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Sweet Dude!! Where's the photos!!!

We need photos/video!!!

Signed Jealous Gimp!!

I want to see MD doing his thing on the Skwal!!

Amazing weekend at the basin!! Tons of sun, snow, and talent. There is some footage floating around... but none from me. I have a rather one track mind once I get on a lift.

Sorry we missed you Lee. We were making laps on the top... 7 HBers on the hill today.

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Lee, sorry I missed you. I had a blast. I am so honored to be counted as a hardbooter!

Yes, I darted down the terrain park and got caught on Lenawee, riding with these two guys who were playing hooky from a convention. Sorry, Thor. I only lasted a few more runs.

I'll get back to the Basin before it closed.

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I've got to know. I know there are still, for lack of a better word, "skiable" slopes in the US this time of year, but are the conditions "ripe" for carving? I've been on the water catchin' da wind for over a month now, and I'm going tomorrow without a wetsuit. I don't live in the south and the water temp is around 65 degrees, but air temps are summer like. (I don't plan on spending that much time in the water) I know what spring conditions are like around here, I'm just curious as I've never been out west this time of year... is it just hardcore boarders making good of what they have, or is it worth the bank to get out there and have an epic day?

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Guest shrederjen
I've got to know. I know there are still, for lack of a better word, "skiable" slopes in the US this time of year, but are the conditions "ripe" for carving? is it just hardcore boarders making good of what they have, or is it worth the bank to get out there and have an epic day?

I hacked your quote down to the bottom line.......

I hit up the Basin almost every spring. Yes, like one week ago (May 10), you can have a fabulous 6 inch (light snow) powder day and then an epic carving day (May 11) the next. Last Sunday, the groom was on................ And we found it!

This weekend, was a little different. The temps were warmer, and so the conditions were, of course, different. To get the groom, you have to be out early. There is a window of time, where conditions are very good. The rest of the day is all about riding with friends, and having that grin on your face.

So yes, you might hit that epic day, if your lucky, but the bottom line is, you are out there on the snow ripping it up with your buddies.... :D

A few pics from this weekend. Sorry, no riding pics. There might be a few out there that Lowell took on Sunday. Saturday, we all pretty much rode until our legs were rubber. Cindy, was fun meeting you! Lowell, always a pleasure to chase you down a hill. Lee, sorry we didn't hook up. Dennis, you are looking better on that board! Monodude, we saw you on the 2nd chair up!!! Thor and Kev, see you in 3 weeks for closing, rain, snow, fog, or sunshine!!! Thanks, guys!

A few pics from this past weekend.

First one, Monodude, Jen, and Thor on an early chair....

Second and third one, swapping boards back, Kev, Lowell, Thor, and Cindy.

Lowell was gracious enough to let me have a go on that Virus Scalpel.

It was fun in da crud.... :) But, I still LUV my Madd!




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Cool pix, Jen. You so need a tie dye to go with that lei! So where are the topless pix?

YES, spring riding is worth it, esp this year! I've never been able to ride the basin in late May without boardwalks leading to the lift and having to uplift to the upper ones. It's been a truly epic season, the kind you tell your grandkids about. And all that water is needed for the watershed and to keep those golfcourses green in Vegas.

The Basin ROCKS!

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...is it just hardcore boarders making good of what they have, or is it worth the bank to get out there and have an epic day?
It depends, P-Dad. You'll likely see more consistent conditions during the winter, and if you book only a single trip, winter might be best. But for warm-weather celebrations, for backcountry treks, and to further hone your skills by being required to ride a wider variety of snow conditions, a spring trip is certainly worth considering (better still if you can combine it with a business trip to Denver/Front Range to help offset cost.)

During the spring, you'll likely ride a wide variety of snow conditions, from chalky, cold, midwinter cord, to slush and mashed potatoes, to thawed-and-refrozen cord and reef. And powder. Here's some footage of Darren Ratcliffe riding a powder stash last Thursday, May 15 (WillyWhit, you should be able to get embed code from this player):

<embed src="http://blip.tv/play/AbikOQA" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="510" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>

As several have indicated, the conditions this season have been outstanding. Worth a trip, IMHO.



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Big thanks to Kevin, TVR, Dennis, and ShredderJen for letting me tag along last Sunday. Here's some footage of the session (2X click for full-screen). Hope you like it.

<center> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://blip.tv/scripts/pokkariPlayer.js?ver=2008010901"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://blip.tv/syndication/write_player?skin=js&posts_id=937625&source=3&autoplay=true&file_type=flv&player_width=&player_height="></script> <div id="blip_movie_content_937625"> <a rel="enclosure" href="http://blip.tv/file/get/Snowfun4you-ABasinCarveSession589.wmv" onclick="play_blip_movie_937625(); return false;"><img title="Click to play" alt="Video thumbnail. Click to play" src="http://blip.tv/file/get/Snowfun4you-ABasinCarveSession589.wmv.jpg" border="0" title="Click To Play" /></a> <br /> <a rel="enclosure" href="http://blip.tv/file/get/Snowfun4you-ABasinCarveSession589.wmv" onclick="play_blip_movie_937625(); return false;">Click To Play</a> </div> </center>

Thanks again; I'm looking forward to next time.


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I thought I was the only one retarded enough to use dial-up. I'm set up with passes for closing day. Yee HAW! Who's gonna be there?

There are a few disadvantages to living in the boonies... no high speed internet options being one.

Yes it's time to start talking closing day at the basin!

I posted to the CO ride board HERE for closing day activities.

Who's showing up????

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so I guess I'll answer my own question in case anybuddy else is looking to link to these sweet videos.

Is snowfun4you Jeff Patterson ? Haven't heard that name in a long time.


here's my first crappy vid on blip.tv



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Guest shrederjen

Super Fun Vids, B2....

Thanks a bunch!

I can not say how much I had fun riding the past two weekends.

Now, I have to make some bead money for next season's play days!

I WILL be back for closing.....


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you guys know Jeff and Spike ? I rode with them years ago when I lived out there.




I just realized that Jeff passed away recently.


I'll never forget the day I asked him if he knew Lowell (Vail winter of '98 ?) and his eyes lit up...."of course I know Lowell !" , Jeff said.

that's so sad. Jeff was a really great guy.:(



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