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LCS Sunday March 8th, Loveland Colorado

Thor VonRippington

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as of the morning:

1 big mario - pass

2 snowman

3 angie

4 ink - pass

5 concussed - pass

6 shelly - pass

7 dt - pass

8 biggerwrangler - pass(?)

9 candice - pass(?)

10 kimo

11 thor

12 fairbanks

13 seraph

14 justk

15 shredderjen - gem card

16 bola - pass(?)

17 OldVolvosRule

18 blue bird

19 PCDenver - pass

20-21 Sean and GF

22 Accidental Chef - pass

23 cfj04

24 john conde - pass

25 michael pukas

26 arneburner - pass

27 balboajeff - pass(?)

28 tony - pass

29 miss kate - pass

30 redriver

31 barefootskier - pass(?)

32 denversteve - pass(?)

33 bjvircks

34 wjholm

35 wpcarver

36 xolufus

37 snowboardfast - pass

38 fin

39 bob - pass

40 jeff - pass

41 james

42 kathy

43 ice

44 skboards

45 Dr Scott

46 24/7

47 aussi scott


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... I'm so bummed.

I couldn't get my truck fixed this afternoon as I hoped I could. Turns out I'll have to take out the throttle body, which requires coolant system drainage to have access to that !@#* part spot. :mad:

Next year.

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As previously stated, Sunday was incredible!


- Warm, bluebird day (were we really at Loveland??)

- Bola brought lots of demos and his usual cheerful self. Thanks Bola! And D.T. was there most of the day helping Bola out - and fellow hardbooters.

- GREAT food. Chief Instigator, aka Big Mario, really takes his BBQ seriously and it shows! I haven't eaten pork in about 5 years - until Sunday. Amazing! And, thanks Chef for the portabello - I still have to get the recipe from you. :)

- LCI did a great job organizing everything.

- Excellent carving!

- Got off the lift and actually headed to the wrong group hardbooters (not that there is such a thing!)

If you didn't go this year - plan on next year! I was surprised to meet people from all over and, well, the Colorado community just kicks a$$. :cool:

Now, some photos for your viewing pleasure (thanks John!):




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