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Day off? This is Montucky - we don't need no stinkin' day off!!! :flamethro

So we loaded up the entire crew for a little road trip to another fine Southern Montucky carving hill - Kelly Canyon, near Idaho Falls, Idaho! We'll be meeting up with Big Dog Dave - woohoo!!! No one makes carving look like more fun than BDD! :biggthump


1) Meandering moose!

2) Almost run down by this rather distressed young moose, along Palisades Reservoir.

3) Oh, look - even the turkeys are headed to Kelly Canyon! These guys were hanging out on the Snake River bridge near Swan Valley.




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Nothing finer than the sweet Kelly Canyon topped off with Heise sulfur hot springs that does not wash off for days!!

Looks like BDD is getting along very nicely with his new VSR!!!

I hope SES is nearly as fun this year as SkES looks this year! I am bumming that I am missing SkES!

Maybe next year!!

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Today is euro carving day! Woohoo!!! The whole gang is ready to go hook it up, crank it over and lay it down... except we can't find two_ravens!?! :confused:

:eek::eek: Oh geez Ethel - cover yer eyes! We've found 2 ravens enjoying a tender moment with... Mud Flap Guy!!!! No way! :confused: We distinctly remember seeing 2r's post up this comment:

and man boobs - no matter how perky - are just not appealing :barf:

Well, that's the last time we believe anything she posts up here!!! :eplus2: Maybe she misunderstood - today is about fully laid out CARVING!!!!

:lol::lol::lol:OK, if we can get these two untangled, we'll be heading out to the hill soon...


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Feeling kinda slighted here...thought we were going to do full laid out carves with our bodies bouncing across the snow??? Since getting my Coiler classic (Montucky race carve) last year, I have frequently stated that Coilers (and Doneks) have curves in the right places, but laying out with the stubette AND mud flap guy...man boobs and all,,,adds at least one,,,if not two demensions to this whole senerio!!! I may have to take a time out (BOL style)..and go back to Kellycanyon!

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Feeling kinda slighted here...thought we were going to do full laid out carves with our bodies bouncing across the snow??? Since getting my Coiler classic (Montucky race carve) last year, I have frequently stated that Coilers (and Doneks) have curves in the right places, but laying out with the stubette AND mud flap guy...man boobs and all,,,adds at least one,,,if not two demensions to this whole senerio!!! I may have to take a time out (BOL style)..and go back to Kellycanyon!

Oh, dear! Sorry to disappoint! Mud flap dude does seem to have a certain affect on most guys.... :eplus2:

Fully laid, bodies on snow - pics coming soon! :p

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Damn it, why was I not told of this event going on!

I could have brought 52 sets of Td3 and 34 Boiler Plates.

Is this on that Tweeter thing?

:o Ooops! Can't believe we missed such an amazing opportunity!!! Those turkeys would have been totally into the whole plate scene, I'm sure! :biggthump

And no, we're not on that Tweeter thing :nono: - we're afraid Cheney would want to go duck hunting with us. :eek::eek::eek:

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Boy Am I missing out!! Missed the short board clinic by 1 cm and now miss the eurocarve clinic because of a time out...and although we have great things at kellycanyon,,,now where else but SkES can I learn how to get fully laid....side to side...front to back....and with all that snow flying in the clinic pics....you really had to be moving!! And those that know me,,,and have seen me ride,,,know how badley I needed that clinic!! Another reason to look forward to next years SkES!!....And ...Nice pics of the moose and roadside turkeys...yea ...the ones with feathers ..Keep up the good work,,,,,

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3) Our favorite - this is the Montucky special - originated by dredman, but two_ravens is making it her own!

Very nicely done!! You have definitely made it your own!!

Looks like you had a magnificent day!!! Sleeping in late...laying it down...EVERYWHERE!!!

I am so bummed that I had to miss SkES!!! NEXT YEAR!!!

One big trip a year and I had to go and pick SES...

I can not wait to see what tomorrow brings!!

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Wow, we can't believe there are only two more days of riding and fun here at SkES!!! Time does fly! And it's not just the great carving and fun events that make it such a special time - it's that wonderful feeling we get from being with our 'tribe' :1luvu::1luvu: - people who truly understand our (in dredman's words) slightly excessive carving personalities. :o Finally - a whole week where we don't have to explain ourselves to anyone! :ices_ange

fin, you need to consider two_ravens as the official SES Reporter :biggthump.....

OR would that be a 'conflict of interest' :rolleyes: ?

two_ravens, Thanks Again for the updates on SkES :) !!

Jp1 - glad you're enjoying the show! Two_ravens will probably be posting up from SES too, we'll see about that conflict of interest thing.... :rolleyes:

do keep SKES going!!

I won't make it because I'm still looking for a suitable inflatable hot tub. What with the new "full body scans" and all, I wouldn't want Homeland Security to get the right idea.

And please find someone to manage the King into the future. As mentioned before, my one experience in Jackson Hole came after 4 days @ Grand Foggy. It was a package deal, and the last 3 days had to be spent at The Hole.

The smart members of our group took a lay day to go snowmobiling in Yellowstone. Two of us opted for the mountain. And to say Jackson beat Hades out of my exhausted corpus that day, not to mention the next two, would be a gross understatement. Were it not for the Mangy Moose, where I licked my wounds and salved my ego, JH would have been a total loss. And, no, I didn't go anywhere close to Corbett's (sp?)

So keep Snow King open! I like small, local hills, and though I know most of the trails there are narrow and steep, Old Man Flats sounds like it's close to my current speed.

I hope to find out.

Cheers, and I know SKES2 will be just as successful as the inaugural event!! :biggthump:biggthump


BB - thank you for the kind words! Sure hope you get the hot tub situation figured out so you can join us next year! :p

Jackson, WY has some folks with pretty deep pockets - I imagine someone will figure out a way to keep the King going, just not sure what that will look like.... But we know the King will always be the best thing going here in The Hole! :biggthump

BigDogDave - someday we'll get all of Southern Montucky synchronized, so you can get in on all this cool stuff! At least your 'cubicle carving' training is going well! Your post count gets better everyday - can't wait till you are freed from your lowly skidder status! :biggthump

Dredman - so.... "Even More Beautiful Northern Montucky" is it? You sayin' you think your part of Montucky is better than mine?!?!? We'll just see about that, won't we..... :eplus2::eplus2::eplus2:

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