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Mt Hood Meadow Reports 2008-2009

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Too bad we were pretty well wore out by that time. Hood River Meadows ended up the best run

of the day!! Just watch the cat track at the bottom, it has become a "Park" on skier's left.

Sounds good Jim, I am guessing the soarness will be over by then :biggthump

I think the lifties got an eye full of "Speed Boards". etc, etc yesterday :)

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Hey I am game to go tomorrow if someone joins me. Have to drop the kids at school so wont make it till 930am.

Skied today with my kids and it was nice and I didnt think it was too soft. It was alot like last tuesday and slow to soften....

Will give you a call tonight as just got home . We stayed last night in Welchs at the cabin.



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I was up there Friday and Saturday.

Friday was stupid gorgeous and warm: 65 degrees in the parking lot at 1:30 when we left for the day. It was also pretty much empty - I was up with my wife, and we had a lot of runs to ourselves. We did bump into an alpine crew: Mike Tinkler, Mike D (aka stop sign Mike), Randy, and a couple of guys I haven't met before.

Saturday wasn't quite as warm, and was a lot more crowded, but just as clear.

Two great days, but things are definitely getting pretty ridden out - time for some new snow.

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Another beautiful drive up. Groomers looked really good, however, they are ice with some tilled ice on top. Got scraped off pretty fast on main runs. Flat light till 11am, sun breaks, fun to be on the mountain. Probably won't be up till we get some new. Spotted two other alpine snowboarders. Bryan




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Videos for Peter. (so you can check out your carving) 5 total short clips.

No sound (from my point and shoot camera)

I will remove them in a few days. OK?

Nice riding with you! Bryan

<object width="660" height="525"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDPqvZN92f0&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x2b405b&color2=0x6b8ab6&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDPqvZN92f0&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x2b405b&color2=0x6b8ab6&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>

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I went on tuesday and had similiar conditions except perhaps better lighting as it was sunny from the start. It was pretty good groomed on top of a harder frozen ice base. Rode with a coworker on softies but saw stop-sign Mike , Randy, and Dan up there also on their carving gear. I had fun and will go again mon & tue this week. Pray for snow!!! Need POW prior to heading to the Wallowas on 2-3.....touring on ice = alot of drinking ...:freak3:

I promise to get a Tanker day in with Sandy when he comes . Cookout at Bryans ????


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Here is the basic plan for the trip: Arrive the 27th, ride at Baker on thursday, stevens pass on friday (day an night). Plan to be riding at MHM on sun-mon and depart on tuesday 4th. regretfully, I will not be bringing the tinkler sandman as I will have two prototype boards and 2 other tankers with me and airlines will kill me if I add the weight of another 200 to the bag. Looking forward to seeing you all.



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I went on tuesday and had similiar conditions except perhaps better lighting as it was sunny from the start. It was pretty good groomed on top of a harder frozen ice base. Rode with a coworker on softies but saw stop-sign Mike , Randy, and Dan up there also on their carving gear. I had fun and will go again mon & tue this week. Pray for snow!!! Need POW prior to heading to the Wallowas on 2-3.....touring on ice = alot of drinking ...:freak3:

I promise to get a Tanker day in with Sandy when he comes . Cookout at Bryans ????


Cool, lets hope for enough snow to re-fresh the groomers at least!!

I would be more than happy to host some sort of pot luck? Bachelor style?

You know, pizza, kfc chicken and lots of micro brews!!


PS, not much has changed here, however, I do have a BIG ASS HEATER!!

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Sounds like a plan Bryan. I willing to host also if you guys want to get drinks and late happy hour in portland? There are lots of places close by to me with awesome HH.

Sandy , if you want a free place stay you are welcome to crash in a extra room at my place in downtown pdx and/or use my place in Welchs up by the mountain. I still owe you for the suspension kit that you sent me.

I have 2-1 am, 2-2 and 2-3 off from work to ride before heading to the Wallowas (will be leaving 2-3 am to mhm and then on towards halfway oregon).

Hope for snow this week! Had some big flakes downtown today while on a waterfront run .


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Pretty cold today - 19 degrees in the parking lot at 8:45, but it was calm, even up on Vista ridge and Cascade, so pretty comfortable.

Visibility was good - there were some high clouds, but had no problems seeing the runs, and the clouds even opened up a few times to give us a bit of sunlight.

The snow surface is better than it's been- we've had about 3 inches of new now on top of the inversion ice, but it's still not great. There are lots of places where the new snow has been scraped down to blue ice, and there's still a fair number of spots where grass/dirt is showing through. Need a few more inches to cover things up and make a nice canvas for carving.

In other news, I found a rock with my Madd BX and am in mourning. Not a core shot, but a pretty long and deep scrape nonetheless. :(

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Sounds like a plan Bryan. I willing to host also if you guys want to get drinks and late happy hour in portland? There are lots of places close by to me with awesome HH. Jim

Probably a good idea. I would have trouble putting it all together? Frankly I am not sure I could make my place "Respectible" if you know what I mean :)

Sure would be nice to have a "Gathering" though. Sandy just provides a great reason to all get together.


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Looking forward to seeing you all and riding together. Bryan, I will give you a call as soon as I arrive in Portland.

Jim, thanks for the offer, staying with family, but looking forward to a few beverages and riding.



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Sunny, cold, moderate winds. Surprised to see a total of six alpine riders today including a gal!! That is pretty rare around MHM. Three out of the six were MIKE'S !!! Gets confusing on the radio :biggthump

Dan summed it up nicely in his last report, the couple inches of fresh snow definitely helped, yet the "LOUD" snow was not far away. Probably the best alpine carving day I have had this year overall. Face mask in order, yet the wind dropped off during the day and it was brisk but pleasant. "Stop Sign" Mike had a collision (sorry, I don't have any details) and buggered up his left shoulder. We all hope it is not serious Mike, please update us please. You can see him favoring it in one of the photos. Mr Tinkler was testing one of his latest configurations. I brought out the "Mt Rose" Tinkler 185cm and gave it a go. I had not ridden it in over a year. Fun and grippy!! however not as damp as the "Anton" 184cm. Fun day!! New snow on the way Wed/ Thursday they say , then clearing again. Bryan




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Sunny, cold, moderate winds. Surprised to see a total of six alpine riders today including a gal!! That is pretty rare around MHM.

Huh, over MLK weekend, a young woman (early 20s?) spotted my board in the lodge, said "Hey, nice to see someone on a carving board" and gave me a high-five. I talked to her briefly; I didn't get her name, but she said she was a former US Snowboard team alpine racer. Could that have been the woman you spotted? It would be pretty awesome to have a rider of that caliber tearing it up at Meadows on a regular basis - great advertisement for alpine.

"Stop Sign" Mike had a collision (sorry, I don't have any details) and buggered up his left shoulder. We all hope it is not serious Mike, please update us please.

Crap, sorry to hear that. Mike, I hope it wasn't anything serious.

I had a pretty close call last Sunday -- I was overtaking at the fork below HRM where you can either go left to Willow or right to HRM face, and got squeezed between two boarders' blind sides. One was goofy, one was regular...the first one was on the extreme right of the run and turned left (blind) to head to Willow, I steered left to get out of his way, and then a goofy rider came in blind from the left. !@#!! Panic braked, wound up on my s$$ with the board chattering away. Slightly sprained ankle and a sore Achilles -- I think I got off pretty lucky -- I know that can be a leg breaker. Somewhat to my surprise, both boarders apologized, and one even stopped.

Probably God telling me to look into armor, maybe I should listen to him this time.

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Dan, do you know Lisa K ?? She is local. The gal I mentioned is Mike H's wife. (In the pink, in above photo) She has been riding alpine for years, although I don't think she was on the World Cup. She was busy raising a family.

Mike D. was in good spirits, however in obvious pain. I was not with him at the time of the accident. As you know he is always in tip top shape, so hopefully he will be back soon.

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I am in portland now and will be here for today and then heading north to Baker/Stevens until friday night and then here again for Sat, Sun, Mon, and depart back to Japan on Tue. Looking forward to seeing all of you and riding at MHM this weekend. It is snowing very nicely in Portland right now.



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