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Bachelor 2009 reports

Mike T

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I had a good day a little icy but not that bad we stayed until around 3:00. My buddys had a good time and so did the fam. Sorry no pics this trip.

Excellent! Did you meet any of the local hardbooters?

NO PHOTOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, you can still return to Portland, just don't let it happen again!!

Do you have an extra board in the rig?? :eplus2::cool:

Glad you had a good time. :biggthump

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Turned out to be sunny and cold! Couple inches of new overnight.

29$ Lift Ticket!!! Thanks Shane for the "Buddy Pass Ticket".

Dan and Shane say "HI" from Rainbow chair.

Randy K ,Dan, Bryan, Shane, Doug, A new rider doug was teaching (first day)


Short clip of Shane putting the Diablo Composite 200cm through it's paces.

Sorry, too tired to do much editing.

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Another great day at Mt Bachelor!! Cold, overcast, and increasingly stormy and snowing!!

Morning of carving and followed by a few inches on top.

<object width="660" height="525"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuJLTzEtKns&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x2b405b&color2=0x6b8ab6&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuJLTzEtKns&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x2b405b&color2=0x6b8ab6&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>

<object width="660" height="525"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA55BSTf-mQ&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x2b405b&color2=0x6b8ab6&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA55BSTf-mQ&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x2b405b&color2=0x6b8ab6&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>

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Thanks Bryan, were still eating the left overs! Sunny and a bit crowded today. Good groomers off Rainbow, Sunrise and Skyliner until aboubt 11, then got a little choppy. coming down Marshmellow from Skyliner I get waved over by ski patrol. "slow down, or better yet stay off this run. I dont want to have to pull your pass" Weird cuz I had 2 skiers pass me will I was linking med speed carves, and 2 skiers straight lined past us while he was talking to me. Might be a decent pow day tomorrow:)

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Thanks Bryan, were still eating the left overs! Sunny and a bit crowded today. Good groomers off Rainbow, Sunrise and Skyliner until aboubt 11, then got a little choppy. coming down Marshmellow from Skyliner I get waved over by ski patrol. "slow down, or better yet stay off this run. I dont want to have to pull your pass" Weird cuz I had 2 skiers pass me will I was linking med speed carves, and 2 skiers straight lined past us while he was talking to me. Might be a decent pow day tomorrow:)

Yep, Left over Chan's for lunch at Timberline yesterday!! :1luvu:

Banned from Marshmellow!! :nono: You rebel you!!

Have fun!!

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Thanks Bryan, were still eating the left overs! Sunny and a bit crowded today. Good groomers off Rainbow, Sunrise and Skyliner until aboubt 11, then got a little choppy. coming down Marshmellow from Skyliner I get waved over by ski patrol. "slow down, or better yet stay off this run. I dont want to have to pull your pass" Weird cuz I had 2 skiers pass me will I was linking med speed carves, and 2 skiers straight lined past us while he was talking to me. Might be a decent pow day tomorrow:)

Marshmallow! The only time I have ever been hit by a straightliner was on that run. I have almost been hit from behind several other times. I have seen Rebecca almost get hit as well. I just stay off it most of the time now. It does have great banks on the sides if the snow is fast enough and no one is around.

See you guys soon.

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I get waved over by ski patrol. "slow down, or better yet stay off this run. I dont want to have to pull your pass" Weird cuz I had 2 skiers pass me will I was linking med speed carves, and 2 skiers straight lined past us while he was talking to me.

I've never been stopped on Marshmallow but they have been fencing it off, the signs now say "ski fast lose pass", etc. Yep, I wouldn't press your luck.

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how have the conditions been the last few days? I hope to make it up there soon. It would be nice to have at least 2 days on hard plates before OES:angryfire

C'mon up! Soft snow, not exactly ideal for carving but fun to surf for sure. 3-5" expected tonite. Monday might be a better carving day than tomorrow.

I may take tomorrow off, had a very close call with a tree on NW. My Steepwater took most of the impact but my shin grazed the tree and got some nice road rash. The shin is bruised, I'll have a better idea in the AM if it's bad or not. May have lightly strained my calf as well. All in all I dodged a bullet... if I hadn't used my board to break the impact I provbably would have broken my tib and fib. Somehow, the Steepwater only sustained minor damage - the tree is probably the worst off.

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Thanks Shane! I think it's gonna be OK. I stayed home today, may or may not do the same tomorrow depending on how it feels, and I have a good feeling it'll be 90% strength by next weekend. The shin is bruised, the calf is quite stiff. Feels like I worked out too hard after not doing it in a long time.

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I went up and did a handful of runs with my daughter today in softies. Good news is the worst pain I felt was from the bandage tape on my legs :eek: My calf seems to have enjoyed the gentle movement, although there is still healing to be done as it is still quite stiff. I'm realizing how good it is to know how to carve well enough to let the board do 90% of the work :)

It's still snowing but not dumping - 2 - 4" per day. The snow was pretty wet today. Might get some carving conditions later on in the week after it stops snowing - for now, the groomers will be too soft for aggressive carving. I would have been on softies today even without the injury. The new snow will only help OES, my hope is that it keeps snowing right through till 2-3 days before OES and then gets sunny.

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Bluebird day. Unfortunately the grooming off Sunrise and Rainbow left a little to be desired. Multiple grooming "humps" running the length of the runs, really takes you by surprise in the shadows. Runs off skyliner were excellent though, especially Chipper which was still in good shape at noon. Looks like another great day tomorrow:biggthump Oh yeah, pretty crowded. Lots of students up from Ca. Sunrise parking lot was closed by noon.

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Bluebird day. Unfortunately the grooming off Sunrise and Rainbow left a little to be desired. Multiple grooming "humps" running the length of the runs, really takes you by surprise in the shadows. Runs off skyliner were excellent though, especially Chipper which was still in good shape at noon. Looks like another great day tomorrow:biggthump Oh yeah, pretty crowded. Lots of students up from Ca. Sunrise parking lot was closed by noon.

Hi Galen, glad to hear you and your's are having a great time at Bach!!

I miss making multiple trips to Mt Bachelor as in past years. Happy to be riding period. Yesterday at Mt Hood was EXCELLENT!!

Strange about Sunrise parking on a weekday. See you all soon!!


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