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Knee compression sleeve experience?

Gabe T

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So around late this summer, I started to have some issues with one of my knees. Not so bad that I couldn't do my regular activities, but the knee is not as flexible as it once was and I experience tightness and some swelling after activity. Pretty much the same story after my first day of riding this season. Bruce has also had some knee issues in the past and mentioned that they were particularly not feeling so good after riding on opening day.

The other morning, I flipped on the tv and saw Montel Williams hawking compression clothing in on an infomercial. Anyone have any experience with these products? http://www.tommiecopper.com/product/knee-compression-sleeve

Of the reviews I looked up, they seemed to be looked upon favourably.


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Pre-existing condition? Other than aging, can you correlate any changes in activity, nutrition/hydration, and/or footwear to the change in flexibility?

Generally speaking, if you don't actually need a brace to maintain actual stability, you are probably better off without.

Neoprene, on the other hand, will keep the joint warmer.

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Gabe, I don't know much about the ones you're referring too or your situation, however Shoppers Home Health Care has a couple different ones from $25-$40 (and up). For minor joint pain I bought a Hely&Weber neoprene brace for $35 and it makes a difference, not huge, but when my knee is acting up I'm glad I have it riding. It's a very simple design with no velcro, it just slides over your knee and I have to adjust it once in a while.

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Years ago, when I started skiing with one 'weak knee' that kept me from skiing all day, I decided to try a compression sleeve.

First time I wore it, after a day of skiing, my 'bad' knee felt better than my 'good' knee!

Back to the Pharmacy I went to buy one for the other knee and have not ridden without them since!

They look like an elasticised Ace Bandage (not neoprene and seem to breathe well/don't sweat) tube shaped & tapered, just slide them up and you are good to go.

They are sized to your knee & articulate very well, and have silicone dots on inside at the tops that keep them in place well.

They are made by Medi in Germany & last for years before the elastic looses sizing.

Edited by jp1
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I have a bit of a cartilage problem in both knees, so the patellae do not slide as smoothly as they should. I always ride with these knee bandages and they make a big difference! They have a ring-shaped padding which keeps the patellae in place, and plastic reinforcements which help stabilize the knees. I have no experience with the ones you mention, but I would never ride without mine. I feel the difference after each day of riding.

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I don’t recall any one incident or injury that may have triggered the knee issue, so maybe just something that comes with age and perhaps the cumulative effect of activities that involve impact to the knees.

I would have never thought compression clothing would have that significant an impact but the reviews and materials I’ve looked at recently do have me thinking that there is something to it that's worth exploring. (I’m also noticing more and more rec. and pro athletes using similar products these days.) Comments about pain control, increased blood flow and enhanced recovery times were interesting. Btw, the brand I mentioned contains copper infused material although it’s debatable whether that has any direct impact. A lot of people also reported wearing this product comfortably for long periods of times, including having it on in bed.

I would imagine that some of the beefier style braces and supports that were mentioned probably would do a better job providing support while riding. The recovery aspect of wearing the sleeves was interesting though.

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I would find a really good sports physio first and get them to test for muscle balance/imbalance. In the past, I have worn the stabilizing braces (which would be a lot more beefy than the compression one) and I found that my knee got worse due to lack of muscle growth in the muscles required to stabilize things.

The best thing for my knee (nickname is a hint as to injury... it is lots of titanium in there) is really good muscle training program that focuses on stability and strength. Avoid the machine where you dangle your foot over and raise up a weight. That's really really bad for your knees.

That said, the compression seems to increase bloodflow and keep things warm, so couldn't hurt. Just not a long-term solution. Personally would avoid the beefy braces unless required by a good sports med doc or physio.

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I wouldn't wear them all the time, either. I wear mine only for sports (and, on the right leg, for longer drives in the car). I also have a decent muscle corset around the knees, due to a few thousand kilometers of cycling each year. Still, I find the bandages add that extra bit of comfort and confidence.

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