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Snow too soft??


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So I thought about this the other day after getting a few ripping runs in.

I was coming down an abondoned run around mid-day. The cord had been skied off but the firm underneath was imminently carveable. Meaning I think I was having a better time on it somewhat "skied off" than I did earlier in the day when it was more cord.

Fairly consistent covering of loose chalky, but not deep, snow on the pitch.

I have noticed this before at different times when I seem to be enjoying the snow more than I should be for the conditions.

Sometimes it seems in the fresh cord I get too much traction and or sink in too far. Me no like boot out.

Now keep in mind that I am pushing 250, so if the snow will give at all, I don't have much trouble applying enough gravity to get my edge in.

Now that doesn't mean that I haven't had some absolutely freaking awesome runs on the fresh.

So is it just me? Any other freaks out there like me. I feel so alone sometimes.

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Of the large and in charge group, I have been known to leave some seriously deep trenches. On softer days the sub 21cm waist boards stay in the truck. I boot out/blow out/wash out if the snow is too soft, until I get on the tanker, then I make berms, not leave trenches. I have taken out an innattentive tele skier or two and small children have gotten lost in those berms:eplus2::eplus2: So when the snow is soft, go big, go tanker, and all will be right with the world:biggthump

I feel your pain,


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Jerry some of the best snow I have ever been on for carving was skiid off chalk on Warm springs 2 years ago. No sinking, just chalk. That said, the boys in the Valley know their groom! I too find that it is easy to "sink" in the fresh groom, but it seems to me the snow/temp is the factor. I do like the speed control factor when it is a little softer tho

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Bang - you've hit the nail on the head Jer. I've had that same sensation later in the day when things is getting more and more skied off. It feels like conditions have come around somehow. Seems like I should be tired and off my game, but things are getting better. Fun.

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Its super cold right now in the northeast. the Hardpack is spectacular for carving right now. Crisp lines and despite how hard I crank turns, it only gouges down about 1 inch and is super crisp. Its to the point that I'm actualy really "letting go" the fear of chattering out and/or booting out on the heel side and really laying down huge angled turns and recovering from them.

Sunday this week it is supposed to be 40 degrees, If it is as good as it was last sunday, I'll be lovin it!


There is a point int he spring where it turns to slop and "Corn" and its only fun for the first hour of the day, then, well its just poop.

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