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Shame on You Coloradans If


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you're not at Wolf Creek today, revelling in their recent 21" dump and their special re-opening for the weekend.

I Know the place is remote, but geez, I'd thumb, hop a train, abscond with a taxi, commandeer a plane, whatever, if real powder were that close.

Lucky You!!

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you're not at Wolf Creek today, revelling in their recent 21" dump and their special re-opening for the weekend.

I Know the place is remote, but geez, I'd thumb, hop a train, abscond with a taxi, commandeer a plane, whatever, if real powder were that close.

Lucky You!!

I didn't have to do any of that, just hop on I-70 and less than an hour away....

It was gooood:1luvu::biggthump:eplus2:


Ps. for fun I did a little excavation/graffiti under the lifts on some of the groomers

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uhhh... Wolf Creek closed on April 5th

they've opened the past two weekends!!

Needing inspiration here in Possum's Pouch I "subscribe" to the daily snow e-reports from Wolfie and Jay Peak, two of the country's great powder capitals. They're both fairly remote too, and I like that.

Have boarded Jay but not Wolf Creek. Hope to change that next season.



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they've opened the past two weekends!!

Needing inspiration here in Possum's Pouch I "subscribe" to the daily snow e-reports from Wolfie and Jay Peak, two of the country's great powder capitals. They're both fairly remote too, and I like that.

Have boarded Jay but not Wolf Creek. Hope to change that next season.



if you like powder reports from mountains with big dumps, check www.alyeskaresort.com

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I didn't have to do any of that, just hop on I-70 and less than an hour away....

that was pretty cold. Rub it in, why don't you...?

However, I hope I speak for all the resident Possum's Pouch 'Booters, here in this southernmost outpost of Ice Coast carvers, when I say "Here's to your good fortune, Sir! May it dump on you for several more weeks!!" (yeah, right...)

peace n powder


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It's snowing frickin everywhere, except any place between Possum's Pouch and HellTown.

I get the picture.

Thanks a lot...??


Yo BB,

No malice intended, you were premptively calling us out for not going to Wolf creek, a six hour plus drive for many of us, and we were just letting you know that we didn't let any of the big dump go to waste. As for subtlety, Once you get to know me, you will see that my signeture is both ironic and somewhat sarcastic.

powder and peace to all,


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now everyone else does, too. aargh

Every one of my words in this thread has been in complete, tongue-in-cheek, dry jest. When you get to be my age, you really can get vicarious pleasure from others' stoke and good fortune. (Sometimes vicarious is all that's left.)

But, hey!! IT'S ALL GOOD!!, and I mean that. I hope you guys are all up to your derriere's in dry, low-moisture fluff through July!! And keep telling us about it. I swear, I LIKE IT!!

Softboot, I'm sure you know the word "dilletante" and "poser," too. I'm afraid that applies to my surf career just as well as my 'boarding career. But I really do love riding a glassy, playful wave, or carving a fluid turn on fresh groom. So, I hope/guess it's OK for me to "hang" here.

From the time I was 15 and first picked up a Petersen's Surfing Magazine in a Delaware drugstore, to some time in my mid-30's, I inhaled every article in every surf publication there every was. So I know lots of the names, and lots of the surf lore, and someday soon, I hope to get Robert August and WingNut to autograph my Endless Summer II T-Shirt so that I can be buried in it .... many waves and many white-outs from now, I might add.

For me, it always seems to be "next year", but somehow I've gotta get back out to Colorado and Califrisco to share a few rides, beers, and lies with you guys. This obsession of ours is pure joy to me, and sharing it only makes it better. And yeah, Softboot, I'm really impressed you rode for all those board makers.

When we reach the summer doldrums, and everyone's bored to tears, I'll share a few more notes from my modest, personal store of surf sagas, but for the moment -

Mario, from the first post of yours I ever read, I knew that any correspondence between "subtlety" and any of your life's undertakings was rare and unlikely coincidence. I can imagine your riding would not inspire the words, "fluid and graceful," but like I said, it's all OK.

Also, Jim Callen - Don't fret, man. Nobody's gonna hold that Prior prostitution conviction against you for very long.

And now, I must do the dinner dishes. If I don't shut up, I'm gonna give Tex and some of the other vets a run for their money on the post count. And nobody needs that.

You guys have fun, and please keep letting 'the rest of us' know about it!

crystal bliss to one and all


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I can imagine your riding would not inspire the words, "fluid and graceful," but like I said, it's all OK.BB


Actually, those are two pretty good words to describe Petunia's(Big Mario) riding. I may use those two words next time I am critiquing him.

For being a clydesdale Mario's riding may surprise you quite a bit. Carving that is, not air time.


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Actually, those are two pretty good words to describe Petunia's(Big Mario) riding. I may use those two words next time I am critiquing him. Ink

the Big Guy for questioning his finesse credentials. Please let him know I'll be working on my "15 Things to Do Before I Die" list during the long, summer torpor that lies ahead. I'm sure getting to Loveland, or wherever, and watching Mario 'dance with the mountain' will be high on that list.

Meanwhile, having stuck my +12 in my mouth once too often lately, I suspect it's time for me to go find that "cool place under a rock" I'll need to get through the muggy trial ahead.

I'll probably come back out by late September, 'bout the time your Aspens are startin to "turn"?

Gratitude & best wishes

BB (of Possum's Pouch)

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Thanks for getting my back.


No apologies needed. Growing up around the swamps of south Jersey I had that same problem with foot in mouth disease, I started to think clearly once I started to breath the rarified air of the Rockies, now I very rarely have that problem. For the mean time, try some of that vinegary carolina 'cue suace on that shoe leather for greater palatability:p:D


aka petite flower

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WolfCreek is killer resort :1luvu:nice "hot tubes" plus suberb off-piste and even some nice carving slopes.

I even did Nastar race there some years ago.

Damn i miss NM :ices_ange

Actually it's in CO. ;)

I hung it up around March 25th. NM just sucked this year and after SES everything sucked in comparison. I could have enjoyed the powder weekends at Wolfie but 5 hours one way seemed a bit much.

21" is nothing for Wolf that is a small storm.

The waterfall area is some of the best lift accessed "backcountry" powder riding that I've ever ridden. I got so far out I thought I was lost for sure, and I had thoughts of having to walk a mile+ in waist deep powder....it's the only time boarding I've ever felt like I might die out there....

This was right after those two poor guys got lost out there only to be found in the summer thaw...poor guys. :(

75 degrees in Albuquerque today. It snowed here last week. LOL

We are in full on Spring mode and the drainage ditch skateboarding is in full swing. Sounds like TPalka is coming down for some arroyo fun next week! :biggthump


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and, Pokkis - Riding dumped-on Wolf Creek is on my definite "to do" list. I hope to top it off with midnight skinny dippin' in one of Pagosa's famous hot springs.

Last time I did something like that was summer of '68. A few, intrepid USS Pivot crewmen bare body-surfed Waikiki late one night. I'd just had my two, first-ever Mai-Tai's @ Queen's Surf. 2018 could be the 50-year reenactment, but somehow, I think I'd best not tempt fate on this one. Be a shame to miss out!

Great surf, concrete, and powder to all...


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