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Kessler question


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It has been posted a fair number of times on BOL that Kesslers do not finish their turns and just want to go down the fall line.

For those who have ridden a Kessler and feel this way, can you please elaborate on what the board is doing / not doing to cause this? What is the sensation for the rider?

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its called taper. race boards r made way dif than freecarve boards, you need to get your direction change done in the first part of your turn. if kessler made a freecarveboard im sure it would feel like most boards at the exit. taper ,taper the more taper the straighter you go.

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First off, the effect is not that dramatic. If you want to finish your turns, you can without any problems.

It is difficult to describe ... in a certain phase of the turn (after you crossed the fall line) the board doesn´t feel as hooked in as some other boards. The board is more willing to come off the edge and go into the next turn. But if you keep the board on the edge (which is no problem), it finishes the turn very nicely.

So don´t let this aspect deter you from such boards ;) ... they are very versatile.

The taper is only part of the story.

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IDK, they let you finish the turn fine

they do however like feel like they want to start the next turn, seems less like you're on rails or locked in or whatever. they also go from a skid to a carve and back again easier than traditional boards. so, in short this translates to mine being the best turning board I've had. I have a SL sized one so maybe the GS boards are different but I doubt it, I got on a coiler NSR for a couple runs and in the long length that type of shape really amazing, it took one run to fall in love with that board.

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First off, the effect is not that dramatic. If you want to finish your turns, you can without any problems.

The taper is only part of the story.

Spot on WinterGold.

While they (Kesslers SG) want to run to the bottom of the hill, they are "freecarveable" it that is your desire. For me, driving just a little harder into the turn help complete the classic C shaped turn that us freecarvers desire. I also find that there is less speed burn off through the turn on decks desigined for the race course, its amazing the the mid-turn pump acceleration you can induce on these new decks. A few week ago, I enjoyed a day on one of Sigi's personal race stockers, it was comfortable, fast, extremely versital and a pleasant change for legs that have been battered and bruised by Burners and other glass monstrisities all season. Freeride it all day, you bet. The incredible dampness of todays offerings is a great attribute for old men with tired knees.

Think Snow!

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Thanks guys.

That is my impression. I have ridden three different Kesslers this season (thanks Bola and Hardbooter). A 162 stock SL that was too stiff, a stock 168, 10.8 sidecut that is just right and I had to buy from Bola, and a 177 custom that I only made one run on and cannot say much about.

I found that they go exactly where I want and are very precise about it. I also found that the rebound is forward (rather than up), projecting you into the next turn. They come out the turn with tons of speed. You definitely need to ride it hard, but the rewards are huge.

I am still curious what the people who say Kesslers do not finish the turns for them are feeling.

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I am still curious what the people who say Kesslers do not finish the turns for them are feeling.

I guess I'm one of those poeple. I've said it many times before (and for what it's worth, Fin has said that a few times re: race decks as well). My point of reference is a 185 Kessler. At some point I'm afarid I may be giving the wrong impression - it's not something drastic - but the end of the turn feels different to me than other freecarvey boards. To me the board likes to start a turn, accelerate into the turn, and then run down hill. It will finish a classic free carve turn across the hill, but I gotta put more thought and effort into making it do that. It feels like it would rather go down hill into the next turn.

I agree w/ WG - with my limited knowledge of board design - taper {and side cut radius in the tail} are what makes it want to run downhill.

And I also agree w/ Snowman - the new Kessler and SG board are very nice rides that you can free carve all day. Wathcing Kress ride my 185 makes me think everything I say about it is just jiberish - he turns that damn thing like it's a 160.

I just find my Kessler more demanding to ride WELL all day than other boards I've riden. I find that it is making me a better rider (although some guys I ride with may disagree with that statement). Some one asked if I feel like I'm fighting the board, or having to change my riding style to accomodate the board - I said no, I feel like I'm fighting myself. Years of bad habits and improper techniques show up as major flaws on this board, whereas other baords I can get away with being an idiot. And for some reason, I'm not confident on this board, and get really locked up, therefore it's tough to finish anything in that state of mind.

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Years of bad habits and improper techniques show up as major flaws on this board, whereas other baords I can get away with being an idiot. And for some reason, I'm not confident on this board, and get really locked up, therefore it's tough to finish anything in that state of mind.

Really? I got my hands on an '09 SG, this winter (my last board was an '02 Donek), and riding that thing is like cheating.

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