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Ankle Recovery - How long?


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I just had my cast removed today after four weeks. I had broken my right medial malleolus. The doctor had originally said four weeks in a hard cast and then two in a boot followed by PT. Now he says four weeks in the boot followed by PT. The doctor looked at today's x-rays and said that it has healed really well.

In the cast there was virtually no pain. So I was expecting to be stiff, but nothing else. Wow, was it stiff! It does not feel so nice. :( After almost six hours, I can move it a bit more than immediately after the cast came off, but my question is:

How long will this take to get back to close to normal? I have not tried to put it into the snowboard boot yet.

I would like to get some peoples experience.



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Now he says four weeks in the boot followed by PT.

I have not tried to put it into the snowboard boot yet.

Sounds like you have a while before you put it in a snowboard boot if I am reading your post correctly.

In my experience, the doctor will look at the xrays to determine how you are doing. There is a lot more going on than just the the bone healing. Often, one also sprains the ankle when they break it and, if this is the case, the sprain can take longer to fully heal than the fracture. Hopefully this is not your situation. The doctor may not tell you this unless you ask.

Do your PT and get your range of motion back. Also, work hard to get your strength back in your leg. Both things will hurt, but are really critical to how long your recovery will take.

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Don't rush the recovery for the sake of getting back on board sooner. I did this several years back to help with getting my athletes to nationals and it wasn't such a wise move. I get pain a few times a month doing different activities at different temps so there is nothing consistent about the pain. Only that it hurts.

Follow the instructions of your doc and PT to come back with an ankle in good condition.

As for time, everyone recovers at their own rate.


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is the lower end of the Tibia that wraps around the Talus. The inside ankle bump.

Steve, glad to hear that you saw the doctor! Sucks that it's broken too.

Buell, it sounds like you are right about the sprain. Now all kinds of different places hurt. Not the same pain, but not comfortable with weight on it. I will call him tomorrow to ask about the sprain. I wonder how much can be seen with just an x-ray? I guess I'll just have to wait for the boarding. I want this back to as close to 100% as possible.

But at least I did get to WASH it!!! :biggthump No more stink foot!! :barf:

Now => :D

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I guess I am resigned to take it slow. But, like you said, I want to avoid long term problems.

Yeah, with all the injuries that I have had over the years I have learned to do all that I can to recover fully. I still know that I will be a hurting old man when that time comes but that's what drugs are for.


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Ya make that a "T"

Glad they found it. It is a big deal and often missed. What are they doing for it?

I have heard a broken Talus called the snowboarders break, but emorris broke his medial malleolus, and Rebecca broke her lateral malleolus a few years ago. Seems like there are plenty of bones in the ankle for snowboarders to break. :(

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[Advil is my friend.] At least for tonight. I really try to stay off the meds much as possible.

emorris, do a search on advil (ibuprofen) and bone healing. It (and other NSAIDs) is widely considered to inhibit bone healing by blocking prostaglandin, which is needed to heal bone. Mine and Rebecca's doctors were totally against us taking Ibuprofen while our bones were healing.

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How long will this take to get back to close to normal? I have not tried to put it into the snowboard boot yet.

Congratulations on getting out of the cast! Could you have ever imagined how nice it would be to wash your foot?

A few years ago, I broke my lateral malleolus (and the mid-shaft of the fibula on the other leg - not a good move). Obviously, it was a different break from yours, since the fibula only bears about 10% of the weight. I managed to sprain the ankle pretty well in the process. My ankle was in a plaster cast for about two weeks and a walking boot for a few weeks after that.

For me, progress was non-linear - be ready for a few plateaus, but keep at it. In some ways, my ankle will never be the same, but I feel like I have better balance and a stronger, less sprain-able ankle now than before my injury.

My healing proceeded faster in some areas than others. I biked several miles to my 8 week check up appointment, but my ankle would swell and be painful after a moderate hike for months.

Not sure if you're up for more advice, but here are a few things that were important in my recovery....

I second everyone's advice about really going after your PT and any range of motion work you can dream up for yourself. The key term in my recovery was "as tolerated," which I took as advice to pay attention to my pain level and permission to do as much of any activity/therapy as would allow me to function the next day.

Are you able to bear weight on your leg yet? Gentle weight bearing exercises (without the boot whenever possible - I can elaborate if you care, but I'm already going on and on) were the turning point for my bone healing. Once that was on track, balance and strengthening work were the key to "fixing" my loose sprained ankle.

Just two more things that helped me:

- Biking, even with no resistance on an exercise bike, is *awesome* for loosening things up and creating more fluidity of movement.

- Immersing my ankle in very hot water then ice water then hot water, etc. did amazing things for flushing out inflammation.... most PTs will recommend some version of this therapy

Best of luck in your recovery!

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Glad they found it. It is a big deal and often missed. What are they doing for it?

I have heard it called a broken Talus the snowboarders break, but emorris broke his medial malleolus, and Rebecca broke here lateral malleolus a few years ago. Seems like there are plenty of bones in the ankle for snowboarders to break. :(

( sung to an old Harry Belafonte banana boat tune) > "Please Mr Doctor man tally me my talus, OES come and I wanna snowboard" , He say: in cast 4 week 5 week 6 week more, OES come come and I wanna snowboard. pain oh, its a pain its a pain-eeeooono, OES come and I wanna snoowwwww board, ( thank u thank u very much ) :biggthump

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Buell is right, the 'sprain' will probably take longer to heal than the 'break'...

I broke my left ankle (tip of the medial malleolus) about a year and a half ago. In my case it amounted to little more than a severe ankle sprain. From my understanding docs typically cast with this type of break only to keep things protected while the bone heals up. As far as leg bones go you really did get off easy. It may not seem like it at the moment though :freak3:

I'm back to 100% now. It took me about 3 months to fully recover.

Do your rehab, and everything will work out...

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I just had my cast removed today after four weeks. I had broken my right medial malleolus. The doctor had originally said four weeks in a hard cast and then two in a boot followed by PT. Now he says four weeks in the boot followed by PT. The doctor looked at today's x-rays and said that it has healed really well.

In the cast there was virtually no pain. So I was expecting to be stiff, but nothing else. Wow, was it stiff! It does not feel so nice. :( After almost six hours, I can move it a bit more than immediately after the cast came off, but my question is:

How long will this take to get back to close to normal? I have not tried to put it into the snowboard boot yet.

I would like to get some peoples experience.Thanks.Eric

What did u do? Twist inside yr boots? To loose?

Broke Jan 25, 2009 back on the slope March 26, 2009.

Right Inner ankle fracture at medial malleolus in 2 parts. HB keep all fracture part in its place.


Your target, left ankle max bending angle. Follow bending right ankle gradually every day, no excuse.

Stationary Cycling, Plate balancing etc.

Excercise: Walk 0.5 -3 hours if possible going uphill. Less down hill.

Daily: Milk/Yogurt/Calsium/Banana

Get well soon, you might still catch the snow before seasons ends.

Hope this will help.


Here's my


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Thanks for all the replies. This is a really great group! If it were just about the carving that would be cool, but it really is a community. :1luvu:

Scooby, You nailed it. I think that I buried the nose of the board on a transition and the board did a 180 under me. The upper two buckles were not as tight as they should have been. I really cranked them down tight so I could walk the 200 feet over to the group of ski patrollers hanging out.

I have been doing lots of dairy. I'm vegetarian so lots of nuts and beans too.

Andy, That sounds like my break exactly. It is just at the end of the bone about one inch up from the end. It goes about 3/4 of the way through the bone and is roughly in line with the face that sits on the Talus.

I noticed that as soon as I put weight on it it was incredibly tight. I could move it without pain without weight, but the weight on it was different. When they took the x-ray, they had me put the foot flat on the platform and the calf back as far as possible against the film holder (or whatever its called). But as I waited for the doctor to come in, I just put the foot on the floor and slowly tried stretching in that direction. It is already much looser.

Zoom, I can bear weight, but not with any real movement. I can get from the bed to the bathroom (and my bathroom is only 5 steps away from the bed. Really odd house). I just do as much as I can tolerate. That just seems right. I don't want to rush it (actually I do) but I don't want to just sit and do nothing.

The doctor has yet to prescribe PT, so while I wait I feel like I should just try moving it and see if I can gently get some range of motion back. I imagine that it will loosen up and get a bit better day by day.

Steve, it is a total pain. Not so much the physical pain after the broken bone. That seemed to o away after a week or two. It is the lack of mobility. I live alone in downtown Philly. I couldn't drive anywhere. I had to get picked up for work and dropped off after. Food shopping required thought and planning.

I will try driving tomorrow. I did drive myself to the ER and two hours home after. I should be OK. Freedom. And If I have to go way north I will do my best to get one or two more days in this year.

Again, thanks for to all for the great feedback and experience.


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May I know which boot?


Both boots were too loose, but the right ankle broke. I ride regular, so my back foot. It was the 9too late) tight boot that allowed me to walk.

It was a toe side to heel side transition when the nose stuffed.

I wonder of there is any correlation to regular/goofy, right or left ankle fractures?

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I broke my fibula and tore ligaments etc on my left foot just before Christmas. The cast came off Feb 3rd. It took me 2 weeks with crutches to be mobile, 1 week with only one crutch (could walk without for about 5 minutes.) then about half a week with a cane before I could walk half decently. I am still really slow but I have about 50- 60 percent of my normal range of motion. I need to go back and get a screw taken out that holds my fibula and tibia. This should help out my range of motion. I keep stretching it and it doing my PT exercises. It gets better every day. I might try boarding around Easter if I feel up to it.

Heal well guys.

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Both boots were too loose, but the right ankle broke. I ride regular, so my back foot. It was the 9too late) tight boot that allowed me to walk.

It was a toe side to heel side transition when the nose stuffed.

I wonder of there is any correlation to regular/goofy, right or left ankle fractures?

Sorry, I ment which brand/model?

No, I don't believe there is any correlation to regular/goofy but more how proper the gears was used(my 2 cents). Eventhou I also ride regular and similar situation with the board when it happend and rear leg/right ankle that got affected.


Nose hooked and wants to keep me going up hill and the tail give up and slide. I was in a boots that's one size too big and buckle loosen and I overly play too hard on warming up lap.

Yeah, I even finish my run down and was planning to continue but good thing my brain was thinking clearly and still be able to walk to parking lot and drive to hospital.

So you r saying you forgot strap the buckle properly?


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