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Two Coiler AM 172/12, one is titanal

Mike T

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I've got a pair of Coiler AM 172's for sale. Both have identical shape: 172 cm length, 12 m sidecut radius, 21.5 cm waist. The taper is either 2 mm or 3 mm on both, not sure.

White topsheet - titanal - on left:

Stiffness = 7.7

No base grinds

Edges = 3/1

couple of pebble dings, see pic for the worst of it


Orange topsheet - standard construction - on right:

Stiffness = 7.6

Some early season edge and base dings,

got a base grind and edge tune one the snow got deep from Race Place (http://www.the-raceplace.com/about.htm) - the only shop in Oregon I trust with my boards. Note the structure, visible in the pic - it's very nice!


Topsheets (Titanal on left):


Bases (Titanal on left):


Worst of damage on Titanal board:


Shipping from Bend, OR 97702.

Reason for selling: New AM-T 176 :)

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Hey Mike, I've got a riding buddy here in Portland who just started riding plates this season. You met him when you were riding slalom on Shooting Star earlier this season. He's riding my loaner board now, and in the market for something of his own. I'll let him know about your AM/non-T; I think it would be an awesome ride for him.

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For $325.00, the orange Coiler (A.K.A. Charlie Brown) is a sweet deal. I go back with Charlie, he was very good to me. Whoever buys Charlie is responsible for yearly updates, make sure he is happy, showing kindness, and taking the time to truly give him the care and attention that he so greatly deservers. I will miss you charlie:(

Mike, let me know when he sells and we can have a going away party. Give him a proper farewell:biggthump

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crucible - email sent.

Just so everyone knows, I had multiple offers on the Titanal deck, and some of the offers were made via email rather than by posting on thsi thread. The sale is now complete. Enjoy the deck, nekdut! I apologize if there was any confusion with "who was first" - next time I sell gear I will explicitly state that "in case of multiple interested parties, first email offering asking price wins".

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RDY, check the last line of my initial post. I've got a new 176 AM-T. Much like the white one was last year, it was a late-season test board from Bruce. It incorporates all the tweaks Bruce has been doing over the course the '08 season and possibly a few things he hadn't tried yet. If I recall yours has the decambered nose as well, so other than the length being different, the new 176 just might be more similar to your board than the two for sale in this thread!

The newer one has a different feel on turn initiation; it requires a little less effort than the white deck to crank on hardpack, and is a little less prone to digging in on slush-over-groomed than both of them. It's also a little softer-feeling overall (the new one was made for 10 pounds less than my weight, actually) and felt a little better off-piste. So it was a no-brainer to let the old ones go, which funds the purchase of the new one.

The NSR is "that good" but it's not a board for days when I don't have my "A" game. This 176 works really well on days when I only bring my "B" game. That tends to happen to me more and more as the season draws to an end.

Or to put it another way, I am a total board whore :eplus2:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mike T's Charlie Brown showed up at the Post Office in Vancouver today.

The letter carrier had a big ass grin on his face when he delivered the pick-up notice, he said it was the biggest box in his truck that day! Mike did a great job padding and boxing this board, even better than what a snowboard manufacturer would do in delivering a board to a shop. Even the post office folks said so; they commented on how absolutely well packed the board was when I tore it open at their feet.

I've already mounted my Catek OS2's on Charlie Brown and scraped off the storage wax that Mike was kind enough to lather on the base.

I'll be taking it for a hike up Cypress tomorrow morning and over the weekend- if it slides the way I think it's gonna slide, I might be ripping into the piggy bank and booking a trip to Las Lenas Argentina this July...

Thanks for the seamless transaction Mike T. - you rock!


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