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Hey guys

I have a customer that has just gotten a MAC, and says that he can't see most of our web site. He says our pages are coming up as CFM, which is our old web site and not our new one. Our new one is all html.

He can see this page http://bomberonline.3dcartstores.com/Deeluxe_c_24.html

But he can't see this page https://bomberonline.3dcartstores.com/deeluxe_track_225T.cfm

Do you think it has something to do with the security on the page? The 2nd page is a secure page, while the first one is not.

However, the twist is that he can see this page https://bomberonline.3dcartstores.com/What-Boot-is-right-for-my-application_ep_49-1.html

Any suggestions for him? Thanks!

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It's nothing to do with macs, although they probably use Safari which you can also download for PCs (it's slightly different on Macs, but not much).

Your second (https) link is a 404 - the page is not there, the link is broken. You can't see it with my (grown up computer) browser either.

Your third (https) link is fine, that page exists.

=> it's not the punter's machine, it's your url which is broken.

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You are right! That is weird, that he is going to that page when it doesn't exist. He should be going to this page


He said "I tried using both the chrome browser (my default) and firefox" so I don't think he's on Safari.

I wonder why it's directing him to that link? Odd indeed. Thanks Phil!

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You are right! That is weird, that he is going to that page when it doesn't exist. He should be going to this page


He said "I tried using both the chrome browser (my default) and firefox" so I don't think he's on Safari.

I wonder why it's directing him to that link? Odd indeed. Thanks Phil!

I am using Safari and can verify what phill said, I can go to and view correctly all but the 404 link mentioned by phill. I can also view the 4th link listed in the above quote.

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the only potential issue i can think of is that his machine still has some old website data stuck in his cache, so if he clears that out, (just google how to clear cache on his browser) that might fix it, also, if he clicks the apple icon in the top left and checks for a software update, and then clicks details, he can check if he is behind in his safari version, in which case he update that by leaving it checked, and hitting update.

Hope that helps


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the only potential issue i can think of is that his machine still has some old website data stuck in his cache, so if he clears that out, (just google how to clear cache on his browser) that might fix it, also, if he clicks the apple icon in the top left and checks for a software update, and then clicks details, he can check if he is behind in his safari version, in which case he update that by leaving it checked, and hitting update.

Hope that helps


from the top menu

Safari/empty cache

Have him download firefox and try it out too.

But i tried it on a new computer and a $200 hackintosh and couldn't see it.

FWIW You can turn a Dell Insperion Mini 10V into a Hackintosh for just a cheapo $30 copy of snow leopard as a virus proof OS.

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It's nothing to do with macs, although they probably use Safari which you can also download for PCs (it's slightly different on Macs, but not much).

Your second (https) link is a 404 - the page is not there, the link is broken. You can't see it with my (grown up computer) browser either.

Your third (https) link is fine, that page exists.

=> it's not the punter's machine, it's your url which is broken.

Hi, I'm the punter with the problem. I think you have cfm pages on your site. Let me take you step by step what I did (reproducible in chrome and firefox...I hate safari).

1. http://www.bomberonline.com/ - works fine

2. click store: http://bomberonline.3dcartstores.com/ - works fine

3. click boots: http://bomberonline.3dcartstores.com/Boots-and-Liners_c_22.html - works fine

4. click "what boot is right for my application": https://bomberonline.3dcartstores.com/What-Boot-is-right-for-my-application_ep_49-1.html - works fine

5. click *any* of the "more details" links by the boots listed on this page, and you go to a cfm page. Here is one: https://bomberonline.3dcartstores.com/deeluxe_track_325T.cfm for me this comes up empty (not 404 error).

I don't think this is user error, or mac/browser configuration, I think it is the presence of .cfm files (cold fusion) on this site. I haven't bought boots in almost 20 years. They were great, but unfortunately now are essentially unusable, so I need to buy new ones...hopefully ones that work with my old Trench Digger binding which I have on both of my boards...and the steps 1 - 5 is how I navigated the site....



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There are no cfm pages on our server, so I honestly don't know how you are getting them! they don't exist any longer, we moved servers and the new site has absolutely no cfm pages. :( I can still walk you through it or copy and paste things and send them to you, but there is definitely something not right with what you are pulling up on your browser. Maybe these guys can help?

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There are no cfm pages on our server, so I honestly don't know how you are getting them! they don't exist any longer, we moved servers and the new site has absolutely no cfm pages. :( I can still walk you through it or copy and paste things and send them to you, but there is definitely something not right with what you are pulling up on your browser. Maybe these guys can help?

Were you able to go step by step like I did...when you click on the "details..." link, what happens? Don't you see a URL to CFM? I totally believe you have removed the .CFM files ... this completely explains why these links no longer work. What I also believe is in the HTML for the "what boot is right for my application" README page, there is a link to the .CFM page that no longer exists...if you are following me? I guess, I can do a viewsource, and check for you if you like...

EIDT: ok, just did a quick viewsource, and here is at least one reference to a .cfm file that I found:

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Ah, ok. I got it now. Some of the links on that page were old...sorry about that! My fault, they should be fixed now. If you find any more of these please let me know.


All better!

Michelle, reminder about the broken link, bottom right hand side of forum page template.

"Bomberonline" goes to:


= Error page .

Suggestion? Change Vbulletin png in upper left corner to a BOL logo and provide a hyperlink to home page rather than simply returning to the same Forum page? post-198-141842370465_thumb.png

This would provide a handy "Return" navigation that currently doesn't exist from the forum.

Edited by www.oldsnowboards.com
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A Mac user who doesn't like Safari and looks under the hood at the raw html code. You're 1 in 100 my friend. I guess that's why you're a Hardbooter as well. :biggthump

(Typed on a MBP3,1 still running 10.4.11)

Hardly. All the web designers and coders I know, without exception, use macs. It's probably closer to 1 in 10 ;)

Windows users, on the other hand, use a browser called "the internet".

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