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Return to snowboarding?


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After six years of break in snowboarding I dusted off boards, lubricated bindings with Bomber grease, spread some teflon/wax on topsheet and some dry wax on base. We are headed with my wife to Windham, NY tomorrow. Let's see what legs remember ;)

Have good runs ;)

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I was able to get out for a day end of last season, that was my first time out in about 8 years!! I'll admit, it was a little scary the first couple turns, as I'm that much older and heavier, LOL! :mad:

But it came back to me alright all things considered. Hope your return ride is a successful one!!

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No snowboarding for six years?

How did you survive?

Almost like this... but not really :) Now I am fit better than I ever was (definitely better than I was 6-10 years ago). The trick is that I do a lot of physical workout (yes after work at office IT in some bank). This has been going for quite some time and I need it to be fit for automotive competition that I have been doing for last five years (going national level next year:) One thinks that one does not need it for driving an autocross or race car. Wrong idea. It is really demanding physically and mentally. It took me a few years to get into shape and compete in different... whatever.

Damn I need new clothing for snowboarding now :eek:

But I was missing snowboard. I think I still love it. I do not care what board or what super-duper plates or "suspension system" I might be now. Just pure love to the sport

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Metal Boards, Sidewinders and plate systems...Its been six good years of progression!

Welcome back

I know, buddy:) I took a glimpse here on BOL and I was shocked what happend during my absence from the sport. I cannot afford it anymore:eek: Okay I spent money on cars mods for comp. now. I will think of getting new TD3, some titanal board and maybe that lovely Boiler plates plus new boots some time in the future when I feel that I am ready.

So the war of mount patterns between 3D and 4x4 is over now and we go UMP (or UPM) ?

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I was able to get out for a day end of last season, that was my first time out in about 8 years!! I'll admit, it was a little scary the first couple turns, as I'm that much older and heavier, LOL! :mad:

But it came back to me alright all things considered. Hope your return ride is a successful one!!

I am the same weight as I was before... just two inches thinner in my waist and two inches bigger in my chest :) I do not give up with age. I plan to live forever ;)

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Nice to have you back! I hope you enjoy your time back on the slopes. I know that I appreciate each time I get to ride and experience snowboarding and carving.

It helps to keep things in perspective. Kinda like a cleansing each time I get to make turns. Snowboarding and riding plates keeps the head clear and the heart pounding; which at my age is a good thing, eh? :)

Many happy turns to you!


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After six years of break in snowboarding I dusted off boards, lubricated bindings with Bomber grease, spread some teflon/wax on topsheet and some dry wax on base. We are headed with my wife to Windham, NY tomorrow. Let's see what legs remember ;)

I too got back to alpine snowboarding after 7 years of break few years ago. It only took 2nd trip to hills to grasp where I left. You will be fine after few runs. Welcome back.

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....... plus new boots some time in the future when I feel that I am ready.


don't worry about new equipment yet. the important thing is that you are back.

i remember from your posts on bomberonline about 10 years ago that you had problems with your boot flexing and popping out of the TD bindings. you may find that upgrading the bindings first to TD3 before upgrading the boots might be something to keep in mind as you may be able to continue using your old boots. if i recall correctly you used raichle 223 boots with the stiff race tongues? if so that's a fairly stiff 4 buckle boot that's stiff comparable to today's boots--only thing markedly better would be the liners but those are easily replaced.

hope to read more of your informative and funny posts. please keep in mind that KENT SMITH knows his stuff but can appear gruff at times. i think i learned more from his posts than any other single bomberonline member and am glad both of you guys still post here.

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don't worry about new equipment yet. the important thing is that you are back.

i remember from your posts on bomberonline about 10 years ago that you had problems with your boot flexing and popping out of the TD bindings. you may find that upgrading the bindings first to TD3 before upgrading the boots might be something to keep in mind as you may be able to continue using your old boots. if i recall correctly you used raichle 223 boots with the stiff race tongues? if so that's a fairly stiff 4 buckle boot that's stiff comparable to today's boots--only thing markedly better would be the liners but those are easily replaced.

hope to read more of your informative and funny posts. please keep in mind that KENT SMITH knows his stuff but can appear gruff at times. i think i learned more from his posts than any other single bomberonline member and am glad both of you guys still post here.

Wow... you remember my old problem. Yes, I had that, but many years ago I switched to AF700 so I still use them. Problem gone (although I customized those boots because my back foot needs more movement and flex than RAB gave me... so I put mechanism from old Raichles ;)

Kent is great guy. He knows this stuff very well. We had some "on-and-offs" here and there, but it does not matter to me. I would talk with him and everybody I met here with pleasure. I even do not hold anything for Boardy anymore :D

Have good runs!

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