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Does Air Canada have board size restrictions?


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I read their website and they will let you take one board with you for free. Does anyone know if there are any restrictions on how big this board can be?

I'm going to Whistler in a week and was thinking I could save some $ by bringing a big long Prior back with me instead of paying for shipping.

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I've flown Air Canada a couple of times from SF to Vancouver. I didn't have any trouble with as many as 5 boards between two people, though none were over 175. Just smile and offer to carry the boards around to the conveyor. Also, when returning to the States, customs is in Vancouver, so the counter people are just tagging your bags, not loading or weighing them. You go through customs with your bags and then dump everything on the conveyor yourself.

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Yeah, I've never had a problem with them on the big transatlantic jets or the local torbo-props. They may have changed the rules, but last year was the same as ever. They don't open the bags to count how many boards you have in them in any case ;-)

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For da several years I have holiday in Canadia and have to use Air Canadia with the tour SkiCan Ltd (Very good and Inexpensive) I leave out of Der Cleveland via Turbo Prop or Small Canadair Regional jet.. I have taken as many as 3 long sticks. last year took too long ones, 201, and 186. to avoid any hasle I put them in a padded ski bag. if they would of asked I would of said they were powder skis! day don't know what the heck it is anyway and since it was in a ski bag who knew!

But I yet to have trouble from Air Canada,, I think there one of the most lenient! Except when doped up freind bought an atomic Race Case and used it as his only bag and put everything in it.. it wayed in at a wap ing 115lbs! cost him 100 bucks! It was a good laugh:p plus it was the last bag on the plan as we watched the guy try five times to put it on the plane,, finaly the inside guy had to come down to help and it was the funniest thing..all the time my buddies face was pale,, watching them drop it 3 or 4 times on the tamack! fun stuff! the boards in the end were fine! first thing in Banff he bought was another bag!

No Problems,, but subject to change!

Right Said Shred

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Guest Matt D

I have a huge board bag that I stuffed 5 boards in, with 2 pairs of boots, 3 pairs of bindings, jacket, pants, and everything else I would need. It came to just over 70lbs (the weight limit) and it just counted as 1 bag.

I wouldn't worry about it.

Would you like a $25 off coupon for your prior? I have tons.

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The last couple of times I have flown Air Canada (try WestJet if you can instead!) I have been asked "is there only one board in that bag?" telling me that if there is more than one board they have to be in separate bags and the check-in rules only allow for one board or one pair of skiis per person. If there is more than one board or pair of skiis they want money!

I have never run into dimension issues, just weight and the above on number of boards.


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One other thing to note is that you are essentially flying during the off-season. So you have some leniency with bringing tons of stuff. No other skis or board bags should be on the plane, so there will be lots of room, only golf bags this time of year.

I have also been asked several times what is in my bag...just tell them one board and lots of clothes and they should leave you alone, just make sure that it's under 70lbs or they start getting a little flustered.


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Well, looks like my question is now moot. I ended up spending the day hiking up Whistler and didn't leave enough time to get to the factory before it closed. I did, however, manage to set off Chris's alarm when I pulled on the door to see if it was locked. Oops!

I won't have time to head back out there when I get back to Vancouver, so it looks like I'll end up just paying to ship the board.

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