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Slope angle required for EC?


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How steep of a run do you need to do linked EC turns? I was getting them down on an incline of around 30-35 degress but it was still hard to keep up my momentum. And how the heck do you do a heel side EC carve? I'm able to do toe side, but the heel side ones are totally out of my grasp. I just end up doing a standard carve turn until I get back on the toe side. Not even sure how to initiate the heel side.

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Old story about slope degrees vs. grade... 35* is about as steep as it gets on most groomed runs. We've got one of that awerage pitch, that drops to 45* at one spot. I'd say you do not need anything steeper than that and can pull it off with less. However, 35 grade would mean 35' drop over 100' length, which equals to only 19*. EC should still be doable on that, at least 4-5 linked turns.

If you are not sure how to initiate heel side, I wouldn't go to a supper steep pitch - you might end up sliding head first...

Anyways: Committment (takes guts to launch down before your board, heelside), rotation, strong push-pull. Cross-under as low as you can, that way you are already close to the snow.

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And how the heck do you do a heel side EC carve? I'm able to do toe side, but the heel side ones are totally out of my grasp. I just end up doing a standard carve turn until I get back on the toe side. Not even sure how to initiate the heel side.

Just learned this at the end of last season, so take it with a grain of salt:

First find the natural balance of your board. Do this by doing nice easy norm-like carves on a modest slope. Once you have that feeling, practice this position - hips square to the board, legs in as low a crouch as you can possibly achieve (you should be able to touch the edge of your board without pushing your shoulder down to reach it), shoulders parallel to your hips with your torso upright (perpendicular to the board) over the sweet spot you found in the previous step. Assume this position upon exiting from your toeside turn. Allow your body and board to roll as a unit into the heelside turn. Let the edge set and then stretch your heelside hand out in front of you, palm to the snow, arm and fingers pointing straight ahead (not toward the inside of the turn) and slowly stand up out of your crouch.

If you can manage it, get to a Pureboarding clinic.

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Yeah, it is probably more like 20-25 degrees. There are a few spots that are steeper. We do have some groomed runs that are 35-40 degrees. They have to winch up the cats to groom them. Some of the steepest groomed runs I've seen anywhere. These are at Telluride. Unfortunately, we haven't got enough snow yet for them to open.

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