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We're having a COW!


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Heck Yeah, some of the best people to have a COW with! Looking forward to doing this again next year. Great mountain, fun and great people, what more can you ask for, other than more carvers next year to share this kind of roundup with. Yipee!

Yeah, and next time maybe we'll try it with sun and groomers - just for something different!!! Glad you guys are all good sports! :1luvu:

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Howdy! My name is Babe, the mascot for COW 2013! How do you like my big, baby, blues!

I'm inviting all you rustlers to come out to the 2014 COW stampede at Grand Targhee!

Yippee, ki, yi, yay, git along little doggies! Come out and play with the big dog!

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Hello from North Montucky. Sorry I missed the COW Session. I really should check the community forum more often. I didn't even spot this thread until yesterday, the 7th. I couldn't have made it anyway as I was hosting relatives for the final week of the Whitefish season, but I'm glad you all had fun. We're closed now, but Targhee is open until the 21st. Hmm....

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Incredibly, Mick and Trish placed Babe, the official cow of COW, in my care for until the next Roundup! So I'll have her well fed and ready to carve it up next year! :biggthump

Thanks everyone for coming out to the first Carvers Out West gathering! It was great meeting new friends and renewing old acquaintances. As you all head out to your home ranches I hope the trails are soft and the wind is at your back. And if we do this again next year - somebody else has to pick the dates, because I don't have the magic touch in picking good carving weather!!! (Ahhh, we made it fun anyway!)

Happy trails and see you at the next roundup!

Edited by two_ravens
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Seen today in Riverton, WY on the long, long drive home.

Ha ha! Love the Bomber Bar! And wow, Excelsior - you are taking the long way home! Must be rounding up strays... ;)

Hello from North Montucky. Sorry I missed the COW Session. I really should check the community forum more often. I didn't even spot this thread until yesterday, the 7th. I couldn't have made it anyway as I was hosting relatives for the final week of the Whitefish season, but I'm glad you all had fun. We're closed now, but Targhee is open until the 21st. Hmm....

Yup, Ghee has nice winter snow now, if it would just clear up enough so we could see it.... And maybe we'll plan a little farther ahead next year so more folks can make it to the gathering.

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Whoaaaa little doggies!

GCC (Great Cow Coverage). Great job Kelly. Even though we could not make it this year, we really appreciate your efforts. What an excellent herd.You guys were lucky to have BDD as trail boss. Looks like he kept all the little doggies in line, well fed and well watered and safe. I just hope no one tried to keep up with him all day on the trail, as you would certainly be saddle sore. Hope he didn't keep everyone up all night around the campfire with cowboy peotry like.......

.......I once knew a man they called Big Dog Dave,

kept his smile when things were grave.

Had the herd safe through a serious fog,

and carved up the mountain like a runaway BULLDOG.

Always a good day to see Big Dog Dave,

certain to be memories, to save.......

You know, crap like that?

Edited by digger jr
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Big Dog Dave was a perfect trail boss, and that poem describes him very well.

He even managed to round up a stray out on the range and convert him to the hardboot campsite.

Thanks Kelly and Dave for a great COW. We look forward to some new trailriding adventures with you next year. at the Ghee.

Trish and Mick

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Howdy Ya'll,,Great COW roundup. Big thanks to all those rider/wranglers who attended and made the trip to Wydaho.. Good to met Mick and Trish and to ride again with Art and Kelly. Ron and Gloria, speedy recovery from that mad cow disease,,and Ron,,you have some of that "poet and didn't know it" in you,,,my rhyme would be a crime!! Went back to the rodeo grounds today. The foot of snow that fell during round-up weekend groomed up nicely and made for great riding today,,could even see!!! To all,,,,be well and look forward to next year!!

Edited by BigDogDave
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Here is a view of the valley (yes! there is a valley down there!):


This is what carving in sun and good snow looks like:


And I left the Duck of World Peace and Happiness at home, so of course we were confronted by an angry snowlerblader! She said that what we were doing was beautiful, but could we please go do it someplace ungroomed because she wasn't having any fun tripping in our trenches. We empathized, but continued our rampant (yet beautiful!) destruction of all the pretty groomers. :eplus2:

OK, next year someone else picks the date next year - maybe we'll have a chance of seeing sun at the next COW!!! :)

p.s. Excelsior, I hope those hash browns were tasty! Like they said in the movie Empire of the Sun - 'people will do anything for a potato.' Heck, you drove around half the US!

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