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Cypress Diaries, 2008-09


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8 AM reach main parking lot, decide take Prior Metal 177 and found out base plate not install yet:angryfire Took another 10 min to swap.

Meet Rod "the softbooter" on the first run took the rainbow. Big mistake taking steep slope w/o warming up lap...skidd/scrape nice hard pack instead carving. Leg still use to Saturday's POW.

2nd run join in BlueB - 4807.178:confused: & Pierre - Swoard.165 and heading Collins the green & was a good decission.. Corduroy & free from "meat gate" . Awesome turn Pierre - Sword does :biggthump and tell ya BlueB doin "C" turn w/ 4807:eek: don't know where he's got the leg to carve that way for that long.

Moved to Rainbow after annoying:barf: speed control, another nice groomed spot, BlueB regroup to teach - moved to Eagle join in Tony/Cousin of Beagle with his "Brand" new set up AM Prior & UPZ. The Swoard make better & better turn. My set up was offset to far on tail cuzing jibs on nose and "Good bye" arm still sway too often. Stay in this side till 1PM till leg got vegie. Today will be perfect if the visibility was good.

On the last run met Sabrina;) from Europe in HB, will see her again next Sunday.

Paging: Mr. Dave*, Mr. Tele-bum :rolleyes:



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yo guys!

can you post a pic of the angle set up on your bindings with your board?

i know everyone will be different but is there a certain position you can start with?

should i just mount them so they don't touch the sidewalls/ put my board on my bed and stand on it the way you are on the hill and mont bindings the way you stand?:confused:

btw boris, when are you actually on the mtn/your days on cypress as instructor?

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Ah, good report Scooby! Now I don't have to do my write-up. Ah, well, maybe just little bit...

Yup, 4807 was result of Cypress website saying 27cm of fresh. That turned out to be yesterdays fresh, all chopped out and wettened by light drizzle during the night. Ah well, 4807 can carve well enough ;)

After we split, I didn't have the lesson to teach all the way til 11:30, so I tried my new softy setup: Elan Vertigo 168 and Nidecker Carbons 800, paired with my old leaky Burton Drivers. Only got to do one run as I got stuck on the Eagle chair when it stopped. Later I rode it a bit more. Nideckers don't seem to be any stiffer then my Switch X type bindings, except for the highbacks, which are really super stif and high. Maybe to the poit where it feels too stiff (read digging into my calves). Ealn is a bit better carver then 3800, with stiffer nose and more centered stance. When I steeped the angles a bit (to 30/12) late in the day it really railed nicely.

Afternoon wrapped up with a junior (12 and 6 old) level 2 lesson, and later another level 1 4 adults late lesson. Tired...


How did it go with your new 4wd ?


Yes you have to pre-arange the private h/b lesson. I teach Sundays only, 8:30 to 5:30.

Don't pick a powder day. Next Sunday should be perfect, though - 4 sunny days in row.

Why don't you come to my house one evening and we'll do propper setup of your new gear? Phone me.

Don't worry about pics of other people's angles for now.

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Sunday was the first carving day ever.

Amazed at what the Prior 4WD, F2 bindings, and UPZ boots can do. I think this carving stuff is a keeper.

I can hold an edge way better than my regular freestyle stuff, especially the heel edge! Plus little bumps don't affect the gear. The board just slices right through. Only been riding Panorama & Collins.

I started out with 35/25 degree angles for the first day. On Monday & Tuesday, I went 40/30 degrees. Also, I find the boots are most comfortable in the "walk mode." Tried the boots in the first "locked down" position, but I didn't like it (not used to it yet). The boot springs are on the softest settings.

Bindings are centered on the board (no Gilmour Bias).

Going up this afternoon for the 4th day!

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Speedtrials, was that you that I saw last night from the chairlift? On Colins run, doing more then full Cs, with an off-white jacket?

Roy started playing quite early. I joined him at about 7:30.

What tricky conditions! Very mixed - at some elevations super hard pack, then slush, then chalk/ice at some other places, even few rocks showing on the Rainbow...

I brought my trusty Vampire, and new (to me) Donek Vlad. I thought it would be quite a beast to ride, as it is only 17.5 at the waist and stiffest of my boards. Well, it was certainly

too stiff to EC on steeps - ended up with few long belly-slides ;) I was reallypleasantly

surprised that I could bend it even on a green run with reasonable speed. Nicest part was

the edge hold - gargantuan! Less pleasnat was the tendency to lock in the turns to the point of no return, at least on narrower runs. Or, maybe it's just the fact that I'm not used to riding narrow boards? It has slightly less rebound the one would expect from such a stiff

board, but still plenty. Imune to chatter. However the gratest surprise was more edge hold

then the Virus?!? Then I remembered - I got this thing with super sharp edges, while Virus

is way overdue for a real edge tune-up. Simple proof that no fancy technology is the

replacement for simple proven things, like sharp edges for example...

Vampire felt almost wobly after the stifness of the Vlad. I tokk me a run or 2 to remember

that I should ride it differently.

Run of the day: Midway - empty, hard pack for the most p[art, wide and mid-pitched.

Rainbow was another story - very humbling experience. Very chalked up, some rocks showing through the steepest part. Couldn't hold it together right through it... Back to lesser pitches. We'll leave the Rainbow for the hero snow...

I might ride again tomorrow night.

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Yup that was me! Stayed on Collins most of the evening. I'm just starting out. The icy parts at the top were good for improving my technique....cause as soon as I got sloppy I was sliding out. No new snow till next Tuesday :( I dunno if I can wait that long....might get back out there for another night sooner.

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Looked pretty good man! You impressed me with abillity to do more then 180 carved turn on flat run at low speed. That Alp (?) must be quite flexy to alow you doing that.

Look for Dave (orange helmet), Pierre (Sword), Roy (grey/orange/white jacket) and myself (instructor's jacket) on Sunday morning.

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Took my 26 mnts old son for his first ski outing!

He was most impressed with the magic carpet (techno freak) and was able to load / offload by himself pretty much right away. After few runs with dad holding his legs in right position (for muscle memory), he was able to straight line it on its own! Normaly no turning and stoping is possible at that age, we'll see - he might be the 1st one... He lasted for 1.5 hr, more then I thought.

Proud dad!

Conditions: Sunny, over 10 C by noon, softened snow.

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Left my baby son for baby sitting with a friend of ours, and I took her son and hubby for day-long private ski leson. Another frine with kids joined in.

We found Roy and Pierre in the mountain, but did not ride with them much...

I had few spins on Virus in the morning and later in the afternoon. However, I stayed on the skis for the most of the day, for obvious reasons. All the kids did great progress - little ones were able to nagotiate all black runs with their newly aquired abillity to finish the turns across the hill. Bigger kid was carving it clean after few runs - shallow and mild, but still carving! Love teaching kids - they are like sponges...

Loved my new Metron 10s, great skis. They railed like the train, even better then 9s I tried last year. I got a bit rusty on non-carved turns, moguls and stuff, but my ski carving seems to be better then ever. However, the snow was really easy to rail on.

Crowds got quite big from 10:30, but less then one would expect on a bright sunny Saturday. Even the junior ski race on the go didn't make the things much worse.

Conditions: Sunny, wery warm. Nice firm snow (not frozen) in the morning. Got soft pretty quickly. Slushy/bumpy by the afternoon. Slush was of some "dry" type, funny enough. Like snowboarding on the sand?!

Teaching/riding tomorrow, again.

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Similar conditions as yesterady, but frozen in the morning, wetter slush later and bigger crowd... Very hot wind blowing at higher elevations. Cooler lower down. We need more snow - pronto.

Didn't teach for first 2 hours, Virus on my feet, found Roy and hit the Midway first. Ouch, frozen and poor grooming. We switched to Panorama/PGS/Fork pretty quickly. PGS turned out to have almost hero conditions. Went crazy with EC for a while. Shin bang I've earned last weekend still bothers me, even worse now. I might need to switch to softies only for few weeks, or just change the h/boots to a different pair...

Checked in for lessons at 10:30, still nothing, switched to soft boots and carried on with Roy for another 1/2 hour. Elan Vertigo with Nideckers really carves well. I'm very pleased with that board, might turn out to be a great all-rounder - not as beasty stiff as Volkl Cross or Steepwater, not as large as Tanker, just a great nimble carver.

11:00 brought a private 2hr lesson. Funny enough it was a girl born in the same country as me - we practiced the "old" language a bit... I dont have the right snowboarding vocabulary other then English... That was a funny lesson - she tought herself to sideslip and do the falling leaf pretty effectivelly, so it was up to me to get her turning. Toe to heel turn she nailed right away, however the heel to toe was another story... To scared of the fall line, she would always lean back (on a way too short board), or just change her mind half way through the turn and leaf fall again. When I finally got her to turn toe side, she did a full 360! Now I couldn't get her out of that habit?! Final brake-through came when I got her to finish the turn and just stop face uphill...

Now, funniest part is that at the beggining she crashed into me an probably clipped my ankle-strap buckle off. I noticed it waS missing only at the top of Colins - loooong green run. Just had to put up with that through the lesson. I kinda understen now what No-board riding might be like... Still, it was a good leson.

Reported back to the supervisor that I could either quit for the day (no spare buckles around), or put the plates on the wide board and ride the softy angles in h/boots. So it turned that I had my first begginer lesson on hard boots, in 2 years...:D

Kid who showed up for 2hrs private was full of energy, but bad listener. I had to "kill" his skateboarding habbits first, but it went better after that. Sketchy side slipping and falling leaf, good heel turn, no toe turns... Sure enough, when we passed by the park, he wanted to go right in and try a jump!?! I said no, and showed him a nice little bank/mogul type of thing just next to the park and asked him to hit that ;) He steered around it :D

Both clients will come back for more privates with me - best compliment an instructor can have.

Still did 2 runs on Eln with flat angle h/boots. It carved well like that too.

Crazy traffic jam on the way back home...

Next ride, hopefully, Tuesday night.

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Boris, that traffic jam was because there was a fire at the patullo bridge, and it will be closed for 4 to 6 weeks:eek:

On a side note, I have put one of my team boards up for sale. Vancouver guys have a 24 hour window. If anyone's interested, we can make a deal in CDN$.

if you wanna call me my area code is the one that starts with 6-807-1369.



Dave R.

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Kinda narrow for me... I've got a crazy narrow Donek and I struggle to decide if it's a keeper or not.

You better come ride with us a bit before you sold out all your boards ;)

hi Boris

i thought i would post here to let you know that i left a carving dvd for you with RUWI on the weekend. there's some footage of some guy doing a eurocarve heelside (i think his name was chris appleton.) since you are pretty good at manipulating video files maybe you can send that particular footage to caspercarver as i recall he was asking some questions about pulling out of the heelside earlier to even out his toeside that might be answered by his seeing that footage.

i better go over to DaveR's thread and grab that team issue factory prime before somelse does!

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Ola Amigos,

Got the DVD, will watch tonight and make some copies for you guys. Sorry for not joining you guys at Cypress lately. Been busy teaching Saturdays at Grouse and enjoying my early rides on Sundays, cheaper that way. For sure I will hook up with you sometime.

Sunday report at Grouse:

First hour as we took the Gondola ,operator announced it's already +15 deg C. at mountain top. It was a nice carving day but have to bail out by 1130 Hrs as the crowd is unbearable.


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