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Bomber power plates for softboots


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I am using them on my custom Donek FC Bamboo/23.5 CM waist. 0 and 3 degree canting. I only noticed the stack height change from my standard freestyle setup when I got back on my freestyle deck. No forgiveness... I really like the power plates but I am disappointed with the large and heavy aluminum plate. I WISH FIN WOULD MAKE A BINDING OUT OF THE PLATE FOR SOFTBOOTERS AND BX RIDERS!!! I really do like them though.

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I ride a Power Plate system with 3/3 discs on my Dynastar 3800 with Ride Capo bindings sitting on top. The Ride bindings offer an adjustable foot platform, so if I need a little more cant or lift I can tweak it a little bit without having to completely disassemble the whole system. So far I really like it and I feel that with the rise, lift and cant, I can over power the board with my antiquated soft boots, I have not ridden this board with "raw" bindings or with HB and plates. I do notice with this particular board, setup as recommended the nose will bounce around quite a bit in chopped up snow, but the rest of the board feels stable. I'm wondering if it's the soft, yellow base pads or the long nose is dampening the ride, maybe both to some degree.

One day this season, I'll ride this board and my Donek Saber with power plates and "raw" to compare.

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I just saw this. I was going to write a little review anyway.

So I bought a pair just last week (they came in a day early and I was able to bring them to the mountains for the past 4 days, ty Bomber!)

Set up on a Donek Razor. I've ridden this board for 2 years and it's an amazing carving soft boot board. Those who have used one would say it is probably the best carving specific soft boot board made :)

Cant at 3 front and back.

Conditions were Northeast ice, packed powder and a 12" powder day.

My first run I first noticed you need to get moving, very slow control is a little lost. Same as with plate systems in hard boots. But the improvement in edge control was amazing and when I say low speed I mean a speed I never ride at unless avoiding trees in a tight glade. Buying these I honestly didn't expect that much of a difference...and of course I was WRONG! By the end of the day I was having the time of my life and able to really dive into turns in a way I've never felt in softs.

The Pow...they were not right for that but I was loving them so much I didn't take them off. The Razor isn't made for that either, it was still fun.

People do complain about the weight. I didn't notice but when I had my edges sharpened they did mention it. I don't hit the park and prefer a sturdy board under me, I actually like a little extra weight. To me the weight difference was marginal...not felt at all when riding, I could transition edge to edge just as fast as without, and looking uphill turns looked like I was riding hard boots (or like the softboots carvers here!). The board was a little heavier to carry. Who cares?

Overall, having ridden the same board as my softy for 2 years, then adding the plates, I imagine I will be using them all the time. A really great design that you will love if you like to carve and really feel edge control. I'm still feeling the stoke of the past 4 days...but I can't say enough good things!

Hope this helps. He's one vote for you buying a pair as fast as possible (the cant option from the TD3 base is nice too..I'd go 3).

This tread may end up moved to the Bx page so keep an eye there too

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I tried a set two seasons ago on a F2 Eliminator. The canting was nice to have; I used 3 degree disks front and rear. In the end though, the added weight and height negated the benefits. The added height was the main problem. A soft binding that could mount directly to the TD3 disks would improve on both height and weight, but in the end I think the TD3 bases are too high to make even that worth while. I used to think risers were a good way to compensate for a narrow board, but have come to the conclusion that the any increase in the distance between skin and board edge increases the leverage the board has over you and results in it taking more effort to go edge to edge. It seems to be true in both horizontal and vertical directions. While it is obvious that being way inboard of the edges makes it harder to roll the board onto its edges, I found that increasing vertical distance from the edge also has a similar effect, though to a lesser degree.

In the interest of full disclosure, I should admit that I'm not a big fan of soft boot carving so your mileage may vary if your goal is high angles and low overhang in soft bindings; the cant disks become more important at high angles. For soft boot carving, you're already into an area where compromises must be made. Choose your poison. I love hard booting and I love soft booting, but now I don't even try to mix the two in riding style or gear, so I re-purposed the bases as a second board kit on an alpine board.

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those plates work wonders for me, there used to be a thread with a bunch of reviews from a couple of years ago but i cant find it anymore, i wrote something about them on this thread at post #25


and you can see the plate in action here if you have 4 minutes to waste, you can skip the first 30 seconds

<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/60305864" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="281" width="500"></iframe> last day of SES 2013 from carvingchef on Vimeo.

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