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World Cup 2010 Soccer !!!


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The Spaniards passing game was able to keep the German attackes at bay. Germany did not look goodl.:angryfire

Well at least this world cup is making history since Spain or Holland has never been in the finals.

Ture. I watched the game at a bar in IAD airport and amazed by the fact that majority of people cheered for Spain. Germany was the strongest team that came through semi-final so far and I thought Germany would lead the game over Spain. But as we all know Spaniards was able to make chances in 'Not-moving' Germany's defense. Best of all, it was a good game. Looking forward to another unexpected upset by Holland on Sunday!:AR15firin

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WOW....I cannot BELIEVE that the Netherlands has stayed in the running this long!!! No one else can believe it either...except maybe the Netherlands team themselves.

Of course, soccer is a big sport in Europe. It is our baseball, our "football", our basketball and our hockey all rolled into one!! And we LOVE it. Especially us Dutch...because we have no hills...our winter sports are few. We skate and we play snow soccer (we use orange balls on the snow) and we skate...and then we skate some more. Just joking. Sometimes we have no ice for skating. Many years none! This past couple years has better ice. But ALWAYS we play football, either on snow or on grass. Go to Rotterdam...they are football crazy!

Question: Why why why is American-rules football called "football" when the ONLY time the foot touchs the ball is when punting?? (I think it's called punting, anyway.) Maybe it should be called 'Carryball' or "Run and get ready to be clobbered-ball"...but WHY football?

But I learned long time ago when talking to Americans or Canadians about football (we call it "voetbal"), to remember to always say "soccer.

Anyway, this Sunday Netherlands vs Spain. It will be a tough game for us, but I am hoping.

Veel geluk, Team Nederland!!!

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Question: Why why why is American-rules football called "football" when the ONLY time the foot touchs the ball is when punting?? (I think it's called punting, anyway.) Maybe it should be called 'Carryball' or "Run and get ready to be clobbered-ball"...but WHY football?

Veel geluk, Team Nederland!!!

All right now. Very exciting that Nederland is in the final, but that is no reason to pick on the very American sport that is Football.

Call your sport whatever you want, but it's football here and always will be.


1) we have Chuck Norris

2) we helped bail out Europe after that little thing happened with the Nazis.

3) our guys are way bigger than those little fellas you got.

4) more money in the other sports


That's all for now.


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and yet they wear body armour and helmets. for shame!

yes, i'm a rugby fan.

That's fine. I have no problem with rugby or soccer, but this is the good ole USA and we play football. Do you think Brett Favre would still be playing rugby at 42 or whatever without helmets.

That is just irresponsible......


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That's fine. I have no problem with rugby or soccer, but this is the good ole USA and we play football. Do you think Brett Favre would still be playing rugby at 42 or whatever without helmets.

That is just irresponsible......


People play rugby well into their 50s and 60s in the presidents leagues etc.

The reason why rugby is a young man's game more than am football is simply American football for positions like quarter back relies on skill and not being able to run almost non stop for 80 minutes. Also, for at least the NZ team the progression is make the national team, play for pride, then sell out and play pro rugby for big money and less effort in Europe.

As for worldcup.

Stoked NZ is the only team to not lose a match.

Paul predicts every match correctly!

Well done Spain ;-)

Best game? Germany Argentina. Maybe.

The hits in Am football are harder and more head on; league is somewhere in the middle, and rugby the hits are done with the purpose of controlling after the hit to ideally take the other guy down then stay standing, and thus be able to immediately acquire the ball.

But Brett wouldn't be fit enough to hold a place at aged 42 unless super talented, at a national level (the highest level in rugby). Nothing to do with injuries probably.

You see plenty of blood in some games, but not many concussions actually. Certainly nothing like rugby league (which is like a halfway sport between the stop start of Am football and flow of rugby.... but seriously tough as it is also no helmets)

BTW it's no uncommon for flankers to use the soft padded helmets, but it would be dangerous if some of the team had hard surface helmets and some didn't. In fact, that's my guess why am football has so many knee etc injuries (well other than the size of guys).

As for 'we play football' I don't think I met one American in living there a year that actually 'played football' - they all watched football, but it doesn't seem like a game that you can just go and play except as a touch or watered down version.

Carvedog as for the rest of your claims:

1) we have Chuck Norris

Martial arts guy that a Muay Thai boxer would clean out effortlessly (really good guy though)

3) our guys are way bigger than those little fellas you got.

If fat and immobile counts in sport, then yeah, probably.

4) more money in the other sports


Rugby is staunch; there are cheerleaders, but this isn't what people want to watch on TV; they want to watch the game. Live its a bit different, but the big hype that seems to surround American sport doesn't really exist in some other codes; the somewhat odd and slightly feminine trait of running and huggnig after goals in soccer is simply odd; in rugby you don't do that. We see it in boxing and Muay Thai; the big eye up and hype of looking into eachother's eyes; in a full on battle in the ring for muay Thai none of that stuff happens; it's the traditional entry and then a full on f&*king war for 5 rounds. No Don King. No ring girls.

And that's partly why there's so much money in sports with the hype and the personalities; USA is the most developed sports media market. And they make what you guys like. Not that I am complaining; some of the cheerleaders need to lay off the cheeseburgers though


Which leaves me totally mistified on baseball; that's like Murder she wrote compared to Amfootball or Basketball. No cheerleaders. Frigging slow. Boring. Very little long term strategy as it is stop start. I played softball and baseball at school......cricket is maybe a better game even if it is still completely mind numbingly dull to watch.

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