maybe 30F at the base, 20 on top with clouds, wind, and more falling snow.  I went out to Seattle Ridge on Guntower Lane which was super slow.  I was getting passed by skiers, something that ordinarily never happens.  Coming down Gretchen's on my first run I am already having goggle fog problems when I see a strange looming object coming up.  It's a monster snowball that rolled out of the trees, growing to a blob 2 1/2 feet in diameter.  The snow is deep enough that edge hookup only happens when in a good carve, and I manage to link up a few good turns.  After that I made several runs down easy Broadway where I could just cruise down the run without having to worry about speed or bumps.


Things eventually get pretty cut up so I take Mayday out, but the slow snow on top is a hassle and I have to skate much of the way to the Lookout lodge.  Inside there is a kid who came up the hill wearing only a hoodie with a t-shirt underneath.  Upper College and Canyon are all cut up, bumpy and unpleasant.  Lower River Run is soft but cruisey.  Out at 10:45.  The snow stake shows 4" at the time of this writing.


Dollar Mountain closed last weekend.  The Frenchmans lift is now closed as well.

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Wednesday 3/25, Day 119:  A cold morning with high clouds, it is a little below freezing at the base and below 20F at the top.  I went to Warm Springs to try something different.  If the snow was still slow, I wanted to avoid the tiring skate to get back from Seattle Ridge.  At open I tried Lower Warm Springs and found it firm but reasonably carvy higher up, but a little scrapy towards the base.  I went to the top where Upper College, Blue Grouse and Canyon were all good.  Flying Squirrel and Lower Picabo's were the best ride for me.  Greyhawk was still too firm when I left around 11.  The new snow is great for however long it lasts.  It's going to get warm again.

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Thursday 3/26, Day 120:  Below freezing at open and the new snow is groomed down to smooth perfection.  A great sunny morning of good turns and a few bad ones.  Most of my time was spent on Upper College, Ridge, Blue Grouse and Canyon.  Scuttlebutt says that Seattle Ridge and the River Run base close after this Sunday.  After that only the Warm Springs base will be open and the resort closes on 4/6.  I just got my new RC10s fitted with foamed Surefoot liners, so I'll be testing it out tomorrow.

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Friday 3/27, Day 121:  Sunny and beautiful, but crappy riding.  Thaw-freeze brought bad grooming and slightly bumpy, wavy, too-firmness.  On top of that my new boots were being quite weird.  Even my very first turn on Upper College turned into a toeside chatter-o-rama crash.  A ski instructor guy pulled up and said "Art goes down!  Mark this day in the calendar!" 

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Saturday 3/28, Day 122: It is supposedly 37F on top at open, but I suspect that the snow is hardened groomed mush.  It got up to 60 degrees in town yesterday afternoon.  I stay down on Lower River Run and ride the heavily tilled strip until 10.  A couple of big thin areas are starting to appear, and the runoff from Lower Olympic is starting to eat into the side of LRR.


A view of the Sawtooth Mountains from Galena Summit, north of Sun Valley.

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Sunday 3/29, Day 123: Another sunny morning of thaw-freeze, I do an hour's worth of laps down Lower River Run at open.  This was the last day for Seattle Ridge and the River Run base.  I'm not sure if the Christmas and Lookout Express lifts will operate tomorrow.  If not, it will only be Challenger and Greyhawk.  Lower Warm Springs has been pretty icy in the mornings.  Since they only have to deal with half the mountain, I sure hope they groom and till the heck out of it.  Last day is Sunday, 4/5.

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Monday 3/30, Day 124:  I'm at Warm Springs at open.  Challenger, Greyhawk and Christmas lifts are running and I go to the top.  Upper College has been groomed well, but it isn't quite carve-inspiring.  Ridge and Blue Grouse are too firm and wavy.  Lower Warm Springs is waaay too firm.  I skid my way down black Limelight for the first time because a sign says that it is groomed.  But it isn't groomed, and it sucked.  An army of ski patrollers are putting up endless lengths of fencing along the Warm Springs run for upcoming FIS racing.  The final days of the season will see this race event take up much space in the few remaining runs.  I fear that there will be no alternative but to show up early because the race traffic will probably fill up the parking lot.  Out at 10.

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Tuesday 3/31, Day 125:  Up to the top on Challenger at open where it is 40F, overcast and a little breezy.  Despite the warm temps, most of the trails are pretty darn firm.  Upper College isn't bad, but it is variable.  I did a few slarvy laps here then went down Flying Squirrel and Greyhawk, both of which were hard and wavy.  Racing starts tomorrow.  Cold weather is in the forecast, even some snow?

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Wednesday 4/1, Day 126: Sunny but ass cold.  Add in the wind chill and it is Negative Ass on top.  I got to the parking lot super early but it wasn't too crowded.  I think that most of the racers came by van or bus.  The Warm Springs Lodge is full of racers.  I did one run down Upper College at open then went into the Lookout lodge to warm up.  Lookout Express is running today along with Christmas so there is a wider choice of rock hard skid runs.  After doing a few skarvy laps down Upper College I skidded down Flying Squirrel and stopped at Warm Springs to watch some of the racing.  The Super G course seems really fast and the racers are tearing down it silently, without any skidding sounds.  During a break to slip the course I was able to cross over and go down Greyhawk to my car.  It was quite awful.  Some racer girl on a practice run blew by me like I was standing still.  I'm told that the mountain will be open on Monday 4/6 as something of an "unofficial" day-after-closing-day.

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Thursday 4/2, Day 127:  Sunny but even colder still.  11F on top at open with a slight breeze.  The cold temps have made somewhat better grooming possible, but it is still firmy firm.  I rode mostly on Upper College, watched a little racing, then skidded down Greyhawk.  Out at 10:15.


I'm moving out of town at the end of the month.  Between now and then I might do some longboard pumping on the rail trail between Ketchum and Hailey.  Right now my brain is occupied with trying to formulate a summer travel plan.  I'm hoping to be on a plane to somewhere by mid-May.

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Friday 4/3, Day 128:  Sunny and cold again, around 16F on top at open.  The cold has made some excellent grooming possible, and the upper mountain is utterly smooth and velvety.  It is too firm (for me) to carve hard, so on Upper College I do wide triple turns.  Lookout Express wasn't running at open but they started it up around 9:30 and ski patrol took down the ropes on the runs going that way.  Racing today had Mens' SL on Greyhawk and Ladies' SL on Lower Warm Springs.  Some areas of Warm Springs are very hard because of the 14-0-0 fertilizer that was used to salt the course for the Super G.

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Saturday 4/4, Day 129: 26F and overcast at open.  Snow conditions are much like yesterday, but maybe a tad more grippy.  I managed to make some reasonable turns on Upper College but I had to be really stacked.  Other than the racers, few people are on the hill.  They probably show up later in the day.  I got in the parking lot at 8:30 and it was only a third full, but when I left at 10:30 it was packed.  The late comers will have to shuttle over from River Run.  On the way out I found the Prinoth Beast parked at the bottom of Flying Squirrel.  I haven't seen another hardbooter in many days.


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Racing on Greyhawk

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Sunday 4/5, Day 130: Good News for Easter!  There's 2" of new on the mountain.  It's around 25F, cloudy and windy on top.  The new snow is great and Upper College now has a surface that is slow and grippy enough to do real turns, even though I have to carve through piles and chop.  Ridge and Blue Grouse are so variable because of the windblown snow that I just can't carve them.  Lower River Run was a really bad combination of cut-up new over fertilizer-hardened ice.  One more day to go.

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Monday 4/6, Day 131:  18F on top with 1-2" of new snow.  Upper College is a little bumpy but it feels nice and carvy with dry, chalky snow.  An excellent way to close out the season.  So that's 131 consecutive days on snow, every day of the 14-15 SV season.  Lift costs were $12.97/day.  No collisions, bad crashes or significant injuries.  Lots to be thankful for.

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