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Share your best exercises to get ready for the season

Bobby Buggs

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I've been doing the Bergmueller Method on the recumbent bike for three years now, 5 - 6 days a week. I also do some classic lifts with very light weight since I'm more interested in the range of motion than building strength I don't need: snatch, clean & jerk, and power clean. I also do some Hindu Pushups. Evenings are with hatha yoga for flexibility: keep hip flexors, psoas, hammies, calves and plantar fascia stretched.

The Bergmueller "compensation workout," which is supposed to be a very long-term sustainable routine, is something like this:

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<o></o>5-10 minute rest, with light stretching<o></o><o></o>

20 minutes with pulse at 105 with 65-75 rpms

<o></o><o></o>5-10 minutes rest, with light stretching<o></o><o></o>

20 minutes with pulse at 110 with 65-75 rpms<o></o><o></o>

5-10 minutes cool-down, with light stretching<o></o>

I do go through two periods, one in July for three weeks and the other in late September/early Oct., of interspersing come developmental interval work on the bike in place of the some of the Bergmueller compensation workouts.

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2 weeks into p90x.

If you can make the time, it is unreal. Even after this short period, I just had the best xc mtb ride ever.

Suffer, suffer, suffer.

The combination of things you do from yoga, to kempo, stretching and weightlifting is great in that it keeps you from getting bored , along with the other obvious benefits of "cross training".

Without this, I was never going to get better on my bikes or boards.

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Here's one that most people on this forum should ace :-)


I dismissed that one as soon as I read this BS: "Also, to avoid undue stress on the knee joint, do not allow your buttocks to drop lower than your knees as you lower your body towards the ground."

Royal Court is a pretty good way to get into overall shape with bodyweight drills.

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ONE exersise is NOT going to get you in shape. It may get you in shape for that exersise, but you will have gaps and weakness in your overall fitness.

Hard work, picking at your personal weakness, and keeping varity is key to starting the season strong.

I feel like this is the kind of advice that keeps a lot of newbies from building up real strength. *one* exercise isn't enough to work your whole body, but I can't think of what you really need in strength training besides a squat, bench, deadlift, and something kind of rotate-y. Outside of the gym, just play! Biking, sprinting, soccer, whatever- fast-twitch leg muscles are the same no matter what you're doing, all that matters is using them. I see kids at my college spend an hour doing a weight circuit at the gym, trying to isolate and target different muscles, and doing nothing for their stability or overall strength. I hit the big groups hard and finish in 20 minutes :)

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Royal Court is a pretty good way to get into overall shape with bodyweight drills.

That's what I use. I got his combat conditioning book. His three-Royal Courts has got my thighs burning so bad, but feels real good. The back bridge -- just remember not to use your neck -- use your arms as you raise yourself. I speak from experience.

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