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Post if you broke a Metal board

Bobby Buggs

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Well, since I've never crashed EVER, IN MY WHOLE LIFE.... maybe I will consider buying a thousand plus dollar metal board!:biggthump

Wow. After many seasons carving, I still feel that if I don't fall a couple of times a day, I'm not learning anything. Different approaches!

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Well, since I've never crashed EVER, IN MY WHOLE LIFE.... maybe I will consider buying a thousand plus dollar metal board!:biggthump

Thousand? Howzabout $ 850 cdn= approx $ 700.00 USD, hey give me some credit at trying to keep things reasonable!

Well I took my demo 76 AM out yesterday( built for 160 while I weigh 180 ish) and was upset when I found there was about 6" of fresh on my most favorite mega steep run . By the time I got to ride it , it was already getting clumped up so to carve it I had to go against the grain and bash moguls from the sides to try to maintain my line. Good for the first bit until the snow started getting compacted more. I was getting more and more air in the transitions as I was using the ramps to launch into carves. On one of my last attempts all was good till I spotted a kid standing in my line so I had to make a last minute change. Caught a mogul just as I was about to change edges and got launched forwards. Well you can figure the results! I landed on my shoulder on a hard icy patch of course, got a good bunch of comments from the chair and then got up and rode away. I was definitely pushing beyond what I should have been doing as the light was now low and snow real nasty but all was good. Most riders I know would not even attempt stunts like what I was doing as there were at least 10 hard boot riders out that day and not one on that particular hill.

My point here? Well I was out having a blast not worrying too much about the gear which allows me to do things otherwise much more difficult.

Sounds like the metal board you tried was definitely not very refined. Problem I see is understandably peoples perspective is always linked to what they have been exposed to and if they have not yet been exposed to something real suitable to them, even a so so board will seem awesome. There is a lot of unsuitable gear out there, trust me. Almost anything will get you down a hill but versatility and performance in one board is a good find and if you get one, hang onto it:1luvu:


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Some kind of major catastrophic crash is usually to blame for blowing up not just metal but any board. Treat them with love. I ride a bunch of 10+ year old Burton race stock boards some of which have I many many days on and they are still are in fantastic condition. Keep in mind that I get a **** load of days. I have only "broken" one board and that was a Oxygen 185. First run, soft conditions on Mary Jane trail going hella fast and stuffed it, and yes it was a catastrophic crash. Only spoooned it a bit probably still rideable but a junker freebie so it went in the dumpster. Saw some kid pull it out with a monster smile on his face. Moral of the story, be nice to your gear.

Think Snow

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Thousand? Howzabout $ 850 cdn= approx $ 700.00 USD, hey give me some credit at trying to keep things reasonable!

Well I took my demo 76 AM out yesterday( built for 160 while I weigh 180 ish) and was upset when I found there was about 6" of fresh on my most favorite mega steep run . By the time I got to ride it , it was already getting clumped up so to carve it I had to go against the grain and bash moguls from the sides to try to maintain my line. Good for the first bit until the snow started getting compacted more. I was getting more and more air in the transitions as I was using the ramps to launch into carves. On one of my last attempts all was good till I spotted a kid standing in my line so I had to make a last minute change. Caught a mogul just as I was about to change edges and got launched forwards. Well you can figure the results! I landed on my shoulder on a hard icy patch of course, got a good bunch of comments from the chair and then got up and rode away. I was definitely pushing beyond what I should have been doing as the light was now low and snow real nasty but all was good. Most riders I know would not even attempt stunts like what I was doing as there were at least 10 hard boot riders out that day and not one on that particular hill.

My point here? Well I was out having a blast not worrying too much about the gear which allows me to do things otherwise much more difficult.

Sounds like the metal board you tried was definitely not very refined. Problem I see is understandably peoples perspective is always linked to what they have been exposed to and if they have not yet been exposed to something real suitable to them, even a so so board will seem awesome. There is a lot of unsuitable gear out there, trust me. Almost anything will get you down a hill but versatility and performance in one board is a good find and if you get one, hang onto it:1luvu:


Bruce, are you lining up next winter's delivery schedule already? $700 clams, 'bout the best deal out there! I spent 6 hours last night working over my SLC on this crappy east coast ice and still had a blast..

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Bruce, are you lining up next winter's delivery schedule already? $700 clams, 'bout the best deal out there! I spent 6 hours last night working over my SLC on this crappy east coast ice and still had a blast..

That price of course depends on a few things including material prices and exchange rate for you US riders. Not to mention everyone telling me "raise your price but can you still get me a deal?" You would be surprised how much I hear that one:freak3:

One of these seasons all will go as planned .Think I am running out of things to go wrong and cause the slowdowns and associated late deliveries. No orders yet for next season but I should start the list soon. Same as last season I plan on building all summer but at a relaxed pace so hopefully can get closer to keeping up.


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Well, since I've never crashed EVER, IN MY WHOLE LIFE.... maybe I will consider buying a thousand plus dollar metal board!:biggthump

I call BS, there is no way in hell you never crashed, blew out of a carve, slid etc. EVERYONE falls their 1st day on a snowboard. I've got over 20 years on snow and wipe out at least 2-3 times each time I go out. If I don't I'm not pushing myself or having fun. How can you get better if you don't fall?

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