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Well, my hours just got cut at work. I'm only going in 2 days next week. They are letting me keep my full-time status and allowing me to keep my health insurance for the time being but if this continues I'm not sure that will stand. I'm trying to figure out how to get some extra income. One co-worker told me of a "seudo" unemployment program that allows me to enroll and recieve partial un-employment checks to make up for the hours I've been docked? I've never heard of anything like that. Other than that I have 2 options. Option 1: Get another job, start at the bottom of the totempole yet again, lose the awesome $10 co-pay health insurance I have, OR... Option 2: Pick up a part-time job. Down side to this is it would more than likely be outside my career and I'd be working with a bunch of teenagers. Not to mention working for the local newspaper for 6 years I know a lot of people in the community. Imagine, "Hey, aren't you a photographer for the paper? Why yes, would you like to super size that?"

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you could like a new learning experince.I have had to practice a new level of humility while learning new trades the last six months after closing a business and being directly affected in winter by by the increasingly hard effort required to gather up instruction clients that can afford to return often.So,I started working at a gold mine stacking rocks and immediately set to cleaning up the dilapidated and dirty rock plant and treating the lowest job at the mine like it mattered.Well the job may not matter but my effort did and I then was brought up to help the millwrights as a gofer/helper etc.After my efforts with that I was taught to weld and drive a front loader,dozer,moxy trucks etc(no expert yet of course) .After all that and getting us all certified by MSHA the mine operator who had been making ill advised investments with the results of our labor ran out of operating capital.

So I started working for a bike riding buddy who is a master carpenter and was always bitching that good help was hard to find.I told him I would get more done than any three teenagers if he paid me a reasonable wage and he finally relented.So, I have had to take orders from a friend who has become my employer.But you know what? It's pretty cool as long as I remember I am not identified in my own mind only by whether or not I am in control of my destiny.Obviuosly I am not;but I am in control of how hard I work when given an opportunity.It can be good.Hope all goes well whatever happens.

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So, I have had to take orders from a friend who has become my employer.But you know what? It's pretty cool as long as I remember I am not identified in my own mind only by whether or not I am in control of my destiny.

Interesting times no doubt. I had to ( or did - don't know if it was as much had to as he needed the help) take a job with a good friend who had a cabinet shop a while back.

He had more experienced guys in there, but I wasn't just putting in time and actually cared almost as much about the final product as he did.

It worked out great. He still pimps me to come back to work there once in a while. Who knows, I should give him a call in case things keep slowing down.

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I should give him a call in case things keep slowing down.

I'd definately start thinking now. The papers get hit first as we depend on money coming in through advertizements from other businesses. With everybody tightening their belts the ad in the local paper gets yanked pretty quick leaving us pretty bare. We've reduced the size of our papers nearly 50%. Not all ad space, but publishing decisions have been made to make the paper smaller due to lack of funds. There goes highschool football coverage!

But, Dayton wasn't doing so hot even before, GM pulling one of there 2 plants out of the area and Chrysler selling thier Acustar Plant to Behr were only 2 major factors from past years that have slammed into our little city.

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