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traditonaly boots/bindings work on alpine board?


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Using soft boots and bindings on most alpine boards is not a good idea because you will not be able to generate enough power to carve properly. Also your feet will probably hang over the edges on the board and will hit on the snow when trying to carve. Soft boots and bindings are not designed to work at steeper angles needed for alpine snowboarding. Exactly what board are you buying?

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I've seen it work on some boards. I've seen carvingchef on here ride his 23cm wide Coiler with Bomber power plates and stiff softboots, or some times hardboots if he feels like it. He is able to make it work quite well, but you need the right gear of course.

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Have you bought that board, or just planning to do it? What is it?

For $500 you can probably get entire alpine setup, with a bit of shopping effort...

Or, just buy boots and bindings and use them on your existing softie board to get the taste of alpine. You'll probably get more buck for money that way, then riding softies on full-on alpine board. Later, you can add the real alpine board.

Or, as Nekdut said, find a board that is wide/soft enough to be ridden with softies and quasi-alpine angles...

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As others mentioned, it's a question of which board? A soft setup is not good at transmitting power laterally, which is a must with steeper angles. A narrow board requires steep angles to avoid overhang. If the ratio between board width and your shoe size is right, it might work. If not, not.

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Man, I dunno if that's going to be a good introduction to an alpine board for you. That's a little slalom race board. Not sure of the specs, but I think it's really narrow and probably pretty stiff too. That'll require high binding angles and a lot of power transmission and that's probably not going to work so great with softies.

What kind of riding are you looking to do? If you're looking to do the same stuff you do on your current setup but want to go with something stiffer and more aggressive, you might be better off looking at more of an all-mountain alpine board - like a Prior ATV or 4x4 or a Donek Axxess - rather than a race-specific board.

As mentioned, alpine boots and bindings on your current board might be a better taste than your boots and bindings on a race board.

It should also be mentioned that while 153cm or so might be close to what you're currently riding, it's really short for an alpine board.

If I were you I'd look in the BOL classifieds and find an entire setup for that price or less. I just think you're going to try it all wrong, it's not going to work, you're not going to like it and you're going to be out 500 bucks and turn your back on alpine without really giving it a quality try.


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im buying the volkl renn tiger, 153cm

I'm 90% sure it will not work with soft boots. Also, look at typical prices of Renntigers, sold on Bomber classifieds...

Have a look at the Rossi in my BlueB's garage sale - Carve thread. It might be just what you need to get started. Depending on your foot size, I might be able to add some older hard boots, to make a package deal, at a fraction of price you wanted to pay for board only. No pressure, though.

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Even for racing at your weight it's a bit short, IMO.

But we don't know his height, do we?

Anyways, this is getting pretty amusing... Imagine racing on skinny Renntiger, in soft boots, high angles, ice, ruts...

Dude, just decide what boots you wanted to race in, and take it from there:

Get a BX board for softies;

Or, get a propper alpine board with hardboots, your Renntiger, or whatever. There were few softer Kesslers SL in classifieds, recently. Those would smoke the Renntiger in the race course anytime.

On the 2nd thought, your race coach should know all of this, I'd assume?

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