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Ok...confused about whether I need BTS?


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I just spent the past 45 minutes pouring through (seemingly) hundreds of posts related to the BTS system.

It seems most people like them, so I guess on balance they're a good thing. But...then I discovered that some people actually ride in walk mode. I didn't even know what the heck that was! (Yeah, I'm a noob.)

But part of the reason I didn't know about walk mode is because the day I got my Raichle 324's, I cranked the 5-position mechanism up to #5 on both boots (not really having a clue what I was doing)...and I've carved with them that way for the past 3 seasons.

So here's the deal: my boots are stiff. I don't' know if they're supposed to be, but they are. I weigh 225lbs, and I have a hell of a time flexing them either forward or backward.

And (as mentioned earlier) they're locked into max forward lean...so much that I have to stand (in my bindings on the board) with a pretty deep bend in my knees—so much that I almost can't stand still for very long because my quads start burning!

But the thing is, I've gotten used to this...and my carving has steadily (if slowly) improved. My last two outings were a blast, and I was comfortable and laying down some great turns.

So now I'm wondering...coming from such a radically stiff and forward setup, would getting the BTS system totally screw me up?

Or would it suddenly open up new worlds in carving and help me get way better? :)


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it would suddenly open up new worlds in carving and help me get way better? :)


Just get it, long blues, short reds, if you don't like 'em, sell 'em. The only way to quantify them is to ride them, forget reading about them. They have made a big difference in my riding.

Do it.

Trust me.



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Try the BTS. If you prefer the locked down feeling, consider riding your front foot with less lean then the back. I weigh 85 lbs less then you and managed to blow up the lean mechanism in walk mode. Not good. The big thing I noticed with the BTS(besides shock absorption) is how much easier it is to smoothly control your carves with ankle flexion/extension, (duh, I think that's what its called:o) rather then just driving with your knees and hips. You cant really get this with walk mode, it just moves too freely, at least for me anyways.

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I say NO . No I don't use them and you don't need them ether.{Don't take anything I say to hart.} But to be fair .You can buy them and see if it helps you. If you buy them you will search for answers and change springs and sell the ones you have and try the stiff springs.But you need help with that 5% frount lean thats not good. If you start with bad habits spring will not fix them. If both feet are set that way your heal turn must be great. The toe will be week.

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not that I really know a damn thing, and I don't spend hours geeking out on minutiae, but dude...if you have your forward lean set to max on both feet I'd bet at least a buck and beer that you are hindering yourself.

as for getting a BTS setup? Completely not necessary BUT...it does allow modified/tuned fore/aft movement and can certainly improve your range of motion which plenty of people think helps you carve better.

me? I'd say don't worry about BTS right now but for christs sake kill that forward lean!

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The stiff setup does not hinder you but a radical forward lean on your front foot certenly do!!! I use my Raichle 324 in maximum upright or almost max. But with more forward lean on back foot ( pos 3 or 4). I only weight 65 kg (guess thats about 150p) but with the BTS system with yellow spring it only worked in powder! I changed to blue springs and it was better, but not worth it for me so I sold it. If you like a really soft boot then they are good. So if you try your boot in walk mode and think its nice but perhaps just a little soft then go buy BTS. I think my Raichle actually are a bit soft and if you weigh 225 p I am surprised that you find your boot stiff!

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