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Get Dialed - Western MASS


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John Gilmour / ncermark, I'm planning on making the trip up from NJ. If their are any changes / cancellations, Please post as you did last week.

Bosquet Ski Area, 7 pm, correct ?

I was going to take Friday night off so I could ride Saturday, but the weather does NOT look to be promising.

Thanks in Advance------jp

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JP...looks to be cold and fast on saturday. If you do come up Friday, come on over to the hill, and look for me, probably in the beginners area (I'll be teaching), and we can hook up for a beer.

I'll be training gates in the morning with my kids, for a small fee ($10) we can get you in the gates too for some practice.

And Sunday, we have the USASA Banked Slalom over at Eaglebrook School (1 hr away, Right on 91, in deerfield). you could definitely make a fun weekend of the trip.


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Noah / John, I checked the weather and it looks clear, but want to majke sure the clinic is "still a go" for this evening.

It's a 4+ hr. drive one way.

LUCKILY I checked here last week just as I was leaving the house and avoided a 'lot' of driving.

Thanks - jp

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I'd like to know your guys thoughts about the clinic-

This is an evolving project which hopefully in the end will end with a DVD that you'll get from when you order stuff from Fin.

I tried a different approach this time. More theory and history- a little less hands on, I also showed people how to feel the nose flex to get an idea of mounting position for the front binding (This is how we determine where inserts should go when laying up decks)

and a final check going in a circuit from person to person by me.

I sent Noah out fully dialed and checked- watched his riding as he appoached the lodge and made another adjustment-

I sent Bob out with only an equipment check and without seeing him in his gear pressurizing the board on carpet. Also good, but I'm not sure how much Bob is compensating- also I never got to see people ride beforehand.

Ideally I'd like to do something along these lines.

1. Get video of the people riding

before the adjustments. (So I have a "baseline" and can see their issues on tape)

2. Expain the history and theory.

3. Explain board flex- and flex zones- have class strip boards and compare boards flex.

4. Explain what we are trying to accomplish in terms of body mechanics and the board

5. Show how each adjustment affects each part of the turn.

6. Have people try to dial themselves in (While I monitor and correct and explain corrections)

7. Have people get in gear in exactly the same boot settings as they did previously (Even though these likely will change)

8. Check for proper body position for initial pressurizing of the edge

9. Send them out for a few runs

10 Make final adjustments.

11. Tape the improvement for others to see so they can have a little help from the web when approaching similar problems.



The fastest way for me to dial people in is this.

1. Measure their leg. Measure the angle of lowest ankle flex (How low can you get your kneecap when using a combination of forward and lateral flex) also assign stance width.

2. Assign the cant angle and binding angle that maximizes this and board width (note: Instead I use the board because that is the limiting factor usually)

3. Check cuff position when boots are mounted in the board.

4. Check rider position of knees and comfort while twisting in board on carpet.

5. Send them out and have them come back for corrections- and ask for feedback on what they need to have changed.


The speed method is "Give a man M & M's and he will eat today"

The more complete method is "Teach a Man to Make M & M's and he'll get diabetes". (and end up like me doing clinics instead of riding ) :p

I expect as I continue to do this- the clinics will get better and I'll have some printed materials for people to take home.

For those needing to use paypal for last night use e500mercedes1994@yahoo.com


Smoke Weed Every Day

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quote from Philkill-

(my replies are in asterisks ***----***)

Hi John, hope you are rapidly continuing to progress from the surgery! I just wanted to drop you a line about the set up on the Donek. I 'finally' rode it for the first time ! I had all kinds of excuses in my mind, thin cover, board too long for my area (narrow trails, still not blown full width), different set up, but mostly in the back of my mind, from what I had heard it may be too much board for me!

Anyway conditions were 'very hardpacked'. I had a couple of hours in on my Volkyl Renn Tiger 173GS, and thought these may just be the conditions to get out the Donek and try it. I purposely brought the Donek to the clinic because I didn't want to change the Volkyl if I didn't have to. I've been tweaking it, and really thought it was close. Figured let you set up the Donek, I can ride both and compare them and go from there. See what feels best and adapt to that. While the set up are similar, they are still different, and have to admit, I was a little hesitant about riding the Donek.

WOW ! That thing is SWEET !! The set up has to be REALLY close, it rode great. I'm not touching anything until I can 'really' decipher exactly what I felt. I was SO excited, while it was different, I felt comfortable on it and it seems to really ride nice. Seemed to turn almost as tight as my Volkyl (and will probably turn a lot tighter when I learn how to ride it). Turn initiation seemed instantaneous, I think I really like the narrow waist (it's 17.5 not 18 as we thought) swt had it made narrower. I really like being able to get off of one edge onto the other quick, and it left some sweet tracks in the snow for a rookie!!

That being said ( I told you I'd have a ton of questions) have a few ??

1 Spacing C-C, Pros and Cons of closer / further apart? I'm at 19 1/8" on the Volkyl. You put me 18 5/8" on the Donek. I was feeling tired and front thigh was starting to burn when riding the Volkyl, then I hopped on the Donek. The burn subsided, and I no longer felt as tired. Do you think it was set up, or just the EXCITEMENT of something new / different that felt good. Busy paying attention to other things like making the board work and trying to feel the differences?? Or just because of the different set up, hitting the muscles differently? Do you think I should move the C-C closer on the Volkyl?

*** try it for a few more days- I think your muscle burn on your Volkl was from running too wide so you were riding one leg too much- I'm looking at your comfort and power with a stance width.*****

2 You moved the front binding forward one hole in the binding, from being centered as I had it. Scott Tucker the guy that had the board made says it like to have 'front pressure' to make it turn! Is this why you wanted it forward? Do you think I should move the front binding forward on my Volkyl also? Or are they just 2 completely different animals ( the Volkyl is centered now).

*****I wanted you forward for the icer/firmer East Coast conditions- You would move rearward for softer rocky mountain "hardpack snow, which isn't tightly packed"- you shouldn't move the Volkl much further up or you will risk overloading the nose.....furthermore the extreme parabolic sidecut of the Volkl would lend itself to tossing you too forward in an aggressive decreasing radius turn if I mounted it much further forward- besides...it rides nicely now....doesn't it? Narrow it up a bit and see but try running it just a hair wider than the Donek to control the thrashy flexy belly of the Volkl better (when the easier to flex Volkl board flexes a lot.....your feet will actually be closer- does that make sense???). ****

3 I also never put any OFFSET in the Volkyl, so this MAY be my first change ??

***Absolutely ride your Volkl with offset- your turn response and stability, and hip angulation will ALL improve- both heelsides and toesides will be more powerful and hold better on ice.****

4 What should I look for when comparing? I was thinking to put the boots in the bindings and take some pictures of each set up and compare them side by side. I have a digital level, so I already know the binding angles are different from board to board, but then I figured if the 'stance / C-C' is different then the angle 'should' be different !? Is this TRUE? I would think as the stance gets further apart you would need more angle because everything is pivoting from the pelvis??

***Actually, no....if you go too wide a highly angled stance becomes biomechanically unmanageable and you'll lose your ability for easy front to rear weight transfer. There is an ideal angle for each board- and of course you hope that ideal angle corresponds to your own ideal angles for power and stability and edge transfer.... if they don't-----well you are on the wrong width board. You can change the board easier than extensive surgery moving your muscles/joints/and altering your foot size.... would change your dimensions..(I've had it done and am not all that happy with the results) .lol....***

I did contact PSR and plan to schedule a lesson with him.

***You won't regret it- his teaching style is about the easiest to absorb of ANYONES, just do everything he says- and after you feel like you have plateaued- you are ready for some dynamic coaching on your riding- PSR will give you perfect steering skills***

THANKS AGAIN, John Philkill


Vapir air one

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