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Tell me about these boots...


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I bought these boots (along with my board) from Bryan at OldSnowboards.com 3 or 4 years ago. I'm still grateful to Bryan for setting me up, and I've had countless great carving sessions in the gear ever since.

After all this time, I'm curious to know more about these boots. They're Raichle 324's. I'm guessing they must be at least 5 years old, probably more.

Just looking at them, they seem very similar in design to the current crop of Deeluxe boots...but I know how technology marches forward, so I'm wondering if "under the hood" these boots are ancient and wholly inferior to the current Deeluxe models?

More specifically, I'm wondering if there is any compelling reason to buy a new pair of boots? I've been perfectly happy with these (and my skills are nowhere near what these boots can allow me to do)...but I can't help wondering! :)

Here are some pics...






PS - Would these boots be compatible with Fin-Tec heels? I think so, because I bought some replacement "soles" for them a couple years ago, and they appear identical to Holly's Deeluxe Suzukas...

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Slightly different stiffnesses on the new boots, and much better buckles. Also the new boots come with thermomold liners, which are great.

The actual shell shape etc hasn't changed.

Okay, so the liners in these boots are not thermo-mold? (Then I guess putting them in the oven wouldn't do much good?)


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They do not look like any thermo liners that I am familiar with, also I don't believe that deeluxe/raichle had thermos as standard equipment at that time.

Putting the liners in the oven would probably result in nothing more than warm liners and melty vinyl.

Missed your PS, but yes they are (f)intec compatable.

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Those are not too far off from today's Track 225. Obviously the T225 has buckles, te flex is probably different in some small way, but no reason you can't keep using what you've got.

The Biggest difference in the line that goes from the old 224 -> 324 -> 423 -> LeMans -> Track 225? The liners, and the change from ratchet straps to buckles between LeMans and T225.

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I have an older pair of AF700's. The buckles have been replaced with metal ski buckles. They work a lot better than the old plastic ones. You could find some used, cheap ski boots and fit those right up with some better buckles and straps. New moldable liners would do wonders too. And as suggested, BTS or the Raichle spring system would be a lot better than those old style adjusters.

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Do they still fit?

If so, keep them. Changes in the Raichle / Deeluxe shells are more cosmetic. Some varieties in stiffness, some new buckles, but still the same boot. Never change a running system. Installing a BTS is an improvement but everything else is not really necessary.

Take your boots and go riding. You can have fun wit them over the next couple of years. Maybe you have the chance to get a really cheap pair of Raichle Boots via ebay as spare part supply.

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Thanks for the good comments all. Umm....BTS?...seems like I remember something about that acronym, but can't for the life of me remember what it refers to?

I'll head over to the BOL store...otherwise maybe someone can refresh my memory?


EDIT: Nevermind! Just found the BTS kit in the store!

EDIT: Umm...I weigh 220lbs...could someone recommend what springs to get? I'd probably rather have a bit more flex than less...but I'm not sure what the best approach is regarding heel vs. toe springs? (Both the same? Both different?) I'll use the "search" function too. :)

EDIT: Okay, I can see the benefit of having softer toe side springs and stiffer heel side springs...

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Umm...I weigh 220lbs...could someone recommend what springs to get? I'd probably rather have a bit more flex than less...but I'm not sure what the best approach is regarding heel vs. toe springs? (Both the same? Both different?) I'll use the "search" function too. :)

At your weight I'd suggest blue all the way around if you want more flex, or possibly some combination of blue and red. If you can afford the $35 for an extra set of springs, perhaps order the BTS with blue springs plus an extra set of red springs, start with the blue and start switching out with red if you feel anything is too soft. I bounce around between 180 and 195 and started with blues and yellows, eventually settled on all blues, and just ordered a set of long/front reds to try out.

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