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Tremblant 12 Mars

Ian M

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Salut tout le monde!

There are four of us from Ottawa who are aiming to ride Tremblant this Friday. The weather forecast looks awesome, and we'd love some company! Is anyone able to clear their Friday schedule to come play?


Ian M :)

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scott-usa - thanks for the suggestion, but I have a lift pass that was a Christmas gift from a friend to use. I've heard good things about Mont Blanc, and look forward to trying it in the future. What is it that you find 'so bad' about Tremblant for carving? I've ridden there before and enjoyed the terrain quite a bit.

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I ride Tremblant 100+ days a year

hard boots are best used early in the day 8:30 on....

avoid the south side base from 10-10:30(ski school start)

dont use the cafeterias from 11:30 till 1pm

and avoid the last ride down to the south at 3pm(download in gondola, enjoy the view)

The upper north is best first thing in the am(sun!!!(really the east north east))

and the best groomers are found late in the day in and around the north and south parks ....mind the landings.....think of an hourglass(and pay 15$ for

the south side pass@ Adrenaline boardshop)

for more details look for chewy at snowschool dispatch @ 9:30


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Thanks Chewy, that's really helpful! We'll be parking on the north side, so we don't have to avoid the slush moguls at the bottom of the south. Good tip about the parks, too. Are you going to get to ride tomorrow at all, or will you be working all day?


Ian M

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Well right now I am sitting at the bottom of the lift on the north side in the back of Billys Pathfinder. I just broke the kingpin on my front foot of my Cateks. Wasn't fun. Tweaked the back knee a

little but no big deal.

There is still full coverage here so depending on the weather and useage I should be good for another couple weeks for sure. However my season officially ended with the broken binding.

I did learn something from the experience however...when taboganning downhill on your board ensure that all of the vents on your pants are closed!!!

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Sorry about your spill! had similar occurance last March front toe bale opened for reasons unknown went for a helecopter fall, hip knee and ankle fully wound up ankle was ok by Sept. Latch down toe bale with a tether strap now. Thanks for the snow report local hills getting desperate considering a trip.

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no sure lessons for the day....

will be at the ski school bell 9:35-9:55 and 12:45-1:05

I will probably be on soft boots, but could be swayed to plates if the crowds are sparse

Sorry we didn't connect, Chewy. We never made it over to the south side as we got there late and then found good conditions on the north. You were totally right about the park - we spent most of our time there doing laps on the Lowel Thomas chair and the blues off there that you get to through the park. Especially tasty was Gagnon, the connector from Expo to Lowel Thomas. It is short, but the snow was smooth and firm there until the end of the day!

Lowrider - The conditions were definitely 'spring' which means really variable. Most of the runs down the lower half of the north side were full of slush moguls; really wet, lumpy and nasty. Up top on the runs mentioned above conditions were very good, but that doesn't give you a lot of stuff to ride. I can't really guess how long it will be rideable - it's hard to know exactly how much base is there. We didn't see many rocks or bare spots yet, a lot depends on rainfall and temperatures to come.


Ian M

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Well, here it is... my first official post on Bomber!

Just in time too since the season is coming to an end in my town. From the chance meet at Vorlage in January to the great day at Tremblant yesterday, this season has truly been my best ever!

Thanks very much Ian, Chris and Tabatha for welcoming into your group and introducing me the Bomber community.

I have plenty of pictures to post from this weekends trip, so stay tuned.

Thanks again guys!

and Remember..... “If you’re not living on the Edge...You’re taking up way too much space!”

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