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Funny Police Blotter Entry


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Last night I was settling into a late night movie when I heard a police siren and lights in my backyard. I looked out and could see a police cruiser had pulled a car over on the street on the next block over. The cop ordered the driver out of the car, had him kneel down on the street and the same with the passenger. From there, everything went quiet and a few minutes later they hauled both of the perps away.

This morning, I checked the local police blotter and this is what I read about the incident (http://www.loganutah.org/Police%20Dept/Reports/medialaw.cfm):

DUI 09:45:49 PM *05/10/2011 11-L7164 CAA Narrative:

Wed May 11 02:06:55 MDT 2011

ATL [Attempt To Locate] vehicle located on 1000 West by Deputy Liquin. The vehicle had been observed by an anonymous complainant driving erotically. The vehicle was stopped and the driver was found to be driving under the influence of prescription medications.

I don't know about you but, I'm having a hard time imagining how a car drives 'erotically'. Erratic is what I think the officer was shooting for here but, he missed the target by just a little bit.


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My husband is a project manager for an architectural firm that designs school. He works with other project managers who work with the construction firms, the ISDs, etc. One such project manager who worked for Parsons put out an email to 50 some odd people involved with the football stadium project in Beaumont, TX. She referenced one of the engineers on the project, a man named Gonesh. The spellcheck feature changed Gonesh's name to "gonad" every time Gonesh's name appeared in the email (many times since the email was about a problem he identified)........:eek:

My new favorite misspelling is "moran"...the poster is invariably trying to call someone else "a moron"......tee hee

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But, now I 'm wondering how someone could even say that the car (that's vehicle for police talk) was driving erratically. The road it was on was a north-south corridor that is under construction. You HAVE to weave in and out of construction cones so this car was probably weaving more than was needed.

BTW, what is up with the vehicle was....whatever? I mean, it was the driver who was driving erratically not the car. That's like when watching the news you'll often hear the talking head or headette say, "...heavy rain is being blamed for a severe traffic accident on blah-blah-blah". As if heavy rain was an animate object that could possibly overtake drivers and make them crash their cars. What they should be saying is, "...3 or 4 idiot drivers wouldn't slow down this morning on their way to work and this was the cause a severe traffic accident in the rain". The blame lies with the drivers not with the rain. Unless the rain could be given a citation and fined, blame the real cause of the accident: idiot drivers.


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They were driving erotically and under the influence of prescrption medication. Viagra, by any chance?

Dan, apparently the makers of Viagra are posed to market a new vodka: Viagra Vodka.

Yep, it seems that anyone can pour themselves a stiff one now.


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I can think of a worse one.....

Father Smith lives a quiet life praying and gardening in the monastery. After a long illness, he dies and travels to the Pearly Gates. When he gets there, he notices a man already waiting and looking fairly self conscious. Finally Saint Peter arrives and greets both of them warmly and escorts them inside.

Saint Peter asks Father Smith if he would mind if the other man was taken to his heavenly room first. Father Smith says of course not.

The three of them walk up a long winding staircase carved of ivory and mahoghany. Then the three of them enter a huge room with an indoor pool and wonderful artwork and several large fully stocked and ornately carved bookcase. Saint Peter turns to the man and tell him that this is his reward for a lifetime of good works.

Father Smith is getting pretty excited. Afterall, he spent his whole life sleeping on a wooden pallet, reading and praying by candlelight and eating nothing but gruel.

After Saint Peter and Father Smith leave the man in his luxurious room, Saint Peter turns to Father Smith and says that they will be walking to Father Smith's new room. The turn onto the stairwell and start walking up. Landing after landing passes and the stairwall becomes less fancy and more plain. Within a few more landings, it becomes slovenly. Finally, it's little more than a rickety ladder made of wood. Saint Peter and Father Smith finally come to the top of the staircase and turn into a room with a wooden pallet for a bed and a simple table and chair with a candleholder. Father Smith can bear it no longer. Saint Peter, he cries, this looks identical to the miserable little room I spent my life in. How is this a reward. Saint Peter apologizes and says, simply, Father Smith, we have thousands of priests in Heaven. The man you saw earlier was our FIRST lawyer!

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